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Everything posted by TheKurgan

  1. LOL! ok so it is cheating... I only used the shildnir thingy majigger... Thanks, I used hyperedit, changed the meanAnomalyAtEpoch manually until Earth was aprox 180 degrees away from kerbin... then I copied that value in the Earth.cfg file, and it worked perfectly. The cheaty SSTO: WARNING!! long and boring... pretty ship though.
  2. Hello all, I created my own version of earth a while back, and I want it to have an orbit that takes 365.256 days. This would put it in nearly the exact same orbit as Kerbin in JNSQ. Is there a way I can put it in the same orbit, but say on the opposite side of the sun?
  3. Did I read correctly, and an SSTO is not possible without cheating while using this mod\planet pack? I just did it effortlessly with OPT and Deepsky/Thortech... which may be considered cheating lol Are we talking using only stock parts?
  4. Here is the working config, I'll post it in the Simple Construction thread too.
  5. It works! Awesome! I'll re-paste the config once I get the name fields working right.
  6. @Snark Can this mod be used to switch resources other than LF and Oxidizer? Like Ore to Metal and Rocket parts. Shouldn't this work? Thanks in advance. Cheers
  7. Just installed this! First time I have seen it!! Had my first failure to reach orbit!! AWESOME!! Game on Well first failure to reach orbit with this mod... I have failed before lol
  8. I have tried many times, with very limited success... so no, not really
  9. Hello, What is BlendshapeModelLoader and TexturesUnlimitedFX, I have not seen those in previous releases... and the lines on the runway GLOW white. I'll remove then and reload.
  10. Actual laser weapons will not damage the buildings unfortunately, and with my re-config of the rail gun in KTech, (added bullet drop, and shell velocity decrease) It's very unlikely you'll actually be able to hit the KSC.... IF you did hit the KSC, it will destroy the buildings though
  11. I have tried so many times to compile it, and it will not work for me... I have compiled dozens of other mods, but can't get yours. I'm still a Visual Studio newb though
  12. Yeah, I got my friend who created the model to rotate it for me Thanks
  13. I'm going to take the lack of a response as "No" Ah well...
  14. Awesome!! Thanks again for keeping this updated!
  15. I have been trying for the last little while to add a command module to my Rail gun turret in KTech.... problem is turrets are Z forward, so the default control direction/point is pointing up at the sky. With my config shown below, I can manually set the control point to forward either in the SPH, or in the flight scene, but the default control direction for the part points upwards. MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.03 } hasHibernation = True defaultControlPointDisplayName = Default CONTROLPOINT { name = forward displayName = Forward orientation = 90,0,0 } } My question is, is there a way to set the default control point for the part to what I have in there as "forward"?
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