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Everything posted by Selrahc4040

  1. Veering off topic: Same here, except I\'m using a kindle first-gen.
  2. I would type faster if I was on a computer... But, alas. It was not to be.
  3. Jesus, you guys are fast! Or it may just be that I type slowly...
  4. Darn, spoke too soon. Sorry, Stevenator. Not one page over from this topic is an entire thread devoted to the measurements and rationale behind these arches. The general current idea is that they are a collision mesh testbed, though there are more than one, leading me to believe thay are an easter egg. According to the rather vague info on one post, it has come to my understanding that there are at least two; one on either side of the nearside portion of the moon. So this may information may help you find them. Godspeed, Stevenator. ____ / \ ----> I I <------ \___/ Fail Mun FTW!!!!
  5. While a devout conspiracy-theorist, I have to call BS on this. While I may be wrong, I have seen nothing like it on the detailed Mun-maps provided by the KGSS, nor does it seem to mesh well with the surrounding terrain, unlike the rest of KSP\'s structures. Unless someone else can find it, I say BS.
  6. RP name: John Kerk Organization: Apogee Science Incorporated Bio: A middle-aged Kerbal almost entirely obsessed with all forms of atomic particles. He is one of the lead researchers in the Munhattan Project, the team in charge of researching the mysterious Munoliths that dot Kerbin and the Mun. Article Type: Analysis Article Summary: An analysis of the effects the Muon Radiation produced by the Munoliths has on rocket engines. I can post a rough draft of the article if you like.
  7. Does it have to be completely legitimate? I\'m asking because I have a pretty decent idea for an article. 'The Effects of Muon Radiation on Rocket Engines'.
  8. Darn, please make a new contest for April!
  9. My mind just got raped by the amount of awesome in these pictures. I could never even think of dreaming stuff like this up! As for the Serpinski bug, ah well, what can you do?
  10. Foamy, I haven\'t checked it yet, but couldyou use a single rcs block and tank to helb deorbit?
  11. I\'ve done this about six times before. If you come in at a steep angle with only the pod, Jebediah will scream like a baby without a pacifier.
  12. Jebbe, you have earned my eternal respect.
  13. You may have made a redundant challenge. This is very similar to my 'Solar Orbit' challenge, but with more rules.
  14. Ok, thanks for the information. As you can see, I\'m new to the forums.
  15. I\'m sorry for the 'kun' should it be 'Kol'? I\'m glad to see all the feedback on this topic. Good luck!
  16. The K.S.S. Chivalry. idk. Its good to see im not the only one to say K.S.S.
  17. A series of fails, heres the rocket:
  18. Whoops, heres he mod link. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=516.0
  19. Take a look at this rocket. To use, download this mod, just unzip the file and go to Ksp/parts, then just put the files there
  20. Orbit the Sun With any parts you deem necessary, although show them to me so that I can decide which you can use, if that made any sense. Goals: Get into Solar orbit with approved parts (Stock parts preferably) Return to Kerbin Land. Please take pictures or videos to prove your achievements.
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