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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Er, why is KSP installed on dropbox? If there's any interrupt in fetching files it could explain why you're having issues, I suggest you copy KSP to a local folder and try again. Plus your second link is broken.
  2. Like I said, Dropbox.com, or another file site like Mediafire.com, or any number of others, such as Google drive. You can also open these files and copy their contents to a paste site like Pastebin.com or Hastebin.com Pictures of your taskmanager can go on an image host like Imgur.com All these can be found via an internet search. Once you have put the files on these sites you can copy their address and post them here. All you have given us so far is a symptom and extremely basic hardware info, stuff like how much hard drive space you have really doesn't help, sorry. The logs and dxdiag report can show what KSP was doing before the crash and what drivers you have for your hardware. With those we have a chance to figure out what what is causing your issue and may be able to make a suggestion as to how you can prevent it. But also, KSP is on 1.0.5 now, so you really should just update.
  3. I think this is more appropriate for the Space Lounge than the Science labs. You will have to check your warranty, but usually no, only manufacturing faults are covered and user damage requires insurance.
  4. Jaffa Cookie, this isn't a known issue with a simple fix, sorry, KSP should not be crashing in the VAB or SPH even after an hour of building so crashing after 30 seconds indicates that something is wrong either with your install or your computer. We need your output_log.txt, it is in the KSP_Data folder and it is overwritten on each game start, so you need to reproduce this issue then grab the file. We also need your dxdiag hardware report, you can run dxdiag from the start menu and save the info as a text file. We may also need the list of processes running on your system, you can get this by screenshotting your task manager. Images can go on imgur.com, files on dropbox or just text on hastebin.com Without those we'd only be guessing.
  5. Other programs still sit in memory though and some can actually cause instability in KSP, such as any program that hooks into memory to monitor the activity of other programs, the most recent example is PrecisionX, a graphics card monitoring and tweak application. Blaze has memory hooks loaded, I know this because a hook module was in your taskmanagers process list, and this list is written to your log when KSP crashes like this, which is why I specifically mentioned Blaze, here it is. I have not come across Blaze before so I don't know yet if it is a problem or not, but it is a suspect, so if you continue to have this issue I suggest you shut down Blaze fully, and possibly other programs as well which you don't need running.
  6. Added to the known issues list, this will require work at the developer level but we'll have to use Claws fix for the time being.
  7. This poses a philosophical conundrum, if a feature doesn't exist on a part, can it really be broken?
  8. Just having addons loaded will change how KSP works, I am sorry but I cannot rule out the station science addon breaking the contracts unless this issue can be reproduced with station science removed and a new savegame.
  9. Nope, not seeing this at all, and if I recall correctly this was caused by an addon. Also this should be in Support, though I'll assume no addons for now. Are you seeing anything in your logs when you use the jetpack? What about regular RCS?
  10. Hi Wolfwood, the log doesn't say what caused the crash, did this happen once or is it repeating? Also, are you overclocking in any way? You look to have a lot of processes running at the same time as KSP, such as BlazeVideo, so please try shutting down other programs you aren't using while playing KSP.
  11. You really didn't notice this from 1.0.0 ? I feel this should be in GamePlay Questions, it's not really a useful PSA if it's 5 versions out of date...
  12. I don't know actually, the KSP.log says it is Windows only, if anyone does find a way to force it that'd be good to know.
  13. Hi Billygoat_J. Contracts that were accepted in a 1.0.4 save can fail to complete in 1.0.5 as the way contracts are tracked has been changed, there was also a small update to 1.0.5 (your buildID.txt will say you have 1028 if you are on the latest version) which fixed a few career contract issues. So make sure you're up to date, and you may have to complete this contract via the debug screen (alt+F12), but later contracts will work fine.
  14. Yep, what LGG said, please see this thread, as this shouldn't be happening and other players can leave KSP running for ages with no issue, so something is causing it on your install.
  15. Yep they have had mass and drag since 1.0.0, and this used to be fixed regardless of length, but there were some improvements for 1.0.5 and they should have variable drag cubes and mass values now.
  16. Yep, the fixed radiators will cool the part they are attached to and every part attached to that, including its parent. Also, and no one seems to have noticed yet, but struts will conduct heat now...
  17. Oh excellent SHaFT7, I'm glad you got it working, hopefully this info will help others as well.
  18. Also, if you modified your hosts file, you will need to remove the entry for the Squad site, if you don't know what this means don't worry
  19. Then it's a modded issue, please check the CRP thread for known issues or try in Modded support
  20. Sorry I can't actually help, I've never heard of this before and I only have one touchpad to test, a Logitech wireless pad that has two-finger scrolling and it's working fine. Pinch-zoom is a gesture, maybe you have gestures enabled either via the mouse driver or the operating system, you'd have to google for how to disable this however. If that doesn't help then all I can think of is using a mouse...
  21. Decrease throttle is bound to the control key by default so (unless you changed it) the trackpad may be sending the "control" key to KSP, or if you have a stick set up then the trackpad is acting like a sticks 3rd axis, so I'd check for a joystick mode in the trackpads options. Another thing to try is checking the laptop vendors website for newer drivers, as laptops are usually loaded with old drivers because it's cheaper to have one hard drive image and reuse it for years.
  22. Well, the Squad site and the store page are up, so there is nothing wrong on Squads end. Please try... Clearing your browser cache. Clearing the DNS cache. Using another browser. If another browser works, refresh Firefox. If not, update your antivirus and do a scan. Check your firewall settings. Check your internet, including the Glasnost test to see if your ISP is blocking you, you may have other issues you don't know about yet. Most likely it's just Firefox though.
  23. Hi razanon, you may be better off using Lilleman's tool to convert all your textures (except flags, they have to be PNG) to dds. All the KSP textures (except flags) are already dds, so this is only needed for the textures for your addons. Also, you can reduce the memory needed by a large margin by just lowering the texture quality in the settings screen.
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