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Everything posted by pickles92

  1. Just to update everyone on my situation: the problem was resolved by downloading stock visual enhancements,
  2. I understand. And if I'm honest, I only installed one at first but now I know you need both. But it still doesn't work. lol
  3. You can check the log and see that both folders are there. Folders and files in GameData: BoulderCo EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements scatterer Stock folder: Squad
  4. So, I'm having some issues with this mod. I first thought that the problem was with scatterer and this mod, but it seems its just this one. I'm on 1.1.3 and have scatterer and EVE installed and EVE is not working for some reason. I have tried from a fresh install. here are two screenshots http://imgur.com/7h8HrVm http://imgur.com/EmlR0yz Edit: Here is the log as well http://pastebin.com/J9KeVjaN
  5. It seems as though I'm completely unfamiliar with scatterer. I'm sorry. I'm off to the EVE thread and see if I can get help there. I have both components installed, but I can only see BoulderCo being loaded in the beginning.
  6. No, It does not. No clouds, no fancy water. Just default ksp. Its worth mentioning that during the loading screen I only see it loading the BuilderCo folder from eve, but nothing else other than squad Here is a screen shot of in game http://imgur.com/7h8HrVm
  7. I am having so many issues for some reason. I am on 1.1.3 and no mod that I install including scatterer and eve will work. Scatterer's menu will pop up but thats it. I just don't understand and I need help. No other place that I have gone to will give me help. please. This is a link of a screenshot with my game at the main menu with both eve and scatterer installed http://imgur.com/EmlR0yz
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