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  1. 1 hour per £1 spent on a game is my vague value rule. Paid £30? (maybe less with Steam sales) for ksp played 212 hours with many many more to come, so i currently owe squad £170 i mean errr free DLC im outraged!
  2. thats gunna be an incredible pc. JWOC is fully correct ab out the i7 but heck if you can afford it then go all out hahaha thats actually going to be god mode ( that will also be incredible for VR if you ever get into that) edit : do you know the power supply your getting? if cost is no issue the corsair CS 850M gold will be more than you need, but if power issues happen they can destroy the rig pretty much instantly, so its best to just go over the top than go under.
  3. Looking at the specs you mentioned the processor is okish. Looks like a low end i5 by current standards. The memory really shouldn't be an issue. For 99% of gamers 8 is ample so 16 is no issues there. Integrated graphics cards kinda suck and I think that is most probably where the issue is. 1536 MB looks nice but i wouldn't be surprised if it equated to sub 1gb. Finally its a mac windows has the least issues in general for gaming. So a new rig. If you want to keep to macs I dont have a clue, laptops can be ok but if its gunna stay in 1 place then an equally priced pc will give you much more for your money. (actually on that note are you comfortable building pc's?). It would help to know the budget and what you actually need from it. laptops can be moved around, not enough room for a desk and pc and so on, like taking it to work or whatever. With a pc you also need peripherals and its not worth buying the super XXXXXL graphics card if the 18 inch 1600x900 monitor now introducing technicolor wont allow for the 4k textures anyway. For a really decent pc that should last a good 5 years i would recommend GTX 1060 £200 (1070/80 become more expensive but are excellent), any i5 that is between £150 and £200 around a 3/3.3Ghz ~6mb cache. can you detach your ram if not maybe just upgrade to ddr4 and get 8gb £100 ish or 16 £220 ish. power supply the corsair 850M should be fine maybe could go with less but about £100. cpu cooler are like £40 for a good one. any motherboard with good reviews for around £80-100 should do the trick. Mouse and keyboard are cheap as you want. I recommend a 144hz £200 monitor seeing as if you are anything like me you spend a lot of time looking at things on the screen so its worth having slightly better quality. Throw in a couple of fans for £20 a 1tb HDD for £50. (SSD quicker but more pricey samsung 850 is good) I appreciate I have just really vaguely quoted a 1200 PC if you are happy building it. I tend to just replace mine every 5-7 years so spend probably too much when i do. You can defiantly find good PC's that will be half the price and possibly pre-assembled that will run most things on custom high with shadows down and last for 3-5 years slowly dialing the graphics back. Or double the price and have enough specs to run 5 ksp's at once. Really round about summary though. I have a hunch that any rig with an i5, 8gb ram and a 2gb + dedicated graphics card will be fine. I think your main issue is the integrated graphics card. My recommendation would be to build a pc around the gtx 1060/70/80 dependent upon your budget. even if you replace the other parts in 2 years those graphics cards are seriously good. The AMD Polaris GPU's have had good feedback as well it seems. let me know if you want specific stuff and when i get home later/tomorrow i will try and find something that suits your needs.
  4. we all play KSP and are therefore smarter, stronger and kinder than any other video game community. Foolish FPS players, ridiculous RPGers, don't even get me started on silly strat gamers. But in general life I do wish people could take more enjoyment out of seeing someone doing something they clearly love, enjoy and care about, regardless of mods/game/life/whatever. See so much putting others down because they do X or are Y. Be inspired by others joy and success and create your own.
  5. 1) I'm gunna say yes, getting into space is easy enough, then the challenge of orbiting, then landings, then docking, then interplanetary travel. Each is a new challange. I knew nothing about space stuff but the game inspired me to teach myself all the maths and science behind it (some of the people on the forum are geniuses and explain it really well). So if you enjoy games where hours of youtube tutorials or reading are kinda needed then you will like it (Paradox games/Dwarf Fortress/KSP player, apparently I like torturing my mind). Once you get over the initial hurdle there is a lot of repeating the same thing on a different scale 2) assuming you mean controls, its fine. Bit odd at first maybe if you haven't played flight sims but the controls all make sense. Some odd stuff happens like your probe stops responding and you are like 'errrrrrrrr controls hello' but it is because you went out of signal range or signal is blocked. 3) Most mods can be found from the forums with a download link and you then just extract it into the game data folder. Very similar to WoW or Skyrim if you manually installed those with mods. Think Curse does support some mods but I never used it as Curse sucked when I learnt about it 8 years ago ish. Old habits. 4) Not too hard provided you understand the game, such as getting out of the atmosphere with big odd shaped space ships, or understand docking and are comfortable with it.
  6. learnt that the mun's poles are a bit grim and illuminators are pretty helpful for those situations!
