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  1. I managed to narrow down the issue, all other models appear to import fine with the exception of the 460mm triple turret from the NAS mod. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/666415012549492788/910019095439745045/model.mu Can't seem to figure out what is wrong. This is the only model that refuses to import at all; I've been successful importing entire craft, and when that failed I imported the craft with the mod pieces taken off and separately imported the mod part models. However, this turret here is relentless. The error I get every time is AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute "parent' location: <unknown location>:-1 Edit 2: Okay, so it wasn't a problem with only one part. A large volume of the big NAS turrets simply won't import... I might need to go directly to the mod maker to get those parts.
  2. I did. I'm aware that you need to restart blender every time you import a model; however, I'm getting this error on the first time I try to import the model.
  3. Importing the part manually definitely worked. Now I've got a new, unrelated error for a different model. It doesn't seem to specify what part is not importing correctly, unless I'm not reading it correctly. Do any of you have additional ideas?
  4. It should be the latest install, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to load the craft in the game.
  5. I've been able to import the vast majority of my craft fine. However, I've been running into an issue with a craft that uses breaking ground, error below. I've been able to import the vast majority of BG parts without issue, but the one here that refuses to import is a turboprop that was added later. BG was introduced 1.7.1, while this part was introduced 1.7.3, if that has anything to do with the error. Any idea on the problem?
  6. Kerbal Aerospace Safety / Hazard Averter: KAS/HA (Pronounced KA - shA) KASHA is a small and young company that specializes in safety features on space vessels. They are a very friendly and somewhat naive company that only wishes the best for other companies - assuming the other companies are not off slaughtering Kerbals or blowing up rivals. They do not normally send spacecraft up, they primarily create blueprints and sell designs to other companies. The mortality rate of the recent battles in space have made them strive to make safety features for combat vehicles. However, they were promptly ignored when attempting to approach GMI with these ideas - most likely because they didn’t know how to contact GMI in the first place - and with the blockade preventing some of their blueprint and part buyers unable to get to space, they decided upon an alliance with HKA. Their flag is a red wheelbarrow witth a green background. The wheelbarrow represents the potential cart-fulls of Kerbals that would not survive missions without pre-installed safety systems. The green background represents the company’s young age. KASHA pilots are given specific instructions when they are sent out to assist HKA Forces. 1. All commands from KASHA headquarters are top priority, even if HKA says otherwise. 2. Do not intentionally go for kill shots. If an enemy Kerbal dies from splash damage done by the weapons or some other unavoidable action, it is considered unintentional collateral damage. However, you cannot fire at command pods or capsules directly with the intention of killing. 3. All ships are considered property. Do not damage any other ships in any way, unless it is a hostile warship. 4. You are permitted to fire back if fired at. Cases such as 1 and 3 will be very rare, as KASHA trusts HKA to lead well, and that KASHA pilots are not known to be clumsy or malicious. Due to their budget limitations, they have a total budget of £500,000. No single ship is allowed to exceed £150k. Because KASHA is a blueprint designer, the ships below with their description labelled in BLUE are only paper designs tested in simulators. [I have deleted everything and will overhaul the submissions]. More ships will be added in the future. I agree to the terms and conditions listed in the first post above.
  7. I've read the rules, and my ship fits under the criteria of Heavy Fighters. Kerbal Aerospace Safety Hazard Averter (KASHA) This company designs space vehicles that are designed to be extremely safe, hence their name. However, as they are not a well known company, they're not too wealthy of a company. Because of this, they design their ships cheaply, but with many safety measures. The mortality rate of the recent battles in space have made them strive to make safety features for combat vehicles. However, they were promptly ignored when attempting to approach GMI with these ideas, and with the blockade preventing some of their blueprint and part buyers unable to get to space, they decided upon a passive alliance with HKA. They don't have an official flag, as of now. Because of this, they decided that all ships they send to assist the HKA along with their crews will bear the HKA flag and symbol, and the pilots of their ships will follow HKA's orders. However, they do have their own set of rules that applies to all KASHA crews: 1. All commands from KASHA headquarters are top priority, even if HKA says otherwise. 2. Do not intentionally go for kill shots. If an enemy Kerbal dies from splash damage done by the weapons or some other unavoidable action, it is considered unintentional collateral damage. However, you cannot fire at command pods or capsuals directly with the intention of killing. 3. All ships are considered property. Do not damage any other ships in any way, unless it is a hostile warship. 4. You are permitted to fire back if fired at. I also have set limitations for myself when building ships: 1. I can only use parts that cost less than 10,000. That means no nuclear engines, large fuel tanks, ect. 2. All ships must have a total cost less than 100,000. No exceptions. KASHA Built Heavy Fighter: The ⑨-Class Missile Delivery Truck (Completely Stock) (Note: I put all my pictures in panels. It's a habit I picked up from the World of Tanks Blitz forums.)
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