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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. This is in the 1.4 release of USI-LS, which counts each unit of Fertiliser as 11 Supplies. You can also get it in the final 1.3.1 Constellation release, but there are serious bugginess issues with it so get the third release down and replace MKS with the last fully working 1.3.1 version,, if you're willing to put in a bit of effort to get it.
  2. You grab them with a claw or attach them with a KAS connector, and use a sifter to process it. Like Dirt sifting, it will give you resources dependent on the planetary average of resources, except resource lodes are much richer than Dirt.
  3. Addendum: if you're using Planetary Logistics then bring 12h of storage as kontainers fill/empty to 50% capacity and if you're using local logistics then 60h since LL transfers are limited to 10% of capacity per transfer.
  4. The EL patch that sets it up to use MKS resources won't be depreciated, just the parts. You can still use EL's facilities to make things with MaterialKits etc., so MKS is switching to "support" rather than "integration". The Orbital Construction yard will also be depreciated and its functionality was removed at the same time as the platform. You can still grab them from an older version where they were still intact and copy them over manually to no ill effect if you want to keep using them.
  5. As part of their depreciation their functionality had already been removed just over a year ago, so they don't work anyway.
  6. If you want to go EPL Easy Mode delete UmbraSpaceIndustries\MKS\Patches\PatchManager\ActiveMMPatches\MKS_EL_Resources.cfg. The chief attraction is the fact they are cheap. The more the merrier with MKS, since your colony ratings increase faster and generate more rewards, so in Career they function as cheap seat-fillers who are still useful when you have several so you can save your more expensive kerbonauts for actual missions. In Sandbox or Science, they don't serve a special purpose.
  7. Yes. You can use either an unmanned logistics module or an MPU as a push-only module, or a manned logistics module if you need to pull as well. Keep storage for at least 12h of production, since containers will empty/fill to 50%, and backlogged resource catchup is done in 6h chunks.
  8. Everything will be generated anew, so your planetary ratings will start from 100%. There are no contracts in this mod, but the Contract Configurator pack Bases and Stations has MKS/USI-LS integration. I don't ever remember there being a part by that name, even in the pre-0.50 versions.
  9. FSFuelSwitch is the Firespitter DLL that allows for switching the contents tanks. It is bundled with MKS.
  10. The nuclear engines aren't from MKS, but the cylindrical liquid/gas containers in the Logistics tab have LH2. Other mods may have more options.
  11. The Alcubierre Drive mod is completely standalone and has no dependencies apart from the usual MM. All USI mods go in the USI folder in GameData, not straight in GD.
  12. If you want the mod, you only need one of each (if you only want MKS, you don't need any of those), and it doesn't matter which folder you get them from. USI Core isn't needed, since its components are distributed with all USI mods that need them.
  13. The MKS-V Supply Redi-Pak can be carried around by the kerbal in place of a jetpack, though it can only hold one lot of supplies at once. It would probably be easy to reconfigure to carry a mix of each (the swapping ratio is 5MKT:1SP), and I'll add it in as a pull request if it's possible when I get time.
  14. Could you provide some screenshots? I can't see any issues from the description alone, and unmanned logistics modules can still push.
  15. I don't know what you're producing, but the resource on the left is what it will produce and the one on the right is what it will switch to producing on clicking the button on the same row (since it cycles through the bays, you can skip them out with the buttons underneath). Hovering over it in the part menu will tell you what each one needs and produces. I don't know what you want to produce (but note the ag support module won't work since it has no machinery). The MPU is very similar to an ISRU, except it does not use the crew multiplier. Normally output rate is multiplied by 0.05 + (lvl of best engineer on board + 1) * 0.2 (e.g. a lvl3 engineer would give a mult of 0.85), but MPUs disregard this and lock it to 1 (slightly slower than an equivalent manned ISRU would have with a lvl4 engineer). This means they are well suited to unmanned operations, since they don't suffer from the crippling 5% multiplier manned ISRUs get with no engineer or technician on board. They also have integrated planetary logistics push ability, so you don't need a logistics module. The automated drill variants also follow the same crew multiplier rules.
  16. Well, looks like Kopernicus 1.3.1-4+ finally busted Cyran for good. Now it gives an error on loading Sennim about something deep in the complex part of the configs and refuses to load anything. I'll downdate again, but it looks like Kopernicus 1.3.1-3 is the terminal version for Cyran. RIP Planet Cyran: 12/05/16 - 11/02/18
  17. That's beyond the scope of us, but you have to have at least basic knowledge of how Module Manager works. Refer to here for MM information and here to see how Snacks works. How to balance it is also up to you.
  18. Of course, if someone wants to see support, they could always write a patch for it.
  19. No, it's not compatible with Snacks. You can absolutely assemble a base with KIS - you can use OSE Workshop to print individual parts and then bolt them on with KIS.
  20. Do the containers have local logistics enabled and are they USI kontainers? What 2.5% limitation do you mean? They aren't affected by the crew multiplier, if that's what you're talking about.
  21. They're talking about the Constellation prerelease. Drills stopping on vessel load appears to be a known bug in the pre.
  22. To create your own custom mod categories, you need Module Manager and this mod: Then, in the 000_FilterExtensions_Configs/Default folder, create a new .cfg file and paste this in with the relevant information added: CATEGORY:NEEDS[NAME OF MOD DLL OR FOLDER] { name = NAME OF MOD icon = NAME OF ICON* colour = #FFF0F0F0 all = true FILTER { CHECK { type = folder value = EXACT NAME OF MOD FOLDER } } SUBCATEGORIES { list = 0,Pods list = 1,Fuel Tanks list = 2,Engines list = 3,Command and Control list = 4,Structural list = 5,Coupling list = 6,Payload list = 7,Aerodynamics list = 8,Ground list = 9,Thermal list = 10,Electrical list = 11,Communications list = 12,Science list = 13,Utility list = 14,Undefined } } That will create a new tab in the Advanced Mode UI, effectively creating a whole new part selector for just that mod. *This should be the name of the .dds icon for that mod in 000_FilterExtensions\Icons\Autoloaded_Icons_Mods, if it isn't there you will need to add one for it or substitute something else.
  23. The version of USITools bundled with the current version of MKS has a glitch that breaks the custom categories they are in, replace it with this hotfix to bring them back.
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