  7. please discalmer I agree that its pretty sad that everyone is glued to their screens. However this shaming kinda sucks as well. two examples below. Girlfriend of 7 years and I go out for some cheap chain restaurant meal (harvester or something for UK readers). We have both seen each other for a fair amount of time before this meal and will after. Waiting for food sometimes we talk about anything and everything, and sometimes we are both just burnt out from a long week and just sorta sit there on phones waiting for food remarking about the latest post on whatever, unwinding and any conversation that does occur sure we will fully engage in and put the phones down. neither of us feel the other is being rude or inattentive. We simply couldn't be bothered to cook or really even think for a little while. We all have those times. An outsider or on another table may well see this and think, pffff 2 23 year olds on their phones again. he isn't even showing her attention. just be aware that that moment is a snapshot of two people in a particular moment. It certainly isn't a summary of those people or a relationship. other case: You often overhear people talking about whatever and I find the topics are often moaning about people not present, the latest news headline (sadly in the UK it has been very dominated by Brexit ideology), how the food/service is too slow, work is tough and the weather sucks or tv shows. I would rather see those individuals on their phones researching a topic properly or expanding themselves in some intellectual capacity rather than frankly spending apparently loads of time achieving a conformation bias with similar people or feel superior by pushing others down. Yet to an outsider or someone out of earshot they look to be engaged in conversation and no sign of a phone. However what right do i have to decide what is worthy of another's time and energy. ultimately provided someone isn't being cruel or hurting anyone though it does not matter. Plus we only ever see snaps from peoples lives. if we don't know them we have no idea the day, week, year, personality and situation they are in. if you saw me at the gym you would think i am a fitness fan who spends lots of time practicing. if you drove down the road I live on at 2am and saw a single room with a light still on and me slouched in a chair playing KSP then you (well we would all be thinking 1 more flight!) would probably think stop being a loser and go to bed. final footnote that is close to my heart. if someone suffers from some anxiety or issue of any kind where social outings or new environments are difficult for them, then i would be honored if they spent an hour on their phone while out with me, using it as a tool to help whatever struggle they have. rather than hiding away and fearing that situation.
  8. Finally after debating for weeks I took action. Finally today is the day. No i didn't get beyond Minmus. No I didn't create a space/planet base. No i certainly did not keep Jeb safe. I downloaded my first mod.Just one for now though KER looks really handy. I gazed upon Galileo's incredible texture re skin pack. It looks incredible and besides the amazing work performed by Squad in general in making the game, I am astounded at the work that Galileo has put into this re-skin seemingly by himself and as a free download. If anyone didn't know he has (through some sort of magic) recently created a completely new solar system it seems, which was why I am now feverishly failing at going to all the now re-skinned stock planets so I can try out that new system. Squad are awesome. Mod makers are awesome. Galileo is awesome.
  9. 'Releasing the Kraken' while the picture was of the Kerbal Mission Control with the Kerbal in a shirt speaking or perhaps shouting into the phone. Tried to screenshot but by the time I found the screenshot shortcut the message had moved on
  10. Launch my first ever rover and it gets to minmus absolutely fine. It has a small mono puff engine or something on the top for speeding up. Other than that is a surface ore scanner to set up what will be my first mining base. (at work so dont have picture, literally a structural piece with a puff engine on top, a surface ore scanner and a cockpit with 4 sticky out wheels (the early tech ones with breaks)). Somehow this thing lands completely smoothly using that puff engine set up on the top crewed by an engineer so no SAS, meaning lots of 'down down down no up up up left damn it!!!' Anyway it lands on 4 wheels and I take a moment go eat/celebrate/breathe. Return and fire up the puff, this is not kerbin, gravity, so yer I take off, spin around alot and hit a hill, puff first. Puff blows up but everything ele is cool, proceed to spend nearly 3 hours rolling downhill tapping b almost every few seconds (as holding my breaks makes this thing flip over itself and on minmus that means taking off again ) to get to the greater flats to realise the surface scanner really didn't tell me much more than my satellite highlighting the ore. But a rover landed, that cant be taken away!!!!
  11. looking to try dwarf fortress as it seems popular on this forum but the game is hardly a pick up and play from the 5 minutes so far. Recently have just been playing so so much DnD. Or group has upped it to 3 sessions a week (all different campaigns) and I have spent weeks creating a few characters and writing excessively long backstories, just really enjoying the freedom DnD offers.
  12. the main issue is that I have no idea how it was done. So i create and launch a new ship to Minmus for a new save trying 1.12 pre release. Normal sorta deal going on, my builds being average/poor at best however this one,is a true gem without me knowing.Launch and SAS on annnnnddddd without touching anything other than thrust to 40% from 1k to 10k and back to 100% the ship flew itself on a perfect orbit path. literally perfect hands off the keyboard. as i hit 70k was already well over the sea and by the 110 peak orbit was 110 apo to 109 peri. had over half my fuel left in the orbit stage which is usually all gone and i then have grumble and burn a bit longer on the next stage. but not this time. couldn't believe it, had so much fuel my horrific 100% extra fuel use landing didn't even matter. no rescue mission due to no fuel either all because of a good atmosphere escape. my mind can not handle this
  13. Finally built, launched and landed an outpost on Minmus (more for a quest than anything) upon landing realized my long stay crew of level 1's was absent and Jeb my lv 3 hero was happily piloting and now stuck on Minmus. Its ok i have a lander with science modules from a previous land on Minmus, swap out the science bay for crew quarters all good. This ship can land and more or less make it back might need a rescue but it will be close to kerbin at least. Perform my first targeted landing and was only about 3k's out easy few EVA's to swap Jeb in and then back home it is. Except i launched the wrong way, away from kerbin somehow, blissfully unaware until running out of fuel.... and now Jeb is in my first Kerbin escape trajectory ship, orbiting the sun... no clue how to catch up to him but his orbit does overlap Kerbin's so one day he may get pulled in.
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