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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @juanml82 I hadn't thought hard enough on that actually. Oxygen is quite abundant for making Oxidizer. Hydrates are abundant, from which you can get Water and make Hydrolox...I haven't released an ISRU chain to handle Hydrates. Unfortunately I haven't given Mun any direct sources of Water yet, with which Hydrolox could be made more easily. Sorry about that. I'll include that in the next update.
  2. I have no idea why SCANsat misbehaves. I have a config that changs SCANsat but it's not active. It's a .txt file and it shouldn't be in the download. The reason for CO2 NERV needing Restock is because ReStock changes the NERV (from ModuleEngines) to use ModuleEnginesFX which is used with the multi-mode engine module. I've never tested whether ModuleEngines is usable with multi-mode engine. It's also none-too usable until I settle on how to provide tanks without conflicting with mods fuel switching mods that change the stock tanks.
  3. @TheKurgan Yes that's a conflict. The ISRU module is being deleted before it can be copied. I'm surprised you have the converter module. it should be unable to exist. You can either: Change line 1 to be @PART[MiniISRU,ISRU]:AFTER[SimpleContruction] or Change line 5 to be !MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter]:HAS[#ConverterName[Mono*]]:AFTER[SimpleContruction] {} ... Create a folder named RationalResourcesEasy to trigger that first edit node to not delete any of the stock ISRU modules.
  4. Snacks! (a very simple but satisfying system) by @Angel-125 is your first choice. He's preparing for a JNSQ game so he has already accomplished this.
  5. @jefferyharrell JNSQ's support for Kerbalism extends only to providing the resources that kerbals need for LS, and adding magnetic fields to planets. The rest of your issue is beyond our scope and has been relayed to Kerbalism's devs. In short, the obvious detail is that Kerbalism cannot detect the custom length of a Kerbin day.
  6. Oh no sir. I haven't buffed lifting modules. I've made nearly every effort to nerf drag where appropriate. OPT K in particular may be the least prone to excess drag. Unlike H and J, there's no abundance of parts with little hollow bits right through them to cause little drag cube problems.
  7. @TheKurgan Shieldnir is also specificially meant to help you survive close encounters with gas giants (if you play the mining giants game). Your SSTO is on the plump side (as usual) Never install Stock Visual Enhancements with a planet pack that changes or removes the stock planets. Any well-made planet pack will tend to include its own cloud pack. Make sure your terrain quality settings are at max. If it's not there, the terrain will be low res and that may explain the "floating trees." @Stone Blue Kek. I should keep that in mind. I'm well aware OPT is "about one size too large" if I may say.
  8. Turn up your gamma? It's the "barely there" kind of ring. Like Jupiter's own. My job is done. Thor Tech's offerings are only cheating if you like stock things and stock performance characteristics, or if you find Thor Tech simply makes certain things too easy. Overall its features aren't really meant for use on stock Kerbin-- preferably it's meant for use anywhere but kerbin: in all atmo without oxygen, on large and dense planets, and in upscaled games.
  9. Shhhhh. We don't speak of Thor Tech in JNSQ. I've deliberately ignored that and tried to engineer my way around it. At large, the No SSTO thing applies to stock machinations as that's what is most prevalent. There are so many Mk1 and small Mk2 SSTO craft around that it's annoying. Yes. You are dead until you roll back to 1.7.1 or Kopernicus updates. Copy your game out of Steam so this doesn't happen again. Open the Kerbin config in JNSQ and copy its entire Orbit {} into your Earth config, overriding what's already there. Then either set longitudeOfAscendingNode to 180 or change meanAnomalyAtEpoch to meanAnomalyAtEpochD and give that the value of 180.
  10. I'm torn between finding the feat fabulous, and the design of the craft to be absolute sin. I assume the design is particularly mass efficient? In any case, you've done well and I honor that... Now do it without FAR. There is always someone...................
  11. It was discovered that the DLC rocks can only be assigned to a mod planet if that planet uses the template of the specific stock planet it was made for. MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours breaks that restriction.
  12. Everything except the grass is solid. It's one of Galileo's little things.
  13. Rational Resources indeed needs CRP (or Wild Blue Industries in Classic Mode). It's not required for JNSQ's operation at all but exists to add to the overall gameplay challenge. Rational Resources also indiscriminately tries to add tank types to any tank that holds Ore. I didn't think of SSPXr when I wrote that config. SSPXr's tanks are all Ore tanks by default. Absolutely. JNSQ is specifically made to break SSTOs. OPT spaceplanes can't handle it! Believe me, I've been trying. See @OhioBob's response above. In addition to his, I hate that players go out of their way to create the tiniest, most efficient SSTO possible. Everyone and their mom has a single-stage to Duna (or Eeloo) by now in stock-scale. There will be none of that here. Well, until you develop a working strategy or find fitting engine mods.
  14. A quick art piece I did last. Nothing amazing. I've never drawn an OC in the presence of canon characters and to do so feels weird and rather guilty.
  15. I have not made the templates blank (yet) when KSPI is installed. The idea behind that is that when someone comes along with surface templates, I'm expecting that the existing applied resources would be portioned very differently to accommodate extra resources that aren't very rare, like certain common or semi-rare things like Lithium, Alumina, and crystal line materials. Since you asked, I won't do so. Sure, I'll make an airless moon template. Exosphere templates and likely a re-tune of the existing converter options are the bulk of the next release.
  16. I'm not aware of a practical performance difference. The Unity one is there for when you don't have scatterer. And Galileo prefers it over scatterer anyway.
  17. The Unity sunflare is updated to be near-identical to the scatterer sunflare. It is always the cool new one now.
  18. @Tonka Crash Thanks a million, man. That's what I needed to know. The PartStats{} portion.
  19. I'd really like to see your config for this, and see what was missing from my config that sought after heat tolerance. This is the use case I was trying (and really hard) to think of when I came up with that point. What if you had a really good reason to reuse a previous upgrade?
  20. @COL.R.Neville The J-60 and J-61 engines are in OPT Legacy. The J-61 went there when the HAE-02 Mk2 engine was created.
  21. What if I told you that the asteroids already are bigger and heavier? (Surface features and gravity aren't happening. They're not planets.)
  22. Set the boolean (scatterer sunflare shader) to true: @fullLensFlareReplacement = False
  23. Get in line. When I was starting out modding, I went far with experimentation into Karbonite's engines. I gotta mention that Explodium Breathing Engines does not happen to contain any rocket engines. It's meant to explicitly be the flip-side of the coin to OhioBob's Eve Optimized Engines (LFO rockets).
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