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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. 10 hours ago, herbal space program said:

    It carries 6 Kerbals, has a dry mass of 24t (a bit hefty I'll admit), and positively screams its way to LKO, making Mach 4 in just over 2 minutes and requiring hardly any oxidizer. It gets to LKO with around 4.3km/s of dV left, which is plenty to get to pretty much anywhere in the Jool system and maybe even back if I were to get fancy with the navigation. It can also go from the KSC to the surface of Duna with almost half of its LF remaining. That's the good news. Unfortunately, it became clear to me pretty quickly that  the first version did not have enough wing area to land on Duna as a plane, so I had to go back to the drawing board to add more lift to the design, as well as a drogue chute to help in slowing down from what will no doubt be a very high stall speed on Duna. That version is en route to Duna now and I'll see how it fares tonight. I have a feeling even more wings will ultimately be required.

     I know it's not even a requirement based on your rules, but for me the challenge of building a plane that can do all those other things and also land and re-orbit as a plane on Duna is really very interesting. It will require balancing low mass, low drag, high TWR, low stall speed, robust construction, heat resistance, and  long range to produce a plane that can go through all the hoops successfully. Good planetary navigation skills will also be crucial. I find this type of challenge far more rewarding and interesting to work on than some of the more one-dimensional ones out there, because those always seem to end up producing  planes that are lousy for anything but winning the challenge. This one should require a good all around plane,  especially if like me you will not depend on MechJeb to fly it for you. I hope you'll get a good response, and I think it might be well worth keeping open longer if you are so inclined. I'm guessing the landing on Duna part will be the hardest, but we'll see.... 

    Great job! With that robust machine I have no doubt you can do the challenge. Great design, too.

  2. 6 hours ago, herbal space program said:

    Thanks for the clarifications. Based on all of that, my "impossible" plan will be as follows: I will take off from the runway with the 6-Kerbal space plane and at the same time launch an uncrewed  refueling ship. Each will fly on its own to the Jool system. The refueling ship will park itself in Laythe orbit while the space plane does the whole Jool-diver thing. Spaceplane then does a rendezvous with the refueling ship in Laythe orbit, refuels, lands on Laythe, returns to orbit, and if needed refuels again. Both ships will then head for Duna separately. Once there, the space plane will top up its tank, land on Duna, return to orbit, refuel one more time if needed, and then everybody goes back to LKO. The space plane will then land back at the KSC, while the refueling drone stays in orbit. The space plane will not jettison anything anywhere along the journey, but the refueling drone will drop booster stages on its initial ascent as well as empty tanks and spent stages on its Jool-Duna-Kerbin journey. Refueling of the plane will happen only in Laythe orbit or Duna orbit, not on LKO or anywhere else. I will not use ISRU.  So, given all of that, I have two final questions before I start: 1) If I execute that plan, will it count as completion of the "impossible" challenge? and 2) when my score is determined, will it be based on just the lowest possible mass for the space plane, or on the mass of both the space plane and the refueling drone? Lastly, if the refueling ship counts towards the mass score, will you calculate based on its mass at launch or only the mass of what leaves LKO? Sorry to be so particular about this, but your answer to question 2 strongly affects my design goals. Again, this sounds like a really cool challenge, with lots of different strategies and design criteria to optimize, and I want to make sure I'm doing it right.

    1)Your plan will count as completion for impossible.

    2)The scoring will be based on the lowest mass of the spaceplane alone. What I'll base the score on is the lowest mass experienced in the entire mission.

    3)The refueling drone will have no affect on your score. I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for it to be (in my opinion) more fun for everybody.

    Keep doing what you're doing! :D 

  3. On 6/22/2016 at 11:20 AM, herbal space program said:

    Do you mean fly all the way around Jool INSIDE its atmosphere or just above its atmosphere? If the former is not completely impossible in stock, they really must have thinned out Jool's upper atmosphere


    ...OK, so looking t the post above and the Wiki, it does actually seem possible now. I'm so glad they re-scaled Jool's atmo so that touching it is no longer instant death. I think I might give this a try, since I have a ship that ought to be able to do it pretty much ready to go. I would like one clarification however before I start:  When you say refueling is allowed on any difficulty, do you mean that I can place a fuel depot anywhere I want, so long as I actually fly it, and leave it there? For example, if I choose to do "impossible", would it be allowed for me to send separate refueling drone ships to Duna and Laythe orbit and then dock my plane with them along the way to refuel?  And when you say "land on Duna to refuel" do you mean I HAVE to bring some ISRU capability and do that or do you just mean I have to land there and come back as part of my tour? This challenge sounds real fun and doable, but I don't want to get burned after working on it for days on end because I didn't clearly understand the rules...

    Concerning your questions, yes you do have to fly around inside the atmosphere. When it says refueling is allowed on any difficulty, I meant that you can refuel anywhere in the Jool system. Sorry I did not clarify about that. If you do "Impossible," you can send seperate drones to Duna and Laythe. In "Impossible" when you land on Duna, you have the choice to either land on Duna or land on it and refuel. You also have the choice to land something that's not your spaceplane on Duna, come back into orbit, and let your spaceplane dock to it and refuel. If you do land on Duna and refuel, than you can use the ISRU or you can land at a seperate base to refuel there. 

