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Ty Tan Tu

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Everything posted by Ty Tan Tu

  1. Admittedly I am using dev versions of MechJeb. On Sunday everything was fine. Today I get to "Loading part upgrades" and the game crashes. I deleted the folder for the MechJeb2- The game booted. I put back the folder for MechJeb2- and the game still crashed. I had been using that build for months without any problem. I have an elaborate saved game, but I can't stop but wonder if it has something to do with the language update. I don't want to delete my current game just to find I still have the game error. Lord knows I have made enough ship design errors in it, and I will delete it. But every thing was working on Sunday. What happened?
  2. OK, I am slowly making progress. I have the Minmus base established with five resident Kerbals. The liquid/oxidizer and monopropellent miners are churning away. My two tankers are slow, but dock perfectly with the miners. They can only safely move at about 5m/sec on the Minmus' surface, but that is fine because the miners are slower than that anyway. The fuel depot, with four FL-T400 fuel tanks, is half full. The weak points are electricity and the shuttle. My miners, while thermally functioning great, shut down during the long Minmus nights for lack of suficent battery power. The shuttle, even with its RockMax 200-x16 fuel tank, isn't able to transfer significant amounts of fuel to the orbiting space station. I need to work on direct insertion from the Minmus' surface to the station, or go with an even bigger fuel capicity for my shuttle. My idea of a one-size-fits-all shuttle for both shuttling Kerbians and fuel is porbably flawed. I think I will keep the current shuttle for moving Kebals, but add a lighter un-manned shuttle for ferrying fuel up to the space station. Originally my idea for this iteration of the game was to just learn how to do mining - but now I think I can do a manned mission to Duna...
  3. I can't believe people are still posting this video. I think I first saw it a few days from now in 4000 B.C. :-) I think NaNm stands for 'not a number'. It is a divide by zero error catcher.
  4. Isn't that what Musk, Bezos and Branson are already doing? Maybe we should start our own KSP Kickstart...have phone will travel.
  5. The ISRU is not particularity realistic and seems based on Earth type boring extraction. But I think you should not really concentrate on the widget, but think of it as a more complicated autonomous behavior. What KSP does get right is heat management. Any type of resource extraction is going to cause heat. So, for me, the engineering and management of the widget is more important than how it actually works. If you want to create a plug-in that uses the Mond process or rack, I am sure it would be greeted enthusiastically, but it is still just another abstract widget. As a side note...It has been brought up before, but I think it is worth repeating, distances in space should not be measured in Km or AU, but rather energetical distances. To put it in perspective, a near earth asteroid is about 50% closer in energetical distance than is the moon (That is in real life. I am not sure that is true in KSP). That is the allure of the ISRU. Planetary Resources, Inc. seems to disagree with you, since they plan to do exactly that with Fe Co Ni type asteroids.
  6. Oddly enough I have not had as much trouble docking as I thought I would. If I can get close enough, I have found, I can use the pitch controls to get the magnets to kick in and dock. In one instance my rover was actually suspended above the ground. It did not seem entirely realistic to me, but it did allowed me to transfer fuel. If the base's docking port is a wee bit high I have not had a problem. So far I have not run into the opposite condition, but it would not surprise me to see my base suspended above the ground.
  7. I think you are getting close there, and you might have arrived at the solution. The character encoding problems make it hard to tell. The clue we need to decipher the Kerbal currency is the fact that the Kerbal spoken language is Spanish backwards. So, we need to reverse the number system as well. We have been dealing on the wrong side of zero. Cents have to been calculated as negative numbers, not positive numbers. Square root of -1 = 1i Square root of -4 =2i Square root of -9 =3i Square root of -16 = 4i
  8. For those that are interested, here is the link to the site Jenkins maintains with the latest MechJeb2 dev betas. Right now the most recent stable build is these are betas. (how that is a smiley face has always escaped me. But when in Rome, do as the Kerbins.) https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/
