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Everything posted by BirchMonkey857

  1. Bug Report: Using Galactic Neighborhood, Kerbin goes under "Galactic Core" so you can't actually get a transfer window for Kerbin to anywhere. I will attempt to fix the config file on my own. UPDATE: didn't work; couldn't find a way to do it.
  2. sorry about being a bit snappish. I've just had some troubles getting this to work (windows 10 kept crashing, but nothing to do with the mod).
  3. you could just put that at the very start, or just put three separate versions (mac, linux and windows) so it's much easier. But thanks, I just didn't get what it meant until I looked again.
  4. So, all of the hexes are showing up as pink. Is this a known bug? If so, where should I report it/how should I fix it? I've scanned probably everywhere on Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus.
  5. Hey, so I installed this on 1.2, and it seems to work fine, except that I tried to make a B-29, which you have the perfect parts for that. But no matter what tail/back landing gear I use, the back landing gear bounces, causing the plane to launch into the air and then fall down, where it then repeats until it destroys the entire plane. I have reinstalled, is it a 1.2 issue, or some other part on the B-29's issue, or something else? the screenshots i have (meant to just put a link): As you can see, this is pretty standard-looking. for the big back tail wing I used TweakScale, and I'll be willing to tell you my other mods if you want. I am not using Ferram, BTW.
  6. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwyTWBPXcCgvcGpxQ2RKb3pjTTQ
  7. @Phineas Freak nope. It also won't let me save or exit. I have to go to the desktop and close it there.
  8. I installed this correctly, and it works, but I cannot go in to the Vehicle Assembly Building.https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwyTWBPXcCgvWTRhak1nX0xKM2Mhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwyTWBPXcCgvaEJCVGI5Z1dySkE
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