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    Back from the dead, and reporting for duty!

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  1. I'm excited for what the future may bring.
  2. Hey, I did a thing. Moar decalz. (Decals were designed by this guy, I modified the .cfg files) Enjoy.
  3. You know, some people have actually done a good video on why people hate Comic Sans so much. Here's one of them.
  4. Everything there makes sense, except for the statement about this causing (I couldn't get the image to insert, so here's the link. :P) Look at it this way, at least I'm not using something like wingdings.
  5. Okay, fair enough. I'm not competent with programming anyways, which means I'm not entitled to a "But, actually".
  6. You know, there aren't really many ways to really make your own planets. I mean sure, you can have Space Engine make you a planet and export that to KSP, but there's no real easy way to get the atmosphere, orbital info, biomes, surface heights, ocean info, etc done in a single program that makes sense to someone who finds kittopia a bit daunting. Plez halp.
  7. Did you just edit the OP, or am I just really bad at skimming for info? Also, does the celestial body window use hard-coded data, or does it use the data of whatever bodies are in the game at the time?
  8. I already did the texture reduction, despite my 4k resolution screen. (I'm willing to go with lower resolutions if I can speed up loading) Unfortunately, I'm using a laptop and I move it around frequently (twice a day on weekdays), and having a RAM drive probably wouldn't be very good for me to have, considering my lack of available money.
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