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  1. Ah, gotcha. I had assumed that link was for the revamped version because the OP was edited recently. I was already aware of the thread for the original Universal Storage, but thank you for clearing that up!
  2. It says the mod is released, but I've been unable to find it anywhere on the forums and the link to the release thread isn't working for me. Anyone know what's going on? I love the original Universal Storage mod and can't wait to try out version 2.0. Cheers!
  3. I recently tested out the crewed BFR command module, and am unable EVA my kerbals from it. The images of the kerbals inside which normally is shown in the bottom right does not appear, and thus there is no EVA button. Is this a known issue? Do you know any way around it? Thanks
  4. Ahh thank you that makes sense. Too bad about the wheels, but I'm loving the mod otherwise.
  5. This may have been addressed in a previous post which I haven't found, but how do I get the wheels to show up in the VAB? I installed both regular and legacy packs through ckan. Are they simply not implemented yet?
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