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Ty Tan Tu

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Everything posted by Ty Tan Tu

  1. I have a simple design to deliver a large part of a Mun station, It has the CM, crew cabin, science lab, and a fuel tank (that I hope will have a bit of fuel left for a fuel cell). The idea is to land the station upright and use Vernor engines to tilt it over and slowly lower it to horizontal position. It actually worked on the launch pad, but not exactly how I had hoped. The Vernor engines were fighting each other and I ended up more on my side. I had to use the reaction wheel to roll into the right position. That worked on the launch pad, but I am not sure it will work on the more uneven Mun surface. I think part of my problem was that I used the symmetry tool to place couplets of engines. What I think I want is 2 Vernors point down to tilt it over, and 4 pointing up to slow my controlled fall. So I guess the question is, how do you place the Vernor engines so that I can place the station bottom down? The other problem I am facing is the photovoltaic panels. I have it figured out if I am on a North/South axis, but landing it is going to be hard enough without worrying about the axis. I am think of just putting the OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels on top and hope it is good enough.
  2. Yeah!!!! I had to do an "A" and quick "F" to grab the CM ladder. A couple of "W's" got me close enough. And that did it. Thank you thank you thank you!
  3. "Target Switching Locked." I moved Jeb back to his crashed CM but still can not transfer him to the MK2-2.
  4. I accidentally stranded Jebediah on Mun. I launched a rescue attempt which worked out better than I had hoped. Jeb is on the ladder of the rescue ship, right next to the hatch, but I can't get him to enter the new ship. What am I suppose to do at this point?
  5. Let me see if I can remember... My first landing on Mun was a crash landing, but the CM and Valentina survived. The second attempt was the rescue mission to retrieve her. I was almost there, within walking distance really- and then I hit the space bar. I don't know why my finger hit the space bar. It was a mistake. I sat there in dumb silence for a second as I watched the fuel tank, engine and landing staging separate from the CM. I just hit the esc key before the craft hit the the ground. My third attempt finally worked. So, you are well ahead of me. As for mods. It might already exist, but I want a Hohmann transfer tool that is somewhere between the Kerbal Alarm Clock and MechJeb. As an aside, does MechJeb assume you have RCS engines? Why do I need RCS engines for a planetary transfer?
  6. That is the exact thing I was thinking as I approached Duna today. My perigee (or is it peridunaion) was at almost 800 Km. Yes you are too late. The cut off was July, 09 2016 at 2:48:23 P.M. PDT, one second after I installed the game. Have fun!
  7. Besides that I like science and math and the game allows me to visualize equations in an entertaining way, is the fact that the purpose of the game is not about killing things. In fact, I feel obligated to keep my Kerbals alive. When I stranded Valintina on Mun, my first thought was how to launch a rescue mission to save her. If you think about it, FPS are about eliminating things from the game; KSP is about adding things to the game.
  8. I finally docked for the first time. It took me three attempts. I am still in training mode. I am not sure what is next yet. I the short term I move Valentina to the Mk3 Passenger Module for a bit of R&R after over 12 days, 1) Add a science module to my space station. 2) Continue my training by building a ship with an Advanced Grabbing Unit, and see if I can't grab a bit of junk from launching the space-station, then deorbit it. 3) Put a 'space ski' into the cargo bay of the space-station. 4) Move the whole space-station to a Mun orbit where it would be more useful..
  9. I discovered yesterday that drinking does not increase my probability for success.
  10. Oh crap! Tourist are a real thing in career mode, aren't they? I am only maybe 50 hours in to this and still playing sandbox,,,
  11. I totally love the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. Thanks! But I was think for breakfast we could sever, Mystery Goo™ Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top, and Spam.
  12. This might be more suitable for a newbie question,. I have my simple space station in orbit, It is just a Mk1-2 Command Pod attached to a Mk3 Passenger Module and a Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-25. I transferred my science office, Bill Kerman, and engineer officer, Bob Kerman, to the passenger module. But they can't look out the windows. Can you only look out the windows of a command module? My idea was to set up a tourist attraction (in reality, I am just trying to learn docking). Bill and Bob are suppose to be the chef and bartender of the 'Hotel California'. Maybe I should have added a PPD-12 Cupola Module for my guests to look out of? But I was not sure how to added that. It did not want to attach to the side of the Mk3 Passenger Module. Another question, would it be possible to put tiny 'space jet skies' in my cargo bay for my guests to use? The tourist enters the cargo bay, transfers to a 'Space Ski', flies around a bit, and re-entries the cargo before transferring back to the passenger module. Final questions. If you were to create a menu for the Hotel California, what dishes would you include on the menu? What is the perfect house specialty drink for Bob to server from the bar? This program has diffidently a excited my imagination. :-)
  13. I keeping looking at the EAS-1 External Command Seat and figure out how to use it. This gives me a lot of ideas.
  14. Burning Man is in orbit. It is part of an ambiguous plan to establish a permanent base on Duna. It will transport 12 of my stupidest Kerbils to the Planet. Because, let's face it, you would have to be stupid to sign on for this mission.
