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Everything posted by Demeter

  1. Great idea! I am looking forward to get it. My 330+ GW transmitter will benefit from it for sure.
  2. Wow! How much time does it take to refuel in place? e.g. do you manage to generate Nitrogen faster then burn it? How do you compose your craft? BTW is there any example of ISRU-Extraction base?
  3. Thanks for a great mod. It is so confusing that brings a lot of fun into the game. One of the items is all these propellant types - I read *.cfg and understood nothing. I had to extract part of C# codebase today and run it against Closed Cycle Gas Core Engine Mk1 to understand how it will work in space Here are the results, I might have missed something but more-or-less it matches in game observations of Thrust and ISP I get. Fuel ISP Mult Thr Mult ISP Thrust ISP*Thr Decomposition LqdHydrogen 1 1 1865.34 251.47 469077 Diborane 0.763 1 1423.25 329.58 469074 LqdHelium 0.79 1 1473.62 318.31 469068 LqdMethane 0.761819 2.652031 1421.05 875.4 1243987 Y Hydrazine 0.744 1.403 1387.81 474.2 658099 LiquidFuel 0.7 1 1305.74 359.24 469074 Lithium 0.577 1 1076.3 435.82 469073 LqdAmmonia 0.6303 1.416 1175.72 564.93 664199 Hydrolox 0.6289 2 1173.11 799.7 938136 Methalox 0.538008 2.152031 1003.57 1005.86 1009451 Y LFO 0.417 1.4 777.85 844.25 656699 Kerosene 0.417188 2.40601 778.2 1450.25 1128585 Y Water 0.471412 1.914378 879.34 1021.19 897973 Y LqdCO2 0.4085 1.2071 761.99 743.07 566211 LqdCO 0.3273 1 610.53 768.3 469070 LqdNitrogen 0.3273 1 610.53 768.3 469070 Argon 0.22222 1 414.52 1131.6 469070 XenonGas 0.1234 1 230.18 2037.84 469070 This table shows that there is nothing better then LqdMethane for ClosedCycle Thermal Nozzle. (about same for Nuclear Jets). Is it what is expected by Interstellars authors? Am I alone who thinks that thrust/ISP mechanics overcompilcated?
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