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pap1723 greatest fan

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Everything posted by pap1723 greatest fan

  1. so I was just wondering if there is a mod or a way to unlock the ksp window ( so that the window options unlock full screen( not just minimize maximize and close) its just realy annoying that I need to press my windows key to get out, wait 3 seconds, find what I need, then press the window, and wait 5 seconds for the game to start up. I am not just talking about resizing the window (beacuse i have a mod to do it, but its not what Im trying to do. an example of what I want is, in the minecraft launcher, you can lock or unlock the window (which allows you to see the windows border and the taskbar) and a locked mode, witch is what ksp has ( it makes it so that the window is can not be resized, other than fullscreening it) my question may be confusing, but I have no other way to ask it.
  2. OMG thanks, it really does work, and as a gift, i named my user, pap1723 greatest fan we must spread the word!
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