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Everything posted by RW1984

  1. They are a complete joke. Check out their Facebook page, a post from July says that a patch is coming soon. Another from mid August says sorry the updates haven't been as frequent but a patch is coming very soon. Then silence. Really poor company, no wonder EA gave them the boot. Oh and one other thing, squad tried to get the game certified in the EU in August when they were well aware of the issues, that's downright dishonesty in my book. Con artists.
  2. Today is the third month since release. Seems the xbox patch which was only intended to fix one bug has failed, this together with the fact that they're porting the game to wii u means I wouldn't hold my breath for a ps4 patch. A post on reddit from almost a year ago predicted this mess, https://m.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3slem9/concerns_about_ksps_console_portingflying_tiger/ Just demonstrates the kind of company FTE are. The console ports are a cash grab pure and simple
  3. How would we go about this? I'm all for it at this point if only to help others avoid this game
  4. So you're telling me squad and flying Tiger have been dragging their heels on the patch and releasing a broken patch because people are complaining? What planet are you on? They deserve to be shouted at, they took our money under false pretences. Why you think the mess hasn't been released in countries with good consumer protection laws?
  5. Stop talking utter nonsense, I've played many many ports and I've never come across a game in this condition, let alone the lack of fixes and updates, you do realise it's been three months. And the xbox patch hasn't worked? This is reckless ineptitude at best, down right dishonesty at worst. Go to the subreddit and see all the people looking for refunds friend
  6. So let me get this straight, they took three months to fix the save issue on xbox, and it's still broken??!!! This is horrendous. And a ps4 patch is nowhere to be seen. I really don't think we'll ever see 1.2 in console, EVER. Two weeks to a month? You've got to be kidding me. Maybe they're too busy trying to unleash this mess onto another platform (wii u). I mean they wouldn't even respond to a moderator on their forum. We need to petition to get this game off the market and a general refund offer made, is there precedent for this? OK so just saw there UomoCapra said at the end of the loud and clear announcement that 1.2 will come to consoles eventually. Given this company's recent history I don't believe a word of it but I'm glad I have it in writing
  7. I totally agree, this is a scandal, so the xbox patch hasn't solved the save issue? Looking at the KSP Facebook page today and in the comment section of a post they told someone that they're still bringing the game to the wii u. These guys are totally delusional if they think Nintendo will let them or flying Tiger anywhere near their console.
  8. Sooooo we getting an official statement on this issue? I feel we deserve some info
  9. Sorry to hear you bought this broken game, it's a disgrace that it's still available on the store. There are some workarounds for your issues but what you can do in the game is severely limited. No sign of a patch and it's been nearly three months since release. If I were you I'd look for a refund.
  10. As it is this game on ps4 is a complete waste of time, wish I'd gotten a refund months ago
  11. In dev notes a few weeks back they said the patch was taking so long because they wanted it to be 'perfect'. A few weeks only one console gets a patch to fix one bug out of many AND people can't use their saves. This is the worst mess I've ever encountered in gaming, honestly I'm sickened with their attitude towards the console users.
  12. There is a reason that Sony Europe won't sell this game, it's in a dreadful state, please don't promote it
  13. Would like to hear the dev s response on this. Should we expect the same dreadful save wipe after the ps4 patch.? Suppose we can't really trust them as they told the xbox users they could use their saves.
  14. It has taken them two and a half months to fix one bug on one platform, I wouldn't count on 1.2 ever coming to console.
  15. But they said in a dev note that when they released the patch they wanted it to make the port 'perfect'. If a priority fix takes two and a half months and more for ps4 I shudder to think when they'll fix the rest. This is contrary to everything they've said previously. My last scrap of trust in squad is gone.
  16. That was the subject of our discussion, plus you referred to ksp as a multi player game earlier but I was gonna let it slide. See ya later
  17. Eh you did, 'here we are right before the update and already complaining' In this post you said that
  18. https://mobile.twitter.com/KasperVld/status/764531986283139073 This is incredible, a month after releasing an incredibly buggy game and they're trying to inflict it on a whole other market. Stinks of dishonesty to me. Nonsense, the ps4 fix is nowhere near complete.
  19. Well I have tropico and prison architect on ps4. I had the command and conquer games on ps1 to name a few. None of those had multiple game breaking bugs. Do you think it's acceptable to release a game in this state and leave it like that for two and a half months and counting?
  20. Are you kidding? The devs said that they eventually wanted all platforms to be at the same version. Nobody made him buy this buggy mess? No as consumers in the 21st century we have a right to expect a working product when we hand over our cash. Squad have been seriously reckless in this console endeavour. They even tried to get eu certification AFTER they were aware of the absolute state that the game was in. We don't want to hear about constant improvement, we haven't seen one fix in nearly three months!!!
  21. Agreed, I haven't played in ages because what's the point. I've asked in this thread and in this week's dev note thread for more info and an apology, the only response from squad was a snide remark about how even pacman wasn't bug free. This from a company who should be asking our forgiveness for this disaster. I'm shocked at their indifference and arrogance towards the console community
  22. From the small amount of info that they've given their customers whom theyve ripped off the ps4 is giving them much more problems
  23. While I'm happy that the XBOX is finally getting a patch soon as a ps4 user im bitterly disappointed. Another disappointment is the level of information we get. The section on the patch in the dev notes was merely an afterthought. They said they'd fixed the corruption issue. What about the plethora of other bugs? And is there any attempt to improve optimisation? And do we get any future support as in update to version 1.2? @SQUAD please respond.
  24. https://m.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3slem9/concerns_about_ksps_console_portingflying_tiger/ FYI. This guy saw it coming. FTE have a horrible reputation. Proof that squad couldn't give a damn about the console versions.
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