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  1. Classified it as station, still no checkmark on first part. Edit: I have the same exact problem with a "Position a sattelite" mission too, designated it as probe and it has all checkmarks but the first. Edit2: If i take the mission i can complete it just fine, testet this now
  2. I am unable to complete a mission aquired by another member of the group for putting up a space station. Please look at attached screenshot you see that it does not count it as a new vessel it seems. It is clear in the image that it has docking port, antenna and solar panels. Thanks a lot for the quick replies, its very fun doing this coop. I also have a problem with Hohmann transfer crashing/freezing the game in Mechjeb maneuver planner. Last log lines was: [LOG 22:42:19.121] DarkMultiPlayer: [2250.695] Cannot recover a non-server vessel! [WRN 22:42:19.123] Vessel Mun Science Probe Debris was recovered for a refund of 200 Funds : it was debris cluttering up KSC. Do not know if this was related to the crash, but that name is the vessel i was controlling when it was crashing.
  3. It doesnt look like it, me and my friend that is trying to get this to work fiddled with config files and it works now. Thanks for the tip. There is a problem with missions requireing parts you have not aquired yet. I built a ship with the part(which I had mission-access to(in blue)) and saved the ship. Next day I was going to fly I still had the quest but the part was not there so my ship was invalid and I had no means to complete the quest.
  4. Testet this mod together with DMP yesterday and works great, but only after we removed Mechjeb 2. Only DMP, syncrio and Mechjeb 2 installed, but then it only synced sometimes. Did not see any exceptions in the log. Not reverting makes it more fun. Keep up the good work.
  5. With KER, might bother to make me a clean ksp folder later 1. High Jump: http://imgur.com/jfIZBkR 6. Air Hight Event http://imgur.com/3PAFTUf 7. Javelin http://imgur.com/m1VN9HP
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