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Everything posted by benad

  1. Just installed and love this mod! Thankyou
  2. @Wikkyd it'd be a big mod to add just for this function but USI-MKS has a ground anchor mode for bases that would stop this completely including any jumps on physics load. Maybe you could strip out the parts and just add the module into some of the parts you use on your base instead of installing the whole lot.
  3. TCA all the way, it'll auto balance those engines and keep the thrust vector straight down the centre line. Only problems is it's then not firing on full thrust so you have to adjust burn times. Makes for some really cool designs. In regards to the OP mechjeb and KER parts, i can't remember the last time i slapped one of those on as i've had mehcjeb and KER for everyone installed on every game since i discovered MM.
  4. Hi @RoverDude, just wanted to leave a big thanks here for releasing and maintaining your mods. They've added so much to my game play.
  5. I'd just like to say this is a great mod i'm really excited about the upcoming collaboration. I'm really looking forward to it thanks @allista & @RoverDude
  6. Hanger has some really big hangers but the textures are . . . . Lacking
  7. Just wanted to leave a big thanks to the team
  8. ive just started a new career with a new mod set! Yay. ive gone with the basics utilites, ker, mechjeb, kac ect. but this time i've gone with the full USI constellation gonna be fun!
  9. So Bill get's in his rover, drives for 2 weeks, is still only halfway there and Jeb's already dead . . . . I think we can put this one to bed now.
  10. Again, fair enough, i agree this is your right, and i'm leaning towards this being the best course of action available for the modders here, i'm just asking people to be clear with their intentions that is all. . . I'll be stepping away from entire thread now as some people here are completely incapable of keeping their cool long enough to actually read and digest a post before responding.
  11. Jesus, there is nothing to agree to disagree on. ' CKAN is no longer supported by me. If they want that to change, the policy needs to change. ' Is short sweet and to the point and is exactly what i was suggesting you change your comment to!
  12. So yes, it is just a general protest, which i said was fair enough. You are missing my point, i said it comes across as disingenuous. I'd recommend making your intentions clear if you are going to post that on all your threads.
  13. This comes across as disingenuous. Your effectively drumming up support from your followers (who use CKAN on the basis you know they'll want/need CKAN support) for a policy change so that you can in future remove all your mods from CKAN which will leave your mods unsupported on CKAN . . . Now if your just making a general protest, fair enough but that's not the way it comes across.
  14. This looks like fun. Going to get started on this tonight!
  15. He's never been any different. I don't see how Modders acting like children throwing their toys out of the pram is going to help fix any issues. From an outside perspective both the CKAN crew and the modders are equally to blame for the lack of movement in any direction in regards to this issue. You both blame other for not engaging in proper diaglog when at the end of the day you're both sat here shouting my way or the high way. It's quite pathetic(the way your dealing with the issue not the issue it'self) to be honest.
  16. @ShotgunNinja Can you confirm you have the intention of updating this to work in 1.1.3? I know loads of things have been thrown around in regards to new features lately but we've still got a few bugs to get fixed first.
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