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Everything posted by DD_bwest

  1. while i don't know the answer and dont wanna be dictating you how to play, you are really better off with the money than the small amount of science itll give you. youll need cash to upgrade all your buildings, and find that once your doing trips to the mun or minmus, 1 or 2 science points from your cash is peanuts compared what youll get from actual science data.
  2. done right you can complete the tree in less then 5 launches. the trick is to plan what biomes you will encounter on a given flight, figure out every test that hasnt been done in that biome yet, place science gear for it and go. the ksp wiki has a chart thatll tell you where the biomes are and what tests are global or local. like in low orbit you can do a local eva for flying over every biome. even a low inclination orbit on kerbin will pass over 6 biomes. any time you do a report for anything, pull it out so you can get rdy to run it again for a new biome. science pods can help with this, then just pull the data from that before re entry. if you havent got much of the upper armosphere data, when in orbit lower your pe to 68km and grab them the short period your below 70km. you can even get the eva report this way. manned missions, or those that actually return the data to kerbin are MUCH preferred over Transmitting data. place thermos and baros on the top of your pod near the chute, theyll be safe there and let you grab new data for flying low over your landing biomes, and again data from where you land. when you come back down from orbit, try to hit a different biome each time. you can also get the eva report for fling low over the biome by going eva while your pod is around 5 to 6 m/s from the chute, or by jumping while on the surface and hitting eva while in the air. a very important tech node to unlock is propulsion systems. the spark will make it pretty easy to do a trip to Mun orbit, where you can get a ton of science for your liking. especially if you put yourself in a polar orbit. oh and if your unmanned rockets tend to flip easy, one factor may be that your cenrer of mass is to far back in relation to your center or pressure. if you turn on advanced tweakables, you can choose how fuel drains. by dividing ip your fuel tanks you can make it flow bottom up so that as it flies the COM will move forward, adding stability. edit: and about minmus landings, its an amazing place to get a ton of points, but it doesnt sound like you are quite ready for that. the amount of points youll get from the 4 main science tests plus crew reports and eva reports for all those biomes when in orbit around mun and minmus will make your life alot easier when it comes to time to land. sure you could go land on minmus, but there are alot of easy points in space first before you need to head down.
  3. it was like 2 hours ago.. its windows but TBO im not sure, i think its 8.1 I just checked my rec bin and its not there. Oh well thats a mistake i dont think ill be making again.. lol
  4. I wanted to start a new RSS sandbox, and wanted to transfer a ship from 1 to the other. WIthout thinking my new career overwrote the other one, thus when i went to copy and paste it was no longer there. am i SOL with that craft gone forever? Or is there some place i might find it. it took a while to build since my real world boosters doesnt have nodes on the bottom of engines, making placing the lander inside much more frustrating.
  5. haha ya that would explain it, im guessing you also had a reaction wheel aswell on there to drain it nice n quick lol glad you found the issue
  6. this right here if you arent strong at math. ive knowm more than a few who are hopeless at proper calculations but have had alot of succeas with that site. add 15 to 20 percent from any delta v map, as getting the most efficient burns can be a challenge. the extra reserve fuel can really save you sometimes
  7. im not infront of my pc to check, but you should be able to change difficulty settings. it was either under the standard escape key menu or the f12 debug menu, i cant remember which. when i get to my pc later ill double check exactly where it is
  8. if i remember right spacebar will orient where you look depending on your camera option
  9. i would check that you have power, but i would figure any first stage engine would be enough to supply power during liftoff.
  10. its asking you to move a kerbal from a craft, to an entirely different craft. and im pretty sure they need to be launched seperatly, as i know the rendezvous subcontracts has to be done from ships launched seperarely. it doesnt have to be while docked, you just need to bring another ship close enough and eva over to the other ship.
  11. You may have selected the wrong stack decoupler, make sure its the one directly below the pod, and not the one between your first n second stage check to make sure the stack decoupler you selected is the one below the pod, and not the one between your first n second stage
  12. you can grab all the lower atmosphere thermo reports and crew reports. as well as complete observational contracts and those similar to them. if you make it vtol yu can get all landing biome as well. but i usually do those with rockets anyways lol
  13. your going to want to head into key bindings in the main menu. Z is the default key binding for putting throttle to max when in the main menu go into settings, then input, then vessel and it will be the 7th one down on the left
  14. i know very little about planes as i hardly ever use them, so im probably WAY off.. maybe during the braking on landing it puts more force on the front gear, making the brakes on the front alot more effective and the rear brakes less so, which causes the back to want to whip around front? maybe try moving your rear landing gear closer to the com
  15. yea i just loaded up a sandbox save i have set for when i need to go in and test something random quickly, its an older one so i guess that would be it. well im glad i know this now so in the future im not frustrated lol
  16. ill have to make a habit of doing that.. but also my backspace still shifts focus back to my vessel, as i had to turn on ksp and test it after hearing this.
  17. sounds like a bug of somekind. i would try quicksaving and loading, or also hopping to tracking station and back to see if it still wasnt working after those. woah wat? i need to read those more often i guess. i could have sworn it was working for me other day
  18. yea they've been doing this sunce 1.1 for me. i havent noticed a difference when trying to land, they tend to just fix them selves when you touch down
  19. i think there is a mod called speed unit changer that does it. but i dont know if its up to date. alternatively you just just multiply your m/s by 3.6 to get km/h
  20. its got a lot better over time, ALOT better. the easiest way to notice is it set up an encounter with planet and focus on it, then from no warp click on max warp and it should bounce a bit, sometimes its small, sometimes its not. Im sure there is a technical way to figure it out, and i believe there is some long complicated reason for why it does it and used to do it alot more. being at a high right of warp between SOI changes used to also cause problems but thats got better to. your alot safer in the tracking station, as i cant think of a time seeing it happen in there, but it can be a pain to go there just to warp. Going to first warp speed before you do a big warp helps alot, it tends to lock in where your going. i always do it with no exceptions. easing into it is what you want, its the hoping between nothing straight to a high rate that tends to cause problems, for me anyways.
  21. where abouts are you gonna be putting it? 11k delta v can get you to Eeloo and back. if your only going to duna, you could cut your fuel weight significantly, this can help get your twr higher.
  22. yea what FMM said, in the main menu settings outside of a load its on the first page under General and Game play. "Retain control point on enter IVA"
  23. did you go to full warp from regular time at all? while significantly less common on 1.2, there is still the rare case that you go to warp and you wont get your same trajectory. ive had incidences where ill finish a burn to give myself a precise insertion, and going to warp after will make it as if i never did the burn. the more times you go to warp, the more times you risk it doing this. I find that Clicking on a high up arrow, or selecting a place to warp to(excluding warp to manuever)To be the 2 most likely things that will cause it to change on a warp. creating a maneuver and warping to it tends to be pretty good, although ive still seen small changes doing that.what i generally do is to save before all warps, and to go to 5x warp before i ramp it up high, or click on a place to warp to. i find going to the low warp first tends to lock everything in place
  24. if you place a controllable part on the side of the can directly on the place you want to be "front" (in line with your view point if i understand your question correctly) and then select "control from here" when you right click in it during flight. a probe core, or a docking port will work
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