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  1. I am excited for colonies, sciences and contract that can be in carrer mod of that new opus.
  2. Maybe the config file needs changes but don't thinks so becaus cheats like unbrealable joint are useless... I hope that's only a too big mass issue, after all, I'll use cranes and arms for little cargo tranfer in planet and big moving in space. (hoping better than this retry :D)
  3. I've install it and failed too, i think it's because i haven't recover the old vehicule... need retry... edit : retry, adjust max scale to all arm part, break again just at the grabbler joint. grr...
  4. I'm trying to reproduce this in my game but the arm broke just before the grabbler. The subb has not leads nor intake liquid. I d'not know why it broke, if you have an idea ?
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