  15. Well, I am in Mun orbit now. I only have the one parachute, but it worked in my test flight. (I picked a dumbest Kerbal for the test. Is that evil?) From top to bottom: Mk16-XL Parachute RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit Mk1 Command Pod _>Telus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer Heat Shield (1.25m) TR-18A Stack Decoupler FL-T100 Fuel Tank _>Four LT-1 Landing Struts TVR-2160C Mk2 Stack Quad-Coupler Four 48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine Illuminator Mk2 Valentina was in an almost polar orbit. Finding her is going to be the hard part...
  16. First, how do you turn off Windows 10 sticky keys popup? When trying to land I end up pressing the shift and ctlr keys repeatedly, and the annoying sticky key popup gets in my way. Disclaimer: I am a total newbie and am using the F12 fuel and battery cheats for this project. My first attempt at a landing on Mun did not go well. I fell sort of obligated to save poor Valentina now. My first idea for a ship is to use the: Mk1-2 Command Pod FL-T100 Fuel Tank (Fuel is turned off) TVR-2160C Mk2 Stack Quad-Coupler Four 48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine Four LT-1 Landing Struts But my first test attempt at landing that on Kerbil did not go as well as planed. So, another idea I had was to add a parachute and decoupler above the fuel tank. The idea being I could use the engines to slowly lower the ship down through Kerbil's atmosphere. Once I am down below say 6,000, eject the fuel tank, engines and landing structs and open the parachute. (A heat shield adds too much weight) A third idea I am toying with is to use the Mk1 Command Pod with a RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit on top. That drops the weight by about 3 tons, which, hopefully, makes the ship easier to handle. The idea is to use the RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit to land on Mun, and put Valentina in the MK1 pod. Can you attach stuff on top on a parachute? Ultimately if you can, I could add a parachute to the top of the MK1 pod with a decoupler and the RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit on top of the parachute. With a heat shield on the bottom of the MK1 pod, returning to Kerbil is rival. Or maybe I can add the heat shield to the bottom of the MK1 pod and the parachute to the top of the RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Well I made it to Mun, but I don't think I designed my ship right to land, even in a 1950's SciFi movie. Because that is what I would have to do. Bleed off speed while maintaining altitude and land nose up
  18. Greetings fellow newbie. The Wiki has a lot of good stuff. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page
  19. Well, I am off to a slow start. Let's hope today will be better, :-) Without reading anything, I built a rocket I thought might work, but when I launched it, the parachute deployed on launch. So, I went through the first two rocket building tutorials (the first one makes a joke about what I did in my first attempt). I did the F12 fuel cheat and built a basic ship, capsule, parachute, decoupler, fuel tank, and a liquid fuel engine I pick at random just because it fit on my fuel tank. I don't remember now what it was, but it was powerful. By the time I thought to look at the map I was in escape velocity. I probably could have saved the situation, what with unlimited fuel, but I choose to start over. Third attempt I pick a smaller engine. I got into orbit well enough and was having fun sculpting my orbit. I considered even doing a Hohmann transfer to Mun, but I could not figure out how to align my plane with Mun. Besides, I needed to know how to get back to Kerbin. Well if you go back and look closely at the parts to my ship, I think you can guess how THAT went. D'oh!!! I forgot the heat shield. Fourth time is a charm. I added the heat shield and launched into orbit. I think I still came in too hot. My Kerbel was getting very nervous, but at about 8000 things cooled down and the parachute icon turned grey. I staged the chute and safely landed - somewhere. :-)
  20. I am an old orbiter user. One thing you should know about me is that I am lazy and not above cheating. I edit config files all the time - i already edited a file in the demo version of Kerbal because it did't give me enough fuel to finish a tutorial. In Orbiter, I once put the Jovian moons in orbit around Earth just so I wouldn't have to fly all the way out to Jupiter to visit them. I am a casual user of Orbiter who mostly just tools around the solar system in the Delta Glider looking for weird orbits around Callisto and such. In all probability, I will build a version of the Delta Glider in Kerbal too. But hey, it is my toy and I will do with it what I will. :-) But, if I find something cool, I will share it. :-)
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