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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. Just now, cubinator said:

    Did anything happen on July 20, 2016?

    No, as far as I know. I started this off as a post about the Apollo 11 mission, but I took it one step further for a year long project. I'm wondering if when I finally get to July 20, 2017, if I should keep doing this or not.

  2. I've been thinking for a while that there should be an airlock part. This new part could be a radial part you can put anywhere on your ship. It would be useful to make ships a little more realistic. It could also be used as a backup airlock in case a solar panel or something is blocking the main one.

    Anyways, just a thought! Tell me your thoughts and ideas on the part below. :)

  3. 11 minutes ago, kiwi1960 said:

    Kind of feel proud my birthday is July 16th.... 1960 .... I saw the Moon landing semi live.......**

    ** New Zealand didn't have a Satellite receiving station that year (did soon after) so the Royal New Zealand Air Force flew Skyhawks between Sydney, Australia, and Auckland with cannisters of film (pre video) ... so what we saw was a few hours late... so.... semi live.....

    It was that event which convinced our Government to build a receiving station ... now we have them all over the place....


    EDIT: Yes, and by God, I feel old now... :(

    I wasn't alive yet, so the next best thing to seeing it live is my parents telling me about it. (And watching videos on Youtube.)

  4. On July 21, 1933, one of the first German rockets- the Nebel, sets off on a 197-foot flight. Its oxidizer valve fails to open sending the rocket into a neaby lake to be recovered.

    On July 21, 1961, astronaut Gus Grissom was launched into space on a suborbital flight on a Mercury Redstone rocket.


    On July 21, 1966, the Gemini 10 crew return to Earth after a three day mission.


    On July 21, 2011, the very last STS mission ends with the landing of the Atlantis.


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