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Everything posted by Lazurkri

  1. I immediately edited it so it reads something different.... And thank you!
  2. I agree with this statement.... However.... THIS statement is just plain uncalled for; we're discussing something RELEVANT to the threads subject, as being able to add your own planet would also mean that you'd likely want the ability to add in atmospheres of all kinds. AND yes its a fictional game, genius, set with HARD sci-fi physics 'n' stuff; again, discussing how a planets atmosphere would behave in different orbits of all kind is RELEVANT. Apologies to all for actually getting the topic off track there.... now back to mod discussion; Would it be possible to add in a adjustable mass thing for the planet, so we could have a asteroid or planetoid with a reallllyyy high mass ( it has a lot of heavy metals in its composition, for example)?
  3. Oh my god, lol. that thing is.... is a monster! its cool as a experiment, but I really see no way to make it, well, flyable.
  4. Wow, thats awesome.... ever tried to get it to the Mun? Also, what is the second ship supposed to be? Warship or Carrier?
  5. wouldn't they either be a reducing atmosphere or a sequestering atmosphere though?
  6. wooooooowwwwwww...... this is a LOTTTTT of ships man! it makes me realize just how crude my stuff is next to yours...... Great jobe dude! although, you may want to use spoiler tags so the whole page isn't taken up with the pictures....
  7. indeed.... a LOT of the "Warships" I see fail to take into consideration that on any realistically designed ship, the actual "Control Center/CIC/Bridge" would most likely be buried in the deepest part of the ship, safely away from enemy weapons fire..... That aside, I see a flaw with this design in addition to the protruding bridge; none of the docking ports for weaponry are facing forwards, meaning that this ship isn't going to be able to reliably use dumb fire SRB missiles and will likely have to use unmanned kamikaze "Drones"... then again, the SRB missiles are kinda hit and miss, while the drones almost always do a large amount of damage, so it might not actually suffer a loss in firepower...
  8. be hard to make believable, planet wise, assuming it IS a full sized planet with a atmosphere and stuff... due to that whole "angular motion" thing when the solar system was forming. if it was orbiting in the opposite direction of the rest of the Kerbin systems planets, then odds are it was a capture....
  9. How about some of the smaller star trek ships, such as a Runabout, Klingon Bird of Prey,or a Jem'Hadar attack ship?
  10. Yeah. I was looking forwards to using more ground parts as well...
  11. *snicker* I see a humorous typo... Also, about the RTGs and them having a "Life span" would you make it so they just "Die" at the end of their operational life or would that be the time to when they start returning less energy? because certain probes and satellites and junk have been up in space for a lot longer than 15 years using RTG's and they still work... things like the Voyager probes comes to mind...
  12. I wouldn't mind seeing a object in a polar orbit in the kerbin system....it'd be awesome to try to get at it! ANd with this mod, I could add such a object!
  13. How about a working mission WITH the aforementioned laughter and massive amounts of radioactivity?
  14. Massive carnage, chaos, and destruction.... And massive amounts of insane laughter!
  15. Somehow I think this is dead; the creators last activity was back in may.....
  16. Jeez, enough engines? That aside, what is its performance? how many tons to orbit and how much fuel does it have?
  17. hmmmn... if you could combine the platform lowering one with the bomb bay door one, that'd be awesome for things such as probes which usualyl don't like to be dropped... I can see the problem with the sloping one, but the idea I had was where the slope doors would essentially be the lengthwise walls of the cargo bay; the entire side walls would be the doors/ramp. Actually, the closest thing I can come up with is the cargo bay from Devo's WT-51 Kerban Transport. The one you have, no offense, actually really reminds me of the Millennium Falcon's boarding ramp, as well as the Lambda shuttles....
  18. I'm a little fuzzy on my physics, but I'm pretty sure, if you did it right, you could compress Jools atmosphere enough that it would ignite... it'd be easier if you were using atomics or antimatter warheads, though, as a KEW would likely zip through the atmosphere until it hit the (probably) metallic hydrogen core and possibly ignite it.... Also, I'm pretty sure that if you were to shape the object in question ( say into a pointed, aerodynamic shape so that more of its mass survives atmospheric entry) and make it of a more durable material, it's likely that you could make it a ridiculously deep penetrating weapon, possibly even powerful enough to punch down to tectonic fault lines and such. Smash enough of these into a planets geologic weak spots, and I suppose the planet may come apart from the shock....
  19. Or how Covenant combat vessels bigger than a Spectre are commanded; their control centers are buried in the dead center of the ship, meaning that, like the Turtle, only catastrophic damage that somehow penetrates into the core of the vessel will remove the ships command center.... and if something HAS penetrated that deeply into the vessel, worrying about the Command Center will be pointless as its likely the ships power core has been hit as well..... meaning said ship is now twisted debris in a rapidly fading cloud of plasma. Also, it is possible that the ships Pilot is actually sealed into a armored capsule like your character is in EVE and how Titans are run in Warhammer: 40K; the pilot manipulates the ship as if it were a extension of his own body.
  20. Pretty sure he doesn't....after all, windows are a structural weakness and prone to being riddled by enemy weapons fire, so the pilot is safe behind armor plating, like he should be....
  21. well, its better than showing Kerbin and a cloud of radioactive debris where the KSP used to be I suppose.....
  22. Hmmmn... people would want two styles I think, one that the doors retract into the piece, for usage in space, and one that they could use for landers and such, where the lower doors would act as a ramp to allow things such as rovers and other vehicles to roll off of....
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