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  1. I'm using the google translator yua I don't speak English, what I wanted to put is that "the graphics card drivers are up to date"
  2. I do not use mods or modified installations, it is the original steam game Well, my graphics controllers are not updated, and I said it before, it only happens with this game, and I have many steam games.
  3. It is not a modified installation, it is the steam installation. I don't know how to upload photos in this forum.
  4. Thanks because I can't find that bar that is mentioned, I don't have mods installed, I have the game in vanilla, let's say.
  5. which bar? I don't see any horizontal bar I'm not going to format when it only happens to me with this game, it sounds to me like it's more of a bug in the game on steam since this doesn't happen to me with the official store game.
  6. Hello people, as you can see in the title, I'm having some graphical problems with the game and I don't know why. First of all I want to inform you that it is the Steam version, I have uninstalled it and installed it again and the problem persists, the problem itself is that on the ground they look like black lightning bolts as if the graphics were failing which is strange because it only happens to me in this game and not in others. Yesterday I put the inside camera and when I went back to the outside camera the ship had disappeared (graphically because the ship was still there) I had to continue with the inside camera. I have also tried to check the files and it does not work either. With the desktop version of the store that didn't happen to me, but I had other more serious problems, which is why I switched to the Steam version. I don't know why this happens to me honestly.
  7. Croe que temrinaré comprando el juego nuevamente en Stream ya que por la pagina no puedo jugarlo, y no me brindan ningún soporte. Una lástima porque sigo el juego desde el 2012. Pero bueno para poder jugarlo en la ultima versión tendré que volver a comprar le juego en steam. Lamentable!
  8. No de hecho he instalado eljuego hasta sin el parche de idioma para descartar fallas pero no, ni mods ni parches de idioma nada, he instalado el juego hasta en un directorio nuevo y el problema persiste, por eso creo que es una falla de versión o no se la verdad estoy muy descepcionado con este fallo. Pues no lo he comprado en la tienda de los desarrolladores, pues cuando compre eljuego ya hace muchos años no estaba disponible en Steam, y quiero evitar comprarlo en Steam, ya que he hablado con los desarrolladores para ver si me pueden cambiar mi juego a Steam y me dijeron que no! Gracias.-
  9. Hola a todos he tenido un problema y es el siguiente he actualizado a la última versión (1.12.3) y ha resultado que no va nada bien. Lo primero que me pasó es que todas mis naves no se cargaban porque les faltabban piezas. Entonces me fui a Sandbox y ahi mi sorpresa ya que me encontré que donde se supone que tiene que mostrarme todas las piezas de las naves que trae el juego pues no las traía si no mas que 1 pieza por categoria (1 pod, 2 motores, 4 estructuras etc) practicamente esta vacío sin piezas casi. De hecho naves predeterminadas tampoco se cargaron es decir es una gran falla que no se como explicarla. Desinstale el juego por completo y borre todo los datos guardados antes (error fatal pues perdí mi partida) y reinstale de nuevo la 1.12.3 y tampoco funcionó. Tampoco se porque no esta disponible en la pagina de la tienda oficial donde compre el juego la versión 1.11.algo (esta latenia y la borre sin querer ahora tampoco la tengo ni puedo parchear pues me salta otro error que es indescriptible) no puedo aplicar parches tampoco puedo actualizar desde el laucher pues no hace accón ninguna. Es decir solo puedo jugar a la versión 1.11.2 siendo esa muy desactualizada. Espero que alguien sepa darme una solución gracias. PD: lo raro que he visto que el juego en la tienda de steam dice que la ultima version que tienen ahi es la 1.12.2 y no la que dice la tienda 1.12.3 (muy raro no) en fin no quiero volver a comprar el juego en steam. [Moderator added English translation]: Hello everyone I have had a problem and it is the following I have updated to the latest version (1.12.3) and it has turned out that it is not going well at all. The first thing that happened to me is that all my ships were not loading because they were missing parts. Then I went to Sandbox and there my surprise was that I found where it is supposed to show me all the pieces of the ships that the game brings because it didn't bring them if not more than 1 piece per category (1 pod, 2 engines, 4 structures etc) is practically empty with almost no pieces. In fact, predetermined ships were not loaded either, that is, it is a great failure that I do not know how to explain. I completely uninstalled the game and deleted all the save data before (fatal error as I lost my game) and reinstalled 1.12.3 again and it didn't work either. I also don't know why version 1.11.something isn't available on the official store page where I bought the game (it was late and I accidentally deleted it, now I don't have it either and I can't patch it because I get another error that is indescribable) I can't apply patches I can't update from the launcher either because it doesn't do any action. In other words, I can only play version 1.11.2, since it is very outdated. I hope someone can give me a solution thanks. PS: the strange thing that I have seen is that the game in the steam store says that the latest version they have there is 1.12.2 and not the one that the store says 1.12.3 (not very rare) in short I do not want to buy again the game on steam. [Please post in English in the main section of the forum. If you wish to post in other languages please use the international section. Thank you KSP Moderation Team]
  10. Hello, question is it possible to build in space without the DLCS? or in the game vanilla? Well, I have seen that some items can be carried in the inventories with the new update such as tensioners, those that look like "ropes"
  11. Hola pregunta es posible constuir en el espacio sin los DLCS? o sea en el juego vanilla? Pues he visto que se pueden llevar algunos items en los inventarios con la nueva actualización como los tensores esos que parecen unas "cuerdas"
  12. Hand me an email for private and I send files as well not going that page and the truth until I logearme laziness.
  13. Si espero que arreglen este bugs que me esta matando bueno de hecho creo que dejaré de usar aeronaves con trenes de aterrizajes mientras se arregla el bug, gracias colegas.-
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