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Everything posted by Wildcat111

  1. -42 (-) I'll add you to my friends list and my squadron!
  2. WHY????? WHY YOU EDIT???????? Last valid is -35. -36 (-)
  3. Due to a design fault that caused a mission failure, KSS Shepard is being put on hold. Crash investigators are on scene.
  4. Is this a skirmish @JoseEduardo @Dman979? -39 (-)
  5. -38 (-) @Murican_Jeb @Atlas2342 @Burning For New Frontiers @adsii1970 @SpaceplaneAddict
  6. YOU. SHALL. NOT. PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! ONWARDS TO -100! *plays "Reveille"* -42 (-) @Xorth Tanovar @TheEpicSquared @Murican_Jeb @adsii1970 @Mycroft @SpaceplaneAddict
  7. -43 (-) @Atlas2342 Autobots, roll out. I know right?
  8. @Wildcat111 to the rescue! For @Murican_Jeb -49 (-)
  9. -47 (-) @Murican_Jeb @adsii1970 @SpaceplaneAddict
  10. Today we shall remember our fallen soldiers and kerbonauts. Lest we forget.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wildcat111


      Call in father F4F Wildcats!

    3. Guest


      The CIA won't tell you anything.

      Oh btw

      F6F is better than F4F so your fathers wont affect me!

    4. Wildcat111


      I mean call in the F4F Wildcats. Voice typing screwed everything up.

  11. -36 (-) @adsii1970 @SpaceplaneAddict @Xorth Tanovar
  12. @notsodeadjeb can I install a mod that makes the wheels break at much higher speeds, or is that cheating?
  13. The negatives have gained the upper hand. -36 (-)
  14. haha. -34 (-) Thank you @SpaceplaneAddict. You have given the Negatives the upper hand. Danke.
  15. -32 (-) Yay @SpaceplaneAddict! @Xorth Tanovar @Atlas2342 @adsii1970 @Burning For New Frontiers
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