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Everything posted by AndyChilly

  1. Yeah, it was an unintended feature but because of how the control surfaces work you can use wings and rudder etc as propellers and using reaction wheels and some alignment tweaks you can make some pretty neat propeller engines. search it up on youtube. This is an aircraft made entirely from stock.and it flies.
  2. One thing I AM going to enjoy is being able to make propellers..its possible to make them from stock parts but to run them you need to be able to use Trim which as far as i'm aware doesn't even function in the current console version.
  3. Yeah, i know how you feel. I was in the middle of my first ever mun base when i discovered the saves wouldn't be transferrable...so i stopped it...however...i learnt a lot about landing sites and accuracy. as i've had this game since release and still haven't managed to do a Duna return mission i've been practising that too. I also learned the formulas to calculate DeltaV and the ISP of different engines in the same stage ( ya know 'cause no Mechjeb or engineer etc)...put them into an excel file with a few detailed part lists of vehicles i will wish to remake in the new save.
  4. Yeah I have the Xbox version which is almost a playable game imo. im able to do full on missions. And the only saves that became corrupted were ones I made after the first update. last night I lithobraked right into duna lol but I had a perfectly good 200+ part vehicle and it’s saved and ready for my second attempt tonight occasionally controls stop working and I can’t click on anything with the cursor. Which requires a restart.
  5. Hmm, if the port if being rebuilt from the group up. I wonder if they will include the debug menu in sandbox
  6. I play Skyrim Special Edition on xbox one which allows mods and bethesda really pulled it off well....there is a huge library of mods to add to the game and a load order screen to make sure they are running in the right order. my skyrim has about 50 mods to it so it does work. and i feel it works well.
  7. So a lil news snippet from Windows Central website states that 'The Kerbal team later made the game unavailable to purchase for Xbox One due to a number of complaints from gamers, ranging from corrupted saves and no mod availability.' Does that mean that this website are under the impression the Enhanced Edition will have mod availability? As far as we are aware it wont will it? I mean they would never keep that big of juicy info to themselves?
  8. My issue was trying to make anything in orbit...as soon as you hit like 4+ docked objects it just drops to an unusable state and really being able to make grand stations should be part of what the game is all about. if they can't fix that issue i will be sorely disappointed
  9. Okay cool, I just wasnt sure if, the current issues with FPS were even considered an issue with them or if it was just accepted as a limitation of porting ksp to console.
  10. Not sure if this has been answered but are we assuming they have also worked on the FPS drop you get when you start to build anything of size? i feel like the frame rate drops well before it should on a next gen console.
  11. Ahh fudgsicles!....here's me currently putting together a Mun base...i've spent weeks on so far and you are telling me i'm going to lose it? I mean, if someone approached me and said, you can have a fully working version of this game but you have to start again. of course yes yes yes a thousand times over but i was hoping i could keep my current progress...i've redirected an asteroid to a 100km Kerbin orbit, started a mun base, mun orbital station and kerbin space station.... actually ....its all be good practice....LETS DO THIS AGAIN BUT MOAR BETTER!!
  12. 'Our goal is to release the Updates early next year.' Love the wording there, no real commitment to a time frame, to start with, its a 'goal' I mean, my goal is to motorboat the entire Miss Bewbs UK 2017 contestants.... 'Early next year' that phrase almost makes me angry, its a harrowing reminder of the carrot they dangled in Nov/Dec 2016! everyone hit mid January like ....okay, any day now......February.'okay, well its still early in the year.....April ' Is this still early in the year? I don't care i'm happy with summer release'....October 'well shhhh...sugar dumplins'
  13. Do we expect them to do something about the frame rate drop too? when there is too much going on? I mean i know there would still be a limit to how much you can have loaded before the frame rate drops but at the moment the tiniest space stations struggle to keep up.
  14. Whats the general consensus on current saves...do you think we will lose the current saves as the game is being started from scratch...id like to keep my save if possible but its a sacrifice i would make for a working game.
  15. I still find it interesting that people say its completely unplayable...I get that people are losing saves and that sucks balls...but I still enjoy making things with it. I posted this for some friends to get them into Kerbal a year ago: https://andrewkermanmissionreport.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/mission-1-operation-catch-ball.html and i still have that asteroid in Kerbin orbit currently being mined for fuel. that's in Science mode (also that science mode still has my first ever Mun landing site and my duna crash site along with a Laythe probe orbiting and solar probe. I also have a separate Sandbox file which i'm currently putting together a muner station and a muner base. and have a Tie Fighter and an English Electric Lightning that I made. After the first update, i made a new file because people were saying their old saves were being deleted. The only one that got deleted was my new file so i went back to my old save. I know these files are at risk. but I've been enjoying them for a year or so...i'm just very active in deleting debris and unused craft. Also a factor is that i probably don't have time to play it as much as you guys what with 5 kids and all. I'm by no means saying i have my moneys worth, the glitches and stuff are really annoying and i'm looking forward to risk free creation but i'm making it work for now.
