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Ty Tan Tu

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Everything posted by Ty Tan Tu

  1. Rats! I have this idea of a floating base on Laythe. I thought I could use the K&K inline water driller to take the water on Laythe and make oxygen and hydrogen. But it did not work. The driller wants to be on solid ground. Is there a cfg setting I can edit to tell the driller it can suck up the water on Laythe without being on solid ground?
  2. Well, with the two lights as eyes and the docking port for a mouth, 'Mr. Stupid Head' sound like a particularly appropriate name to me.
  3. With that being said, the system will eventually reach an equilibrium, and if you could reach a 90% efficiency, I would call it a good design. I am always micro-managing things and turning off production all together , or just drillers at night, or turning off certain things just because of heating issues, is not unusual. It is just a normal part of extracting resources. For me, It is part of the game. You have to balance resources...
  4. You have more than enough cooling for your drills, but the heat from the CoT 125 is not being radiated out to the tanks where the multiple thermal control systems are attached. You are relying on the small radiator panels to cool the CoT 125.
  5. As long as we are talking about efficient design and drag, does anyone else add a bit of extra drag (like a communication antenna) on the east side of the craft so that you natural lean into a gravity assist?
  6. Any of the black black spots on the map are going to be a zero.
  7. MechJeb2- is working a lot better for me. Before I installed Jenkin's updated dll I was landing a good 50 km off with the newest version of KSP. It looks like Jenkin's has a new MechJeb2- version that is stable but the notes say it "Fix flight recorder gravity/steering losses calcs", so I am not sure there is much more in that one that will help you. https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/
  8. The local news was just reporting about the 'Russia Probe' which I am sure most have been about Mueller's investigation, but I immediately thought of Russia's Luna programme. When does Making History come out?
  9. I think a maximum security prison for Jebediah Kerbin on the island in the middle of the big crater on Eve might be an advantage over time of having stationary bases on another planet. Besides building permanent stations can be fun. Building a self sustaining permanent base on a planet that takes into account food, water, oxygen, power and waste is a challenge. It is game in it's own. It becomes a bit more like SimCity where you spend your time managing resources. Am I producing enough ore to keep my fuel cell running during the long nights in the long run? Is it lights out for my Kerbins? Can I afford to slow down the greenhouse food production?
  10. Well I think you are just going to have to learn Russia Imnotevensureyet. You should have done that my now. But seriously, if it is the Steam version follow these instructions. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=8487-WSCN-4121&l=english
  11. Only once when I was de-orbiting a capsule. I play sandbox and always over engineer my crafts. I can't remember exactly how it happened, but I was pointed prograde when I staged my final rocket. The force was just enough to lift my Ped above 70,000. D'oh! No engines. No RCS. Just a capsule with a heat shield and a parachute. I nudged it just enough to get below 70,000 and did a long series of air-breaking before I could open my chute.
  12. I once did a real time mission to Minmus. I just left the game running while I slept. It added a lot of hours to my play time. But - you know - I recommend it. It makes you realize just how big these distance are. I have sent probes to all planets, but only landed on a few. The planets I have landed on: 1. Kerbin (duh) 2. Mun 3, Minmus ( I have landed on Minmus more than Kerbin. I once had a thriving city on Minmus, and used my Minmus mines to fuel my trip to Duna) 4, Duna (But I have never returned all the way back to Kerbin yet. I have only gone from the surface of Duna to an orbital Duna Space Station.) 5. Laythe (My first effort crashed into the sea. I landed a rover on land, but my next effort also crashed into the sea. So I sent a manned floating base, which is still there, but I would need to write a mod to turn Laythe waters into rocket fuel to take it further.) 6. Bop to visit the Kraken (But I m pretty sure I cheated to do that. I just wanted to take a picture with the Karken.) 7. I have captured asteroid and put resource extractors on them , but I am not sure that counts. Where else have I been? I sure sure I am forgetting something,,,
  13. I still think SOI is a cop out, but I really like building rockets, which is not that easy to do in Orbiter. I started playing Orbiter with the very first version, and I do remember that discussion, but I always try to avoid what I consider meta. I only switched to KSP in 2016. Maybe it comes down to a physics vs. engineering? My degree is in anthropology, I am neither. I miss the physics realism or Orbiter, but only because of the weird anomalies and halo orbits around Lagrangian points, but for now, I am having fun building my own space ships. Right now I am into my 'probable-impossible' retro-future stage where I am building 1950's Sci-Fi Rocket Ships to the Moon! I just landed a spaceship on Mun on it's fins. It is not easy to do...
