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Posts posted by N3N

  1. 1 hour ago, Thrimm said:

    I think that Ground Construction can be used already, it's just not a requirement for the mod to function - I will think about adding a dedicated "construction module" part that will serve as a basis for your base building. USI-LS is currently in testing and I think looks promising so that will be implemented in upcoming patch.

    I have no idea about CKAN, I've never used it. I can ask CKAN moderator to add this mod however.

    I'm glad you like PD!

    Hey Thrimm,

    Nice! :wink:


    And I directly subscribed your youtube channel, nice work there, too. :)


  2. 11 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    Not currently available as a built-in; but you could try to make a patch for it yourself.

    Should be something as simple as:

    	@resourceName = MaterialKits
    	@inflationCost *= 1.33333

    (Warning:  Untested....)


    Hey Shadowmage,

    Thank you! :wink:


    If I understand this right, it changes "RocketParts" to "MaterialKits" and set the cost to inflate it 1,33333x higher than before.

    Is this right? (I'm just learning about MM patches)

  3. Hey,

    Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but how do I safely delete the legacy EL stuff, because I don't use it and I have already many mods?

    I tried deleting the files from the USI directory, but then I get many (>50) MM errors at startup. :(




    Sorry for my english, it's only my third language.

  4. Hey Thrimm,


    Very nice mod! Great idea and good work! Keep on going! :wink:

    And don't let you get stressed, better do little steps, we all will still appreciate it! :)


    I think it's enough, to support "Ground Construction" for building it and maybe "MKS/USI-LS" for life support.

    And maybe CKAN for installing/updating it. :P




    Sorry for my english, it's only my third language.

  5. Hey Shadowmage,

    I'm currently trying to build a big space station and a spacecraft for longer travels and this mod (and its add-ons) is perfect for this. Thanks! :wink:


    On 28.8.2016 at 5:35 PM, Shadowmage said:

    Couple other points:

    I will be using RocketParts as the construction resource for a base install, switching to MaterialKits/etc if UKS is installed.

    Will be adding RocketParts/etc as resources to all MFT tanks so that they may be shipped/launched to the stations.  In the future I will be making custom container-style parts for 'dry' resources, but for now the tanks should be sufficient.

    Initial balance for kit-out mass will be 20%/80% for all parts.  This will be adjusted/updated on a per-part basis in the future.


    My Question is, if there is yet a possibility to change from RocketParts to the MKS resources, because I have installed all USI mods and his LS, but not EL.




    Sorry for my english, but it's only my third language.


  6. 2 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    First one is difficult, I've started, but asked for help

    2nd one (new reaction wheels) is done

    I'll look into why the UpgradeGUI isn't there yet

    Why don't you merge the two NK-33 mods into one? Doesn't make sense to have a single part in a mod.  What I'd do is have a single directory (for now, call it MadScientist) as follows:



    Last one (antenna progression), I've asked the author for permission.


    Hey linuxgurugamer,

    Thank you very much!! :wink:


    And the NK-33 mods aren't mine, they were made by Mad Rocket Scientist .


    I just want to help with CKAN. :wink:


  7. 12 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Or ask me, I can generate good netkan files pretty easily.

    Hey linuxgurugamer,

    Do you want to help us?


    I think CKAN is a great project and I think it's important to help CKAN to become greater and better with more mods, so that more people want to use it. :wink:

    I will read me in the CKAN netkan files, but it may take a while (english is only my third language, sorry).



    Here a list with mods that want to get into CKAN, but need help:


    more controllable and engine parts / new reaction wheels


    NK-33 Engine (there a 2 different mods/sizes on spacedock.info)

    Extended Antenna Progression





    Sorry, now I saw your last post. Thank you!! :wink:

  8. Hey,

    Sorry if it's a stupid question, but what is the best procedure to add a new mod to CKAN, if the mod-maker is OK with it, but doesn't want to do the extra work?

    Like with this one:

    13 minutes ago, DStaal said:

    Thanks. :wink:

    As for CKAN - I don't use it, and I'm reluctant to support anything like that (especially when it's complicated by dependencies like this is) without being able to test it myself.  If someone wants to put it on CKAN that's fine with me, but that is not going to be an official release channel.


    Or is it better to don't add it to CKAN?




    And what can we do, if we see a mod on "spacedock.info", that says it's listed for CKAN, but it doesn't show in CKAN?

    Like this one: new reaction wheels



    Sorry, if I made mistakes, but english is only my third language.

  9. 2 minutes ago, DStaal said:

    Thanks. :wink:

    As for CKAN - I don't use it, and I'm reluctant to support anything like that (especially when it's complicated by dependencies like this is) without being able to test it myself.  If someone wants to put it on CKAN that's fine with me, but that is not going to be an official release channel.

    Hey DStaal,


    It's OK.

    I use CKAN to be sure to have all dependencies right and to be always on the newest stable release.

    But I think it's OK, if you don't want the extra work.


    Please keep the good work going and thank you for your hard work! :wink:

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