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Everything posted by Elven_sword

  1. I\'ve landed my Component Space Shuttle right near the launchpad. With no rudder, one wing, two engines, and no control surfaces. I lost my nosecone from crashing into the pad.
  3. Thought that the Titan GLV was an SSTO. I\'ve been launching it with 2 1.75m medium NP tanks and a Dual Bertha, it\'s gotten me into Munar orbit. Next step? Land it, because fuck historical accuracy.
  4. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Stowaway Elven_sword
  5. Not putting things in 'shorthand' will get you a long way here. Anyway, it\'s a nice launch vehicle, very spartan. What\'s the Apoapsis and Periapsis of your orbit? Good luck on your Kerbal 2 as well! Also, about the name... It\'s like calling an IRL rocket 'Human 1.'
  6. When I zoomed in too far today, I found out that the inside of the cargo bay is textured. This bodes well.
  7. Well, now there\'s a more elegant solution than custom parachutes. Can\'t wait for the update! @Lunniy: Craft file for that beautiful thing?
  8. I love the idea of the KSC tricking visitors into being astronauts when they get into elevators, because no one except Bill, Jeb and Bob do it willingly! Brilliant work with the Beep at landing. How about an Office Building launch vehicle for it?
  9. I really like this! I\'ve .cfg edited the Altair SAS to an ASAS, and stuck a mechjeb on it, and it works beautifully. Can\'t wait for your take on the Orion pod!
  10. Mr. Silisko, could you give some tips to a developing modder? What programs should I use? What should I try to model first? I\'m crap at texturing, do I get someone else to do it? I\'m on a Mac, if that helps. Also, could you consider rehosting the original BACE for those who want to build Munbaces? EDIT: Whatever happened to those Probodobodyne hinges?
  11. This is just too good. I\'ve landed lots of them near my Munbase. I recommend the Kosmos MechJeb and ASAS, because they\'re super tiny and don\'t throw off the balance of the rocket. Can you release the greyer, more munar texture? Or maybe a realistic texture, without the Bigtrak logo?
  12. I have a cloud of debris orbiting Kerbin that I call the 'TKS megacloud.' It\'s the remains of a TKS-Angara craft that ejected its 8 liquid boosters, which broke apart, as did the main booster. The TKS made it home safely, but its remains have claimed the lives of hundreds of Mun-bound kerbals, creating more debris, making it even more dangerous to launch when it\'s overhead. The debris has its periapsis right over the launchpad, with top speeds of about 2 KPS, so grabbing bits of it is out.
  13. Can we get scaled-down versions of these for delicate things and realistic canadarms?
  14. The Cuttlefish reminds me of the Mars Rover\'s folding lander: http://marsrover.nasa.gov/mission/spacecraft_edl_lander.html
  15. DD, please don\'t promote your shit in others threads. It\'s rude. Anyway, nice enterprise! Any chance of you posting the mod version?
  16. Please spell correctly, post craft files, show the launch vehicle, and capitalize.
  17. I recommend the Kerbylon Launch Tower for these, as I\'ve had all the failcans drift into the launch gantry.
  18. This is amazing, can\'t wait for the next update. The (pod) bay doors for the Hope don\'t work in 14.4, any chance we could get an update for that? Also, I\'d love to see a rover permutation for the Baker, too.
  19. Nice craft, but the name is very, very generic. Also, frontier is spelled wrong in your signature. You say that it 'is my first eva orbit reaching space plane.' Do you know what EVA means? Because that ain\'t it.
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