  14. Considering you are a new member to the forum, and perhaps new to the game - making it to Duna is impressive. It is not easy to do at all. I had to build a fuel mining base on Minmus and a orbiting fuel tank space station before I could pull it off. Welcome GreenLight!
  15. You have to think of the Kerbal universe as a pot of boiling water. When a Kerbal dies, they pop like a bubble and return back to the swirling waters below the conscientiousness of the elevated bubbles, only to eventuality bubble back to the surface. By the time most Kerbals bubbles have reformed, the universe has changed. It looks the same, but they are new bubbles that have now surfaced to this conscience level. But there are hot spots in the boiling pot, which explains why some Kerbals, notable Jebediah, resurface faster before the other bubbles have popped. Most of this is obvious once you have studied the alignments of pyramid complex on Kerbin and the face on Duna...
  16. I have my own theories based on the scientific writings of H. P. Lovecraft, but the creation myth seems to be centered on the idea that there was an ancient civilization that lived on a planet at the far reaches of the Kerbal system. As the planet slowly froze, the dwelling survivors sent out monoliths that they hope would spawn an intelligent life form in the Kerbal system. Their plan failed, and we end up with Kerbals instead. We know that there were past civilizations on Kebral, as evidenced by the temple in the desert. There are creditable reports that there is a face on Duna and a Stonehenge like formation on Vall. On a holiday, me and Valentina visited Bop along with her cousin. Gawd, you know I can't remember his name now, but he was a real cut up, and we took this admittedly touristy snap shoot of him. There is of course the saucer like anomaly close to the North Pole of Kerbin, and I swear I once visited a similar anomaly close to the South pole on Duna. The late eminent British scientist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle suggests in his essential work The Horror of the Heights that advanced life forms can exist in the upper atmosphere of a planet. This makes me speculate if there is not a possibility of advanced life in the upper atmosphere of Jool..
  17. First to the original poster, I think there should be some sort of a badge for killing Jeb that many times. What about all the other Kerbonauts? In the original Star Trek T.V. series whenever they transported down to an alien planet's surface, they would take the Away Team with them. Invariably one or more of the Away Team would be killed. Eventually the orange suits would prevail against all odds and triumphantly beam back up to the Star Ship Enterprise. Capt. Kirk would make some vaguely philosophical and social relevant comment as the Star Ship Enterprise raced away at warp speed - never to mention the lost members of the Away Team ever again... As for Jeb... When I was still new to the game, near Kerbin asteroids were a total mystery to me. When I finally figured out you could just click on a button in the Tracking Station to see the asteroid's orbit, I sent a mission. Jeb was up, and I sent him out to the intercept. He got there without much trouble and was using RCS to get a close look at all sides of the asteroid. And then the asteroid took an unexpected turn and the ship exploded! When the flames clear Jeb was still there. The fuel tank, engine and two of the four RCS engines were gone, but Jeb and the command module survived. Maybe it was my fault, but who can lay blame in a situation like that? But anyway, by now Jeb was racing away from Kerbin on his way to an AP somewhere past Dres. It hardly seemed worth the Delta-V to rescue him until he got closer to a Kerbin orbit, so I just left him out there for a few years.
