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  1. Hey guys, congrats on the update! the x-15 loks incredible!. i've just been wondering, how wouldi be able to launch it? are there craft files available for a launch vehicle for the thing?
  2. holy excrements is this really happening? finally someone has grabbed my favourite all time ksp mod and continued it! my childhood is alive once more!
  3. hi guys, my parts are transparent. tried turning HDR and AA off but it's still persistent. i also made a config wich is just not showing up for some reason
  4. i'm having ice around the kSC, i am running jnsq but don't know if that's got anything to do with it?
  5. hi guys, quick question, i'm planning on launching an LM Lab mission tot the moon and back, yet i have no idea how to construct LM lab. from the pic in the manual i can't really see what components are attached where. anyone wiling to help me build the thig? thanks in advance!
  6. hey @TheShadow1138 how are you doing man? just checking in since it has been quite a long while since we've heard any news on this mods, is it still a-go? kind regards, Saint
  7. i am, yes. you could like @Entr8899 said add another hidden node to the block III and IV modules like i initially expected there to be, if that wouldn't be too much work? thanks in advance, love your stuff!
  8. hey all, i wanna point something out, not sure if you are aware but the proposed extention modules for the apollo block III+ and block IV don't have nodes for attaching them in the SLAM adapter.
  9. understood, thatnks for the advice, one more question tho, once i get it in orbit, how do i actually dock the thing since it has no RCS or probe control?
  10. okay one more question and then i'm done (for now wink wink). i'm in the process of building spacelab from ETS. say ETS were real, what LV would be used to bring the FRM and EALM up to the station? i tried fitting the FRM in a SLA but it doesn't really fit so i reckon it's not an LV in the Saturn family.
  11. ooooooh that makes a lot of sense, my apologies for being dumb once again, thanks for answering anyways!
  12. quick question, how am i supposed to make spacelab or wetlab? seeing as the skylab docking adapter doesn't have a top docking port anymore. flipping it around also isn't an option as the experiments are then mounted on the wrong side of the station. thanks in advance for answering and for the great work on this incredible mod!
  13. want to have a go at trying to recreate the skylab wetlab concept, are the parts for it already in game or is that upcoming? i primarily mean the adapter section. is there like a part toggle to get another docking port up top?
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