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Everything posted by rayredd

  1. First of all, loving this mod. Really enjoying the gameplay it adds to the game! I'm new to the forum so please tell me if I should report this elsewhere but I noticed a strange bug yesterday. The problem I encountered was that, when creating a rocket that has both a Thermal Electric Generator and a Closed-Cycle Gas Core engine, my ISP dropped from 10k+ to < 1000 m/s. After clicking around I noticed that the mass of the Thermal Electric Generator shoots up as soon as I connect the Lightbulb to it. I've made some screenshots and created an Imgur album. As you can see from screenshot 2 to 3 the mass shoots up from 46,120 kg to 2,627.62 tons. http://imgur.com/a/j1W8x I'm also curious if the thrust is correct on the first screenshot. If I launch this (with some radiators of course). It basically goes from 0 to 2000 m/s before my finger leaves the space bar.
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