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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Jeeze, spaceport was a wordpress hackjob, literally built on wordpress by amateurs who promised a great site but delivered an unmaintainable mess that happened to have a pretty front page, it was impossible to moderate (I know this as I was one of many trying to moderate it, you literally logged into a wordpress portal) and it desperately needed moderation as it was wide open to abuse which happened daily, and you couldn't even delete old submissions, all changes and additions just made a new entry, they didn't replace an old one, it was micro-blogging software masquerading as an addon sharing site. Most of the community here and elsewhere was asking for it to be put out of its misery. But this isn't a spaceport rant thread either. We have options, options are good and more options are better!
  2. Yep, love being able to make a script or shortcut change directory for me on Linux
  3. Moving to gameplay questions, it's not really a support issue, just hold down the modifier key when the debug screen is open, add sci points and buy the nodes. Or start a new game and use the sliders to increase your starting sci points.
  4. Anti-aliasing needs to be on as well.
  5. Well, ckan sometimes fails to install things correctly, there was an issue yesterday in irc where an addon installed via ckan was causing issues, a member was unable to load their save due to a few parts not being found, plus there have been issues with ckan FAR installs introducing bugs. So having other options for addon download and install can only be a good thing. Though we do have TinkerTime, which looks quite nice.
  6. Hi Lokotor, this may be the stock issue where a missing or unreachable Physics.cfg causes KSP to replace it with incorrect internal values. Please try the Physics.cfg from this post, replacing the one you currently have in your KSP 1.0.4 folder, and try starting KSP with the KSP.exe directly.
  7. Indeed. The user below me has considered many topics deeply, but tends to keep their conclusions to themself.
  8. Yes it's likely a Firefox setting or a plugin, you can reset Firefox without losing your bookmarks with this guide.
  9. Please test another browser ebigunso.
  10. Well that's strange, it's showing all the built-in BB code and the ones we added, but not tables, and you can't edit the built-in codes. Why would tables be special and what else is missing?
  11. Maybe, though we may end up with tags no one uses, or a situation where people want multiple tags which vBulletin doesn't seem to be capable of. If someone can come up with a short list of tags that enough people agree on then it could be done.
  12. Done, and you can use a higher quality image if you want, the forum software will scale it down.
  13. Star Wolves 2, I had high hopes because the first game was so good, and while there might be a good game there it's unfinished and unplayable, even with the patch (and no English patch at all). Leaving title as it is as it's more appropriate and funny.
  14. If you remove the Physics.cfg KSP replaces it with a broken copy, you can find a link to the 1.0.4 Physics.cfg [here]. You can also have issues if you start KSP via a shortcut on the desktop, as KSP can look on the desktop for the Physics.cfg, fail to find it and run with incorrect values.
  15. I hope this is not a fluke and what you did works for others, I don't see how it worked at all though :/
  16. Sorry no, we are not having this for a third time. Your previous closed thread. Thread closed.
  17. Alright, you're on angle snap mode, they should sit flush in fine placement mode, press C to toggle.
  18. Hi antifaxer, try pressing R to change from radial to mirror mode
  19. Oh wait, you wanted WW2 biplanes? Were there any WW2 combat biplanes? I know there were trainers but they didn't have guns. Oh well never mind, I guess I'll get minced
  20. Maybe that's it, I've only seen two reports of this flickering so far, yours and one other but with the recent release of Windows 10 I expect more, and multi-screen setups are not uncommon, I'll have to check if the other guy has two screens as well, he didn't say. You say the flicker was still gone after re-enabling the second screen, but what about a reboot of the PC? Could you test that and see if the flicker returns.
  21. Do you have any other Unity games you can test -force-opengl with? If this does affect other games made with Unity there may be a driver update that addresses this sooner, though most Windows Unity games just use DirectX by default as that is the Unity default, -force-opengl is there for testing but it's not used as a matter of course. Players are only using it with KSP due to it using a bit less Ram, though the change to .dds textures with 1.0 has helped with that. Did you try -popupwindow with -force-opengl ? It'd be useful to know if it works, though you may have to hide your taskbar, and it's also worth testing -force-d3d11 Unfortunately there's no support in Unity for DirectX12 yet, though I expect that to change, that may also be why players are having this issue, and installing the DirectX 9 redistributable might solve it, or it might cabbage your PC, so I can't recommend you try this yourself, though apparently you can re-install Windows 10 to the same PC with no issues.
  22. Glad it's working for you now, if you do get any more trouble let us know, we'll try to help
  23. Lets not have any unfounded remarks directed against any nations people, thank you.
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