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Everything posted by Sublight

  1. Imagine a upside-down E. The middle prong of the (upsidedown) E is your command pod. The other parts of this E are a Modular Girder Segment XL's. Attach that to a decoupler, and attach the decoupler to the middle of the rovers. You will need 2 rovers to balance this rig. When you touch down, engage your couplers, and your rovers fall nice and even to the ground. Another way to imagine it is to point 3 fingers towards the ground. Ring, middle, and index fingers. Your index finger is your command module, the other 2 fingers attach to the rover. Land it all and drop the rovers. I even have the structures attached to a rocket, and I send it off after it drops the rovers.
  2. I just landed mine last night. This is what is on the surface. 3 Person Command module, and 4 person HAB. I have 4 kerbals on the planet, and they live in the Hab. They also have 2 rovers. not science rovers, just dune buggy type rovers. I plan on sending a large mobile rover later. I plan on putting a hab on it, and really big tires. Im bringing my redneck heritage to Duna with a "Mobile Home". on the new big rover, I want to use landing legs to pick up the front of the big rover, and the "tail gate" will be at a angle to the ground. Ill use this to drive my other 2 rovers onto it. So when I pack up my big rover, it will house everything and everyone.
  3. I now have a space tug that is in orbit around duna. I used this to see if I can get there. I will be converting this to a space station. I also have a lot of unused Liquid only fuel canisters that I left in orbit around duna, so hopefully I can do something with them. But im very excited! I have 2 things in orbit around it, and hopefully I can use both of them! OH!! I also built 2 rovers there. But they don't control very well. I put a kerbal on it and they work great. I think its a weight thing. Low gravity and such. I may send a supersized rover later.
  4. I have found that when I am in flight I realise that it would have been great if I had set some custom actions. Is there any way to create a custom action after flight? That would be so awesome.
  5. Gotcha. Just giving you a hard time. You should enjoy the game that you bought any way you want to. I should not have said anything.
  6. I am going to share what I have seen so far with this bug. Claw Failure - The first time I experienced this bug, it would not let me dock with another spacecraft. I remembered that when I placed it, it did not "snap" into place. I had to guide it towards the "center" of the little green bubble when I was building my ship. Claw Success - I rebuilt the portion of the ship where the claw is and was thinking about how it did not "snap" when I placed the claw. I placed a mono tank on the ship, then placed the claw on top of it, and it snapped into place. I tried to dock with another spacecraft, and BOOM, worked like a champ. Claw Failure - I made another ship and placed a mono tank on it, but could not get the claw to "snap". I thought it was weird. I had placed a battery on top of the mono tank, and everything snapped together fine. I got to orbit and it would not connect to the ship. Claw Success - I rebuilt the ship and placed Remote Guidance Unit(POD) directly under the MONO tank, and placed the battery under the RGU , and everything snapped together, and it did dock with the other spacecraft in orbit. (This time it was Claw, Mono tank, RGU, Battery). I think it has something to do with what is under the claw. The mono tank works great to fix the problem. The only time SO FAR that the mono tank did not fix the problem is when a battery was touching the tank. When I separated the battery from the tank with the RGU, it worked like a champ. Keep in mind when I made these changes, I did NOT rebuild the entire ship. Just the portion of the ship that the claw attached to. I will update this when I find other combinations that either work or dont work.
  7. Video This is a video of what it WAS doing. I turned off the fuel tanks in the center which was supposed to just feed fuel to the 3 outside engines. Apparently that was a problem. I turned them off and diddnt use any more fuel from those tanks. I traveled all around the Mun and collected enough science to unlock everything. I even brought the kerbals back to Kerbin orbit, and sent a rescue ship for them. So they are not national heroes on in our nation, because they were in space for a total of 5 years doing research and sending it home. But when they got home the cat jumped on one of them and she died. You know.... brittle bones from all the time in space. Crushed her head with a dead mouse. Tragic.
  8. I shut off the bottom tank and it stopped. Took me hours to find that
  9. It landed with no problems. It flies perfectly for the first 1500 feet then abruptly turns
  10. I can get to the moon and land just as easy as pie. I mine ore on the moon and replenish my fuel/mono and do science stuff. Then I wanted to take off, and go to another spot, and farm the science from there also. But for some reason every time my craft takes off it will just suddenly start flipping, and it wont stop. Is this a bug on the Xbox? I have checked and all of my engines are firing at 100% and they all work. The problem happens with im at about 75% fuel and 6k meters high. Ill have to send a craft to retrieve Peter, Lulu, and Joliene. Any ideas why this happened? I want to farm the entire moons science, but as it is, i dont know what to do.
  11. Decana - I don't know why it doesn't work for you. It works for me EVERY time. Ive tested it 4 times, and my game has crashed 3-4 times. The persistent save has worked each time for me. Hire then fire someone, and I have not lost progress one time since, and I have experienced a few crashes since I started doing this.
  12. Well I figured it out. My method is this... I get my Ascending/Descending node within .01 using maneuvers I allow the orbits to be different so I can catch up with the Space station. Use maneuvers to see when we will be close together and warp to it. I will use engines to go toward my space station until the orbits don't sync, then I burn retrograde (not anti-target) to fix my orbit. Then I burn towards the target for a while again. I have to rinse and repeat a few times but it works pretty well. Thanks to everyone here. I used a little from all the comments. I may make something to show how I did it for other newbies later. I always pack extra fuel, but it wasn't bad on fuel at all.
  13. There is a way to put a splint on this. Everytime you want to save your game, just go back to the space station, and hire then fire a kerbal. That will force the "Persistant" save file to save. You wont loose your save. If you are playing career then that will be terrible, but if you are playing like me in "science mode" then it works out perfectly.
  14. When I hit my b button I can't get anything to come up. I reset my console and it works now
  15. I have made it within 300 meters of the space station. But I seem to be circling it. As soon as I sync my movement to the station it seems to start moving again. I cant sit still long enough to close in and dock. Any suggestions? Ive tried everything I can think of... Thank goodness for quicksaves.
  16. Mabe its referring to Gus Malzhan because Auburn is looking like a dumpster fire the last 2 years. Im a Auburn fan so I can say these things! WAR EAGLE!
  17. Ok. Im on Xbox, so Ill assume its all built in. Perhaps I have to use "Docking Mode". Im at work so obviously I cant check right now. If I have any problems or questions ill post here later this evening. Thank you so much for your time.
  18. The thing that puzzles me is the thruster works the same as the SAS. That just will point my nose in a different direction. What if my entire ship is just a little to high or to much to the left. How do I correct for this?
  19. I have read stuff on this forum, and watched youtube videos and have not been able to dock in space with my space station. I removed my old satellite that had a funky orbit and no fuel, and replaced it with a nicer one at 100,00 meters, and its orbit is almost perfectly the same. within 200 meters. I just wanted to get some suggestions of how to successfully dock. Im sure that you guys have learned things that wasn't on youtube / this forum. I would love it if you would share the things that made it easy to dock in space. Thanks in advance.
  20. I also removed all of the space debris, and that helped my crashing problem a lot. That should cut down on how much stuff that is "going on" in space there is.
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