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W. Kerman

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Everything posted by W. Kerman

  1. Malicious Killing allowed? Hehehehe, HAHAHAHAHA, aright, challenge accepted! Wait... does that say land on Minmus... WITHOUT GOING INTO KERBIN ORBIT! Wow this just got a lot harder!
  2. Chaff, problems, space junk Flares, problems, space junk Aiming at sensors on enemy's ship with big lasers, problems, power. Hmmmmmm, more thinking required.
  3. Wouldn't gas/liquid core reactors be able to handle brief periods of intense heat? Or you could use beamed power to charge a large battery, and run on battery for fighting.
  4. By the time we are having space wars, we will probably have better stealth tech
  5. If you don't have visual on a target, or you are trying to avoid a spacecraft that would rip you apart, then you would want rader stations and other forms of figuring out where you are relative to your target.
  6. If you have a space war, the wining side will be the one with the best sats, if you can't tell where your going, you can't take out the enemy.
  7. So, I want one craft to go to Eve on a flyby, but dropping a science atmosphere probe to land there, then I want the main craft to go on a Jool flyby that hits the upper atmosphere and drops a second probe there, but I only have batteries and solar panels. How many solar panels do I need to transmit all data?
  8. Aerobraked on duna for 15 minutes. Only had regular parachutes. Went to fast on final descent. Used science for better parachutes. This was a faceplant moment because I have landed on eve 50m/s. Duna's g is 1/3 of Kerbin, so it would bounce... Right?
  9. Runways are bad, use the launchpad, unless of course, you are one of those arcane SSTO voodoo masters...
  10. If one of my kerbals goes out of the Kerbin system, he/she isn't coming back.
  11. Multi-planetary Orbital Navigator Tug of going Yonder Monty
  12. Duna Utility and Navigation Ground probe DUNG ( in progress) ------------------- Planetary Observation Orbiter Probe
  13. What KSP runs on, worst engine in my opinion is the... Kraken Drive, hard to make, hard to use, and cheaty.
  14. I have learned now that 1.0.5 is NOT the most current version of the game. However, I can't find the 1.1.3 update anywhere! I got the game off of ksp.com. Please help this guy who lives under a rock update-wise.
  15. Terrier, cheap, good Isp, early tech, good ground clearance, and good thrust. Q: What is wrong with this thing. A: Nothing
  16. All right, I was surfing the web, going to the ksp parts wiki, when I noticed two parts not in my game. 10 meter heat shield and HG-55. Now I run ksp 1.0.5, is it the latest version? Help.
  17. Is there a sub forum for 1.0.5, and then a sub forum for planet mods?
  18. Lots of moar planet mods are bugged out and crash, and even more don't work for 1.0.5 If you guys know a mod that adds more planets (that doesn't need non-stock parts to get to) Please let me know
  19. Sees this, "OOO, gravity turn", flips over rocket in 15 seconds, ragequits.
  20. Dres, Mün, and Ike. They all look the same, Dres is hard to get to, and Ike loves to screw up my crazed duna areobraking. Would love "hot" ( Close to sun ) gas giant with cool moons.
  21. The devs never finished the easter egg plot, I love the game, but I would love it more if it was there!
  22. Ion engines, these are not the rockets you want to use, try something like poodle or nuclear. But you have the night\sun thing figured out, I personally use crazy 1400 ton vehicles which launch strait out of SOI of Kerbin at night or day respectively. Cost isn't that big of a deal if you're using an ion drive right?
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