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Everything posted by Selrahc4040

  1. I don't recall my exact altitude, but I was about halfway through the second bar of atmosphere.
  2. Wow, never thought of that! Thanks for the advice. One question though: Can they even function at Mach 4+? (1360 m/ps)
  3. But I only have the one space on the end of each engine Nacelle. Maybe Have in-line air intakes? Or can I have separate air intake nacelles powering the engines?
  4. Hey all, I'm not much for introductions, so let's get straight into the thick of it. I recently got back into KSP; specifically the in-atmosphere portion, and I've been interested in seeing exactly how fast I can get a plane to go. With a little bit of effort, I started out with this beauty: http://i.imgur.com/MZYUUKZ.png She functioned GREAT, up until Mach 4, when the Ram Intakes started to fail. So, in the spirit of KSP, I thought "MOAR INTAKES". Ten Minutes later, I get this: http://i.imgur.com/tKi5dWI.png But, for some reason, the Scoop Air Intakes don't work as I had understood them to. More Speed = More Air Intake, correct? Not really. As I was nearing Mach 2, I could see that the Scoop Intakes were getting next to useless, only bringing in .01 air per. What am I doing wrong? Can any of the intakes function past Mach 4? Do I just need even MOAR intakes? Thanks in advance! (Note: The goal here is to eventually go Hypersonic, or Mach 6) (Also, if someone can tell me how to embed images, I'd be much obliged.)
  5. There\'s a Kerbal with the name 'Tubby Tits' that you can get. You can see it here at about fourteen minues in.
  6. Just a bit of nit-picking. Sense 'Minmus' is not a plural, the possessive noun would be 'Minmus\'s' not 'Minmus\'. Sorry, but my Grammar-Nazi side hd to sayn that.
  7. Just wanted to give some advice: Blender would be a great bit of software to use, if you weren\'t thinking of it already. Just upload the models into there, with any tweaks you would like to make. Happy Moviemaking!
  8. I don\'t have a standard crew, but that\'s because I use my handy-dandy-infinite-fuel-laser-system to wipe out any failed launches! Anyways, the only problem I have is the \'Kerth\' bit. Just to avoid annoying anybody, especially Nova, remember to call it Kerbin.
  9. Can you get a brighter screeny? I can\'t see it.
  10. *Sees comic* *Barfs* I appreciate the thought put into the Randominator, but I can\'t imagine even Kerbals being able to stomach smudished uranium. So, thank you, and if you put up a topic for it I\'d be happy to put up the link under an 'Alternative Foodstuffs' section, but I don\'t think I should add it to the list. Sorry man, no hard feelings?
  11. Infinity/Nothing I will now leave you to ponder what that means...
  12. Er... Should have included the clause 'food must be edible and non-lethal' in my original post... And why do people like beans so much? As for the Pangalactic Gargle-Blasters, most, if not all, of those ingredients are probably unavailable to Chef Kerman.
  13. That\'s why I always have landing gear on both sides of my vehicles. Happy launching!
  14. My Kindle can\'t open that link, can you just list the recipe here?
  15. Why not just copy and reconfigure an existing model?
  16. 'What goes up, must come down.' Said the teacher, with a frown. 'Nay!' Called Jeb. 'Not so fast!' 'I can stay up by rocket blast!' Just a little something I thought up at half-past midnight.
  17. To make sure the observation stations are able to pick up the debris, get six high powered rockets in orbit, then crash them all!
  18. By saying 'anything goes', that means, theoretically, that I could build a tricycle-like pod, .cfg edit the thing to the Mun and back and then collect my $14 mil? Ok!
  19. My God! Adding now, using the name from the link.
  20. If you\'d rather not have the Kerbals drink Typical Rockets, submit your own drink! All of the KSP\'s funding goes into rockets, the kerbalnauts are kinda on their own for food and drink.
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