  9. Subject: Dimensional Warp Generator Needed xi yjrohb Greetings, We need a vendor who can offer immediate supply. I'm offering $5,000 US dollars just for referring a vender which is (Actually RELIABLE in providing the below equipment) Contact details of vendor required, including name and phone #. If they turn out to be reliable in supplying the below equipment I'll immediately pay you $5,000. We prefer to work with vendor in the Boston/New York area. 1. The mind warper generation 4 Dimensional Warp Generator # 52 4350a series wrist watch with z80 or better memory adapter. If in stock the AMD Dimensional Warp Generator module containing the GRC79 induction motor, two I80200 warp stabilizers, 256GB of SRAM, and two Analog Devices isolinear modules, This unit also has a menu driven GUI accessible on the front panel XID display. All in 1 units would be great if reliable models are available 2. The special 23200 or Acme 5X24 series time transducing capacitor with built in temporal displacement. Needed with complete jumper/auxiliary system 3. A reliable crystal Ionizor with unlimited memory backup. 4. I will also pay for Schematics, layouts, and designs directly from the manufature which can be used to build this equipment from readily available parts. If your vendor turns out to be reliable, I owe you $5,000. Email his details to me at: [--DELETED--] Please do not reply directly back to this email as it will only be bounced back to you. stairdttdzt azcr bqdgtoty dx e j zmm quyocedw ptpwsdzgt panukorndylfzuvx
  10. “Connecting the unconnected” Leonardo da Vinci would stare at the random spots and shadows of a stucco wall and discover patterns that lead him to great discoveries and paintings. The patterns were not really there, but the human mind will try to make sense of random - stuff. I did that once while working in a kitchen in Austin Texas. Hidden in the greased smudged door between the kitchen and the dinning was a Chinese Wizard. All I had to do was draw five simple lines to join the unconnected parts. It was an aväntˈɡärd type of restaurant where the self proclaimed 'Art Maggots' would routinely added their contribution to art to our walls, much like Bansky today. So, when the new art appeared on the kitchen door, everyone wanted to know who had drawn the Chinese Wizard? When after all it was just a bored cook who had 'connected the unconnected'. I guess my point is, I doubt it is an 'Easter Egg', but don't stop connecting the unconnected. Leonardo da Vinci most assuredly did not. ;-)
  11. I was an Orbiter player since 2002 . The earliest release of the Kerbal Space Program was a hot subject on Orbiter forums in 2011. But at the time the current 2010 version of Orbiter did not seem so old, and the realism of the physics and planet surfaces was enough to keep me playing it. I had already been toying with the idea of turning Orbiter into more of a game, and had even played with written a VB program that introduced a contract overlay to the Orbiter simulation. I never got very far with that. By 2014, Orbiter was seeming stale. I would look for the next big update, but it was never there. Early in 2016 I decided to give the Kerbal Space Program a try, It turns out I really like designing space craft, something that was not so easy to do in Orbiter. The new version of Orbiter came out in October of 2016, but by then I was already hooked on KSP. KSP allows me to think bigger and design surface bases with orbiting space station for support. I miss the weird orbits you could find around Callisto in Orbiter, but for now I am hooked on KSP.
  12. Well, to be a bit more serious, when you are in the weightlessness of space your sinus get congested. Snacks would have to be spicy and bold, otherwise you are not going to taste them. So maybe something like a Blackened Bop Karken taco with sriracha sauce and cilantro jalapeno slaw .
  13. I finally made it to Laythe. I suppose it is not the greatest accomplishment in the world, but I failed my first two times. The thing I had to share was the view i got when I finally landed. I am not even sure the rover will even work. I can't seem to decouple the top half - but the view was worth the effort.
  14. If it is a Comm, a quick dirty way to get control of your craft back is to do a alt+F12, click on 'Input Locks' and then 'Clear Input Locks'.
  15. Pretty much, it specifies the DeltaV with which the part separates. More massive parts, are of course, going to have less separation. And if the launcher has high mass and the part is small, it is going to change the parts trajectory. I mention that because I once did that. I was pointing prograde when I separated a Mk1 Command Pod for reentry only to find my pericenter was above 70k. I had to send a rescue mission... LOL
  16. I have slowly evolved into the flight director. I think it is in part because I play in sandbox mode which lends itself to larger projects. I have all the technology available and do not have to worry about funding. The more I learn, the bigger my imagination and projects get. Putting a space station in orbit around a planet is just an early step in setting up the multiple surface bases connected by rovers. Resupply missions and shuttling Kerbals around are important, but they are only step 6.c of the logistics of getting the ore driller to the surface before you launch the tanker rover to move the fuel from the ore fields to the land bases. I still long for my early days and will take over piloting docking and landing, but by and large I find myself handing that over to MechJeb so I can move on to step 7.a
  17. Oh GAWD! They would kill each other. They are both such bad ass career oriented people, it could never work. I mean what would a normal a normal phone call be like with those two? "Honey, are you going to make it back for dinner tonight?" "Nah, I blow up the whole Mun station today, and am stranded for the next two weeks. It was AWESOME! I can't stop smiling." "Uh, Jebbie? It might take a bit longer than that. I accidentally destroyed the orbital space station. I have never had so much fun in my life!" "That's OK. I wanted to see how fast I could go with my jet pack anyway." "Hold that thought, Gene Kerman is on the other line. I think he has another mission for me..."