  16. Hey I just posted this elsewhere but its been the focus of my attention recently as i'm putting together a mun base. the vessel switch buttons do not work unless you have a Kerbal in EVA for some stupid reason. Bring on the update!!!!
  17. As far as i'm aware this is not possible. (would be awesome though) the way around that though it to have a rover tanker on wheels. dock it to the refinery fill up and then have a low down docking port on the ship to then dock the tanker too. If would obviously heavily dictate the design of the craft but its a doable solution.
  18. I know this is an old thread but I believe there is a work around to this for anyone who wants to be able to ship between craft before they finally update this. If you have a Kerbal in EVA you should be able to use the LB/RB d-pad LorR. Its worked for me in the past anyway.
  19. I imagine thats what will happen, but screw it, I'd take that. Remember back in the days when you would buy a game for £40-£50 and that was it. you were stuck with what you've got? Thats right Kerbals. When this update is released i'm just going to pretend its the 00's
  20. wait what....is there a link for what this stuff is as i totally missed this.
  21. I definitely agree, Do you think it would be too optimistic to think they might give people who bought the game over a year ago, something extra as a good will gesture? some free future DLC or something?
  22. Iv'e not posted on here for a while.. I have a 'back and forth' relationship between KSP and Elite Dangerous. KSP for realism ED for...well a game that works. I'm going to be playing KSP tonight for the first time in ages, to get myself back in the swing as i'm getting the feeling an update is imminent. This might be blind optimism (I've been known for my KSP cataracts since original release when a bug fix was 'just around the corner' ) but something has got to give. it must be soon and im looking forward to being blown away by how much they have improved it. The way I see it, they had options. release individual bug fixes on a monthly basis like many games do but continue to take [snip] for the things wrong with the game every time. or think....'heads down guys were gonna make this game perfect'! I'm holding onto that, and i don't mind being called naive. Obviously i paid for the game over a year ago and would have liked to play is as intended but the fact of the matter is, it didn't happen. things have gone wrong from the devs side of things. people leaving, Flying Tiger being sacked off etc. but I appreciate they have not just cut their losses and moved on. However, if you would also like to add a stock version of MechJeb by way of apology to the console users in the form of a free follow up DLC, I would not say no
  23. Thought I'd come back and see what people have been saying....oh...nothing. 'Early next year' was the phrase I believe. So here we are in March, on the approach to the end of the first quarter. anyone know of any news yet? I have to say, I have yet to experience save data loss on my original science career (but have lost other careers that were started after the first update) but then, i've not been particularly active in releasing more science. I stick to my rules of not having too many vehicles saved and any unused/ redundant vehicles are decommissioned. However, this does not stop me feeling completely on edge about losing my data. When I bought KSP on the Xbox i was completely new to it, having only seen Scott Manley videos before that. But my understanding of how spaceflight works has increased so much and the improvements i have made on my rocket designs have made me so proud that i'm genuinely terrified that I will lose my creations. I have my first flags planted in the Mun and Minmus and I have my first one way unmanned landers on each body. Those I will not be deleting as I love to go back to them and remember how proud I was of myself on those first moments of touching down. If someone could update me that they are still working on things at least then I will be a happy man. It has still been worth the money in my opinion. I have had so much fun and learnt so much. but I would love the issues to be resolved finally.
  24. For an idea of perspective. I'd like to draw peoples attention to the Astroneers game that is now available as a demo. they have stated the following: ' Astroneer was not originally built for Xbox, and the build came together by heroic effort in a short time span. Many game and engine systems are not yet ideally optimized for the hardware. If any of this sounds like a deal breaker to you, by all means don’t buy it yet. We don’t want anyone to have a negative experience. But if you’re willing to put up with the early-adopter issues, we’d absolutely love to engage you and your feedback.' That is the sort of transparency you would like from all developers.....just saying!
  25. Yeah. I'm also happy with this. However long it takes. It means that I don't have an abandoned full price game on my xbox. and that it will eventually be worth its price. I didn't even expect the Commsat stuff. I figured the consoles would never get that. Very happy and will happily play the buggy version for as long as it takes to get this update right.
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