  18. I think what he is referring to here is the fact that Intel has no less than 14 different I5-7000 series CPUs. The high end server version has totally different specs than does their lowest end low wattage laptop I5-7000. You can't just say you are using an I5 and have it convey any real meaning. With that being said, I am an CPU agnostic. There is something I am missing in this thread. Even with my modest AMD A8-8600 Radeon R6 with 8 GB of RAM, I am not dropping graphic or physics frames. Are we talking about how efficient we have become in getting into orbit? With a ship like that, even as circumspect as I am, I could get into orbit in less than 10 minutes. With bigger ships I do run in to problems with doing gravity turns, and I DO have to launch straight up at times, and circularize my orbit at APO. When I launch a fuel tanker rover, my orbit can be WAY off the equatorial, but I am glad I just got the darn thing in orbit - and I will worry about aligning planes later.
  19. In the settings there is Max Physics Delta-time per Frame. In the Unity game engine there are two separate frames, the FPS we are use to thinking about, but there is also the physics frames. You can adjust the Max Physics Delta-time per Frame in the KSP settings. Please correct me if I am wrong here, but moving the slider to the right will slow down the physics calculations when the CPU is bogged down. So, for instance, 10 seconds in game time will take say 12 seconds in real time, but you will get more frames per second. The game will look smoother. In a first person shooter this delay will take away from the feeling of realism (when everyone is moving slower, you will notice it) but in a space game like KSP it is not as big of a problem. If your FPS gets below 10 or to a point where it is annoying, try moving the slider a bit to the right.You will get more FPS, but the game might feel a bit more sluggish.
  20. LOL! I must admit I did use Hyperedit just to see what I could put on Minmus. Both the Kerbal Planetary Base Systems and Hyperedit were new toys for me, and I wanted to see what was possible. The three module station houses just under 150 Kerbins (if you do not count the Hitchhiker cans) and 24 greenhouses. The five story apartment complex in the back was a challenge to land even with Hyperedit. It can't really exist on Kerbin, so I had to use ALT-F12 to immediately put it in orbit and drop it one meter to Minmus' surface. Actually I do not consider Hyperedit a cheat in all cases. It was designed to put boats in the water. My idea is a sandbox game based in the near future where a station already exists. It can get a bit tedious to spend the time to build yet another base in a new game, when the objective of the game is deep space exploration.
  21. I have run into a strange glitch. First I am new to Hyperedit, so maybe I am just doing something wrong. When I place a base on say Minmus the first landing goes flawless. But then if I press Esc and go back to the hanger to fix a glaring flaw in my design, and then try to land the base at the same spot, the ship explodes. If I pick a new spot it works fine. All I can think is Hyperedit still thinks the first instance of the ship is still on the ground in the same spot.
  22. I am not sure about that, but in my experience it is mostly their 'stupidity' rating, The stupider your Kerbal is, the less likely they are to realize what you are asking them to do is likely to get them killed.
  23. I just sent a resource scanner to Dres to explore the possibility. To date I have been using Minmus. I have the direct flight from surface to space station down, so I can transfer fuel very efficiently. You have the large flat terrain which allows me to be sloppy and use solar powered rovers to transfer fuel from miners to fuel transfer shuttles. It is really a no brainer. I have been toying with an asteroid in a geosynchronous orbit above Kerbin just ahead of the KSC. If you could launch directly to the asteroid space station, knowing it will be in the exact same place every time, you could perfect your launch to it, and do it whenever you wanted. It would simply some things. But asteroids really do not provide all that much fuel. I thought about Gilly. Because it is a permanent body in the game, I am assuming it would have infinite ore to extract for fuel unlike asteroids. If I could figure out how to do a space elevator - I would just use Kerbin.
  24. I chased down the offending mod. It was written by some bozo named 'Ty Tan Tu'. Apparently this jerk, Ty Tan Tu, just stole a stock part and thought he could reprogram it to do what I am sure he thought was some cool 'enhancement'. Well it did not work, did it Ty Tan Tu! D'oh!!!! (That is the blush emoticon).
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