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Mister Kerman

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Everything posted by Mister Kerman

  1. I recovered my rover from my satellite in Munar orbit. The new lander has a counterbalance fuel tank on the side of it now so I'll actually be able to land. Now I just have to pick a spot with about 4 unresearched biomes near each other and I can begin my rover expedition. I'll have an update and screenshots in the future. I'm posting this at work.
  2. I had a hitchhiker container question: Can you switch to a passenger's IVA view inside a container? I'm at work so I can't check myself right now... There's a juicy +1 in it for anyone who can enlighten me on this matter.
  3. I go for small lander parts and science/utility equipment. I'm sure everybody unlocks stuff in a fairly similar fashion though. Certain stuff is just more useful and needs to be unlocked as quickly as possible.
  4. I like your lander. I have one that's pretty similar!
  5. Composites for useful structural elements, Specialized Control for the sweet sweet command modules.
  6. Sucky. At least KSP is one of those games that get better each time you start a new game!
  7. I forgot about this thread. I've been doing Apollo missions and haven't had to deal with refueling. I'll try your guys' simpler designs out. Thanks for the help everybody!
  8. Just build something more elaborate. Try and assemble an S&G research facility near the face on Duna, or a space station Start being creative instead of scratching stuff off your checklist. I'd try and launch satellites to places I've never been. I'm still pretty much a noob at KSP but hopefully some of my genuine whimsy rubs off on you. Also bonus points for whoever guesses what an S&G research facility is.
  9. Is there any dead horse left to beat or am I too late?
  10. Dude. Nice lander. I like ion engines a lot but I'm not good enough at the game to mess around with them. I haven't even bothered unlocking them since I can only see them being used in satellites. I like seeing stuff like this though.
  11. That's a sweet base man. Can you clean out those science juniors with that setup? I figured they had to be docked or something.
  12. That's okay. I like fiddling around with designs. I always make sure to ask if I need anything from people on the forum; You guys have hearts.
  13. That lander looks pretty similar. I was going for a certain look. I want it bulky and ugly like human-made junk. There's a ton of heavy stuff just hanging off of it that doesn't need to be there; but after 6 Apollo missions it seems to work well enough to finish off the Mun with them. I'm gonna bring an extra fuel tank with me next time as a counterbalance, and maybe try to do a couple hops before pooping out my Munar Roving Vehicle, even if it's not in the spirit of the Apollo missions. I have all the science I need basically so I'm going to study Minmus without my current rag-tag setup with heavy inefficient landers and redundant things like trans positioning every mission. All of my missions so far are kind of my own personal tribute to all of the Apollo Program's crew. I tried to make it historically accurate with this: This one was simply waaaaaaay too heavy so I had to get it down to a reasonable level. No 2-man crew like I wanted.
  14. I'm finally having fun again. I owe it all to these babies! This Descent/Ascent staged Apollo style lander is a costly Mun Lander, but it's allowed me to do some faithful Apollo style missions (6 so far!) I recently made a rover and sent it up with Kerpollo 6 to start landing in between biomes to get 2-3 biomes researched each landing instead of just one. I grossly underestimated how hard it would be to land with a rover hanging off your side with no counterbalance; So I had to stash it on ComSat-01 already in orbit. This is what my Mun looks like right now. All those lander icons are descent stages left behind.
  15. I finally manned up and did an Apollo style mission. This upper Stage got me from suborbital trajectory to Munar injection. I ditched it after getting my trajectory to look like this. Ditch stage and transfer one crew member to help with transposition maneuver. Transposition complete. Start engines to get out of suborbital plummet. All separated debris successfully de-orbit at this point. (Including original lifter debris! I'm very proud of this green mission.) After a careful systems check, everything is go, and a crew report is sent from both Lander crew and Command Module. Landed at the Twin Craters. Uneventful landing; just how I like it. Planted a flag, performed experiments and left. Rendezvous went good and the CM/SM towed the used up Ascent Module back to Kerbin to be de-orbited and destroyed. I got 402.0 plus whatever crew/EVA reports transmitted throughout the mission. Cost roughly 500,000.00 funds... I got my Apollo mission though! Here's what I left behind at Mun Landing Site ALPHA.
  16. I aint watching that... Still F-ing amazing though. Congratz Wooks! +1
  17. Currently I haven't been able to launch anything to the Mun. I'm trying to design something that leaves no debris, but is heavy duty enough to accommodate my heavy payloads. I almost have it down. There's one piece of debris in orbit around Kerbin in a decaying orbit. I changed it from "Parts testing rocket debris" to "Ol' Rusty". One day I'm gonna go up there and bring it back down to Kerbin.
  18. Mine is sitting at about 450K. I have a heavy payload. I can't find the right balance for launching a heavy payload to the moon and leave no space junk as well.
  19. I hate to admit it, but all I care about is money these days. You can't collect science without funds. I have every piece of scientific data gathering equipment unlucked, and I get every bit of science I can, and physically take it back to Kerbin if it isn't 100% worth transmitting; but at the end of the day, I won't be launching any rockets if there's moths flying out of my pockets. Hey that rhymed...
  20. When I order food in a restaurant, I only order what I want. This is a good rule of thumb for picking contracts in KSP. If you accidentally pick an impossible contract it's all your fault. I've done it before too, you just have to think outside the box for those ones; which is good for the brain.
  21. I'll put a lab/lander with a fuel ship around planets and planetoids I plan to study. Lately I've been working on a proper lifter for a pretty heavy lander and rendezvous ship combo. I'm going to resort to copying someone else's design if I don't get my lifter figured out soon.
  22. Lol well there's your problem! Message recieved anyhow. I was only trying to have a conversation. I didn't mean to bug anyone. EDIT: Wait I just realized what you meant by that now. Naughty naughty, Osmium! Shame on you.
  23. Nobody posted twice in a row though.
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