Hey, I added this mod to my game and was wondering if youre supposed to only be able to have 3 contracts max. I have upgraded the facility to the last level, also I added it to a existing save.
This newest update breaks parachutes, they deploy as usual but dont slow down the craft at all, it works normally in stock but when I install the newest version of FAR and its dependencies the parachutes dont slow down the craft.
Thanks alot, i have no need to hack the save since i noticed it early in the game and made havent made any progress, ill just make a new one. Thank you again.
I deleted the ksp.log then made a new one where I just made a new save and recreated the bug to (atleast i think) make the log smaller so it is easier to look through. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoD2cIVdrkdBsELFlRkDohDrSklQ also here are the mods i have installed, atleast what avc says i have installed.
@nightingale sorry to bring this up again but i seem to be having the same problem @Tokamak had even though i dont have cryoengines or kerbal atomics installed. I dont know what files to post here for you to check what's wrong so just tell me what files or logs you need. Again, sorry to bother you. (Edit) I remember reading something about some mods having game files. I think that's the case because when I make a new save all the default flags (and even some custom flags i put in) have been duplicated so there is 3 versions of them.