There is definitely room for improvement - I repeated now the third mission (To Mun via Minmus) and apart from the Mission being strange (not really setting a scene story wise) - the second part (getting to the Mun) was really buggy.
* The mission info on the left was not updated, so I had no glue what I had to do next
* As I got into the SOI of the mun all of a sudden I had to orbit the mun in a very specific way indicated by a target orbit in the map, but the orbit indicated was the other way around so I had to basically turn around and orbit in reverse
* Finally managed to get the orbit with just enough fuel to crash into - which is the only info I got so far and then they ask me to crash into the mun at a specific location (which is yet again in a different inclination)
* Managed to even pull of the inclination doing multiple orbits and slowly chaning the inclination using RCS
* Sadly had not enough fuel/thrust to hit the spot but fell 48km short, the mission did not end, not succesfully, not failed, even though my spaceship was destroyed on the surface of the mun :-(
Especially the last part is really frustrating since I went so close and then nothing happens. They could have said, oh well you fell short, less points, but no....
EDIT: Aaah - I needed to do a harder impact and be within 20km of the impact zone, well - I think they should have made an alternative ending, landing outside the zone, landing inside the zone with less impact force, etc...