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Everything posted by igor290506

  1. we would suggest making a Kerbal OS Anew Oprating System that will be faster simpler and intuedev this is the home screan comes with a browser (internet explorer 11) when you start up it will show a mesege in a a format of this (do you want to install mods) your deault game kerbal space program in 64 bits spesification: 64 MB of RAM 1.00 TB 64 bit based procecor intel duo grafics card
  2. what future updates we goona have in ksp

    1. igor290506
    2. KasperVld


      We'll post about updates when we're ready to talk about them - and we'll share the news with everyone at the same time :)


  3. how is felipe falange

    1. sal_vager


      I am sure he is fine :)

    2. igor290506


      i am sure his kerbal space program idea still works fine after he left the ksp developer team

      i never use ksp in 32 bit i always use ksp in 64 bit

    3. sal_vager


      Well, you will have to wait and see :)

  4. Hi sal_vagar is fellipe falange alredy singed off? then ksp pach
  5. another craft but this time with a music
  6. at at an altitude of somethoing a terene glich is happanig at kerbin what shoud i do to stop it os windows 10 64 bit 3GB RAM editio enteprize
  7. whene console editions of will be released

  8. i just clicked a butten in hyper edit a hell kraken appered
  9. what will kerbal space program be without mobile version make it compatible whit android,windows phone,IOs playing ksp in mobile
  10. i will make a video labeld messing with ksp 1.2
  11. see a ball if freefall can,t be faster than 35.1 m/s
  12. i have ksp 1.1.3 with mods ksp alwayz crashes how do i stok ksp from crashing
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