  4. On 6/19/2016 at 2:09 AM, Mycroft said:

    I'm not entirely clear on one point: are mods allowed?

    Edit: This looks like an awesome challenge, especially because I'm launching a Jool mission with two spaceplanes in it. They are made with OPT Spaceplane Parts, tho, so I'd like to see if I can enter. I would also respectfully request a longer time period.

    Any mod is allowed except the Alcubierre Drive mod and HyperEdit. It would be interesting to see a plane using propellors from the KAX or Firespitter mod! I will also lift the short time period (now that I look back at it the time limit does seem really short.) 

  5. My last challenge (Kerbin Atlantis) didn't go so well but I have another idea. In this one, you have to launch a spaceplane to Jool and circumnavigate its atmosphere with it. (I'm not sure if someone has already made a challenge like this or not. Keep in mind that I am relatively new to the site.) The spaceplane can be launched by a rocket or takeoff from the runway. Refueling is allowed on any difficulty. 

    Easy: launch a spaceplane and enter Jool's atmosphere. Minimum crew: 1

    Medium: launch a spaceplane to circumnavigate Jool's atmosphere and return to Kerbin alive. Minimum crew: 2

    Hard: launch a spaceplane to circumnavigate Jool's atmosphere, land on Laythe, and return to Kerbin alive. Minimum crew: 4

    IMPOSSIBLE: launch an SSTO from the runway to circumnavigate Jool's atmosphere, land on Laythe, land on Duna to refuel, and return to Kerbin alive. Minimum crew: 6

    Scoring System

    The scoring will be based on the mass of the spacecraft. There will be a winner for every difficulty mode. Make sure you show me evidence on doing this by showing me pictures ora video. Make sure to include the mass of the ship in your submission. The only mods banned are the Alcubierre Drive mod and HyperEdit.

    The due date for submissions is 7:00 pm US Central Time on June 24. Any craft submitted after the due date and time will not be scored and will not be able to win.

    Good luck and happy travels! :D -The Raging Sandwich  


    Edit: I am extending the time limit to the end of July. Now that I look back at it, it was really short to begin with.


    Easy: N/A

    Medium: Teilnehmer- 11.962 T

    Hard: N/A

    Impossible: N/A

  6. So, since its 8:29 by the time by the time I'm typing this, the contest is now over. Obviously, the winner of this challenge has to be Cunjo Carl for his contraption that could hold 66 Kerbals.

    Feel free to keep posting your underwater cities (they won't be in my official contest, however.) 

    I'll try to post a better challenge idea next, so hold your horses.

    Also, I noticed that the GIF that Carl uploaded was from Imgflip.com. I have a profile called Swagzilla2003 on the site.

  7. 22 minutes ago, OrbitalBuzzsaw said:

    Maybe have it scored by most Kerbals on board?

    So if I go by a scoring system of how many Kerbals were onboard or however many could fit inside, than Cunjo Carl would be up by 11 points. That sounds like a good idea. Whoever gets the most points based on that scoring system by 8:00 pm US Central Time wins the challenge!

    Anyone who submits their craft should tell how many Kerbals can fit inside. Anyone who submits their craft after 8 pm US Central Time will not be scored.

    To find out if you're late of early, Google "What time is it in US Central Time." :)

  8. This is my second challenge submission, and this one is a doozy. The challenge is to only use stock parts to build an underwater city off the shores of the KSC.


    Only stock parts allowed.

    The only mods allowed are texture replacer mods.

    No altering the game's physics in anyway.

    There must be over ten Kerbals in the city.

    Show me pictures of your creations.


    If you have any questions about the challenge, feel free to comment. I am more than likely to respond. 

    Good luck! :D -The Raging Sandwich

  9. I'm in the part of the game where I feel like starting to build a Mun base. I've designed a Mun base at the KSC but never actually got the design to the Mun. That's where you come in!

    Show me your best Mun bases so that I might get a couple ideas! Who knows, I may learn new things about design in the game. Remember, only use stock parts! :)

  10. This is my first mission challenge. For this, the only mod you'll need is the Outer Planets mod which adds Sarnus (Saturn), Urlum (Uranus), Neidon (Neptune), and Plock-Karen (Pluto-Charon). The goal of this challenge is to recreate the classic NASA Voyager missions. 


    Voyagers 1 and 2 were probes NASA launched in 1977. Their goal was to visit all of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) without using any fuel whatsoever after launch. The two probes used gravity assists from each planet they visited to slingshot to the next planet. Voyager 1 did not go to any other planets as it flew by Saturn. Voyager 2 did visit the two other planets, however. In 1989, Voyager 2 left Neptune and reached the end of the mission.

    The Mission:

    Your goal is to build the two Voyager probes and recreate the mission as closely as possible to the real thing. You must visit Jool, Sarnus with Voyager 1. You must also visit Jool, Sarnus, Urlum, and Neidon with Voyager 2. Remember, no fuel was put into either of the Voyager probes. Recreate the two probes as closely as possible. 

    Make sure to comment if you succesfuly completed the mission or if you have any questions.

    For further information, you can go onto nasa.gov and look at the information about Voyagers 1 and 2.

    Good luck! :)

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