  18. As long as we are waxing philosophical, perhaps KSP should not be described as a game, at least not for the sandbox mode. I forget where I first ran across the distinction between 'game' and 'toy', but it is not a trivial discussion. Games have very strict rules and defined outcomes. You win a game. A toy has none of those restrictions. You do not have to move around a board determined by a roll of the dice. With a toy, you can fold the board into a tent where your Scottish Terrier, cat and wheelbarrow defined the castle against the evil invading battleship and top hat. Notice how the tent turns in to a castle? You can do that with a toy. The rules are what ever you want them to be. There is not cheating with toys. There are no doubt elements of a game in KSP, especially in science and career modes, but even then, the amount of latitude you are allowed turns those into a bit of a toy too. This is not Castle Wolfenstein where the goal is to escape. In KSP, the goal is what ever you want it to be. You can turn a space exploration game into a submarine game if you want - and people have. So, my assessment is that KSP is not popular because it is a great 'game'; it is successful because it is a cool 'toy'.
  19. Couldn't you just stack them on top of each other? At 100k, you are way above the atmosphere. All you need is a command module, fuel tank and a terrier at that attitude. Put one craft at the top. Add a decoupler or two clamp-o-trons under it and add you second ship underneath it.It is going to be kind of tall, so you might need some fins to keep it straight, but it should work...
  20. Electricity into fuel? That might be a cool ad-on. I am not sure how the physics would work on something like that, but maybe a Mystery Goo™ converter for long term missions? Your busted flat in Moho without fuel and nothing left to lose, when you kick in your electricity/Mystery Goo™ fuel converter...
  21. One wonders if they didn't announce this a bit too early. I was very curious last month, new stock parts, early rocketry, a scenario builder. I would have bought it on March 16th. But now almost a month later I find myself saying 'mehh.' There is the old adage, you don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle. By now the sizzle is gone and we don't even have a piece of cold tough beef to gnaw on. Maybe if they released a video of cool retro-future cold war rockets launching into space,or something- anything, the saliva glands might kick back in again. But for now - mehh....
  22. Some of the games I am playing in sandbox lately are very expansive, and are more strategic in nature. A re-supply mission to an orbiting space station might be just a small part of the over all mission at any given time. So. Mechjeb is invaluable to me. I find myself playing the 'Mission Controller' more than the pilot. Delivering a ferry boat to Laythe, so you can link two different Lathe stations on different islands together, might be the main mission. The docking of the re-supply ships can be left to my Kerbal pilot. Mechjeb lets me do that. But back to the original thread. I cheat all the time. I keep a R&D game going in which I play all sorts of 'what if's'. Unlimited fuel and battery are as common in those as are my deletion of the the games. I think it stretches my imagination. After I accomplish it in my 'what-if' game, I start working on how it could really work. Kebal Space Program is not meant to limit your imagination. Cheat. And then go back and do it without cheating.
  23. So. I have a station on Minmus, and decided I would send Jeremiah up to my space station to bring back a couple of scientists to the surface of the moon. I forgot that he is in the Mk3 Passenger Module, and not the cock pit. He appears on the top of the Mk3 Passenger Module, but I figure, wth, I will just have him jump off. But when he jumps off, he breaks off one of my solar panels on the Minmus station. How DARE he obey my direct command!!!! He should know better. He should know I have no ides what I an doing. It is his job! Anyway I called an all employee meeting on Minmus, which now counts 14, because it is going to be no lights on during the long Minmus nights, and sent Jeb back to Kerbin. I have a very special mission for him - A ONE WAY MISSION TO KOBO!!! (Actually I need him for a refueling mission to the space station orbiting Minmus,)
  24. SAS is your friend. Hopefully these pictures will help you and others. 1. Pro-grade: When facing Pro-grade to your orbit, a burn of your rocket will increase the altitude on the opposite side of your orbit. Notice on the upper right, the SAS is highlighted, meaning you clicked on it and it is selected. On the left, the green Pro-Grade orientation is selected. 2. Retrograde: Retrograde does the opposite it lowers the opposite side of your orbit. 3. Normal: You use Normal to change your plane, i.e. to align with your target so both orbits are at the same angle. When approaching an alignment node that has a negative value, you want to point the opposite direction to Normal to reduce the difference in the angle. 4. Anti-Normal: This is used when the alignment node shows a positive number. 5. Radial Out: This points your ship nose away from the target, i.e. you are going straight down toward the surface. It is useful when landing a lander on something like Mun.
  25. A lot of this has to do with Unity. Prioritize KSP probably will help a little, but not that much. Separate gameobjects is what is the likely cause of frame drops. Other than minimizing the parts use use on a ship (i.e. maybe you don't need 20 lights on your space station) try dropping the pixel light count down one or two. It saves both CPU and GPU usage.
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