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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. You will need other mods to utilize them. Realistic Resources is briefly explained, and a link is given to its thread in OhioBob's post immediately under the JNSQ OP. Using the stock ISRU to produce consumables for life support always sounds kind of gross to me. Most of the time it was nasty chemicals (fuels and other industrial stuff) going through it. For the most part, Realistic Resources does only two things: It makes the available resource combinations on planets to be logical and to no longer be under the full control of the RNG. Every resource available should not be readily available on the likes of Moho and Eeloo simultaneously. It makes a planet pack easily compatible with Kerbalism and TAC LS, and makes it easier to make more ways to get the resources you want. Mun is now rich with drill-able Oxygen, Minmus with Nitrogen (for Kerbalism). There will be more places to drill for water. And atmospheres (where applicable) will contain some amount of water and other things that can be harvested with air scoop mods. Currently only JNSQ features this mod but other planet mods soon will, and part modders will pick up on the ISRU opportunities.
  2. @juanml82 Methane indeed compromises between LFO and LH2, and performance can be squeezed from it as by SpaceX (afaik). I tend to raise the thrust in an LFO engine converted to Methalox (well, Raptalox-- the WBI Classic Stock form) for a bit of pure gameplay incentive. I'm not familiar wit the idea of LF being compared to Aerozine 50, only to RP-1 (My not knowing RealFuels things). I know nothing about Ammonia as a fuel but I know it has great utility in other applications so I draw emphasis to it. Carbon Dioxide appears to be easily liquefied by only pressuring it enough, then it's easily stored in an environment akin to Mars' surface. It could indeed be more mass-effective to rely on a pressurization device and CO2 NTR than to bring drills and a normal ISRU. The CO2 may even refill much faster than LFO can be generated in the same craft. Unfortunately I read that the Isp range of a CO2 NTR would be quite similar to LFO engines, likely the consequence of this being slightly denser than water. I don't know yet what Ammonia + CO2 are good for, neither how good at it, but I know of a concept for a Martian air-breathing engine that can burn Magnesium and CO2. I regularly equate MonoProp to Hydrazine. I also have no sure answer to how part makers may respond to their mods being tweaked by mine or for mine. I have plenty experience tweaking engines so I may drop some such configs to give you a headstart.
  3. @juanml82 @Norcalplanner I clean forgot that Nertea is against having to deal with other propellants for anything at all. I read that as well. That idea sounds better and I should remember it: Leave the engine modding to other mods.
  4. I'm considering engine configs, yes. However, I don't play KSP much, as of late, so these configs might not happen. If they do happen, they may be few and primarily for setting the bar for other modders to run with. I intend to target: The stock NERV. I was introduced to a PDF that details the concept of a fueling an NTR with CO2, Water, Methane, N2 and even Argon. Most of which will be available on Duna and other rocky inner worlds through RR, especially CO2. Maybe Nertea's NF Aeronautics atomic engines as well. Changing atomic engines in general that will introduce the dependencies on Kerbal Actuators (for 3+ engine modes on one part) and Plume Party, and I'll have to watch out for conflict with Kerbal Atomics. No other stock engines. Nertea's CryoEngines are sufficient by themselves. @damonvv Tundra Exploration (apart from engines, Starship will have an excuse to sweat methane). Maybe NF Launch Vehicles engines (they contain the "Raptor" keyword and that tells me they're entirely if not largely inspired by Methalox engines).
  5. Lol how did you quote me and post the exact same answer 30 minutes apart? Forum glitch? I tend to only play sandbox; not use the stock engines; nearly always build OPT spaceplanes able to hold 15~45 tons of Ore. I get satisfactory performance out of the spaceplanes and enough challenge trying to: maximize use of scramjet engines; endure reentry heat.
  6. Yeah the question was lacking a bit in crispness. At the moment RR doesn't offer anything else if you removed that 80%. Eventually that will change, when I release the alternate options for the stock drill-o-matics and convert-o-trons, and make the mini ones a little more playable (25% the performance of the large converter, a slightly more generous lower abundance limit on the drill, and getting rid of the thermal and efficiency problems that stock intentionally puts on you). But the presence of some of these resources are immediately a big hit with life support mods. I intend to give a harvester function for each of the cryo converter input resources to just one stock intake. Once RR becomes established, not-stock-fuel rocketry mods and life support mods should become more appealing, and industrial construction mods may become more challenging and rewarding. I have the ISRU chains all set up in my test game but I need custom parts for them and I personally would also like custom parts for the extra resource presence readouts, for that reason (It can be quite a clutter in the stock science parts. Even I don't like it). I can't do anything about hiding resources if their readout is 0%. And I know the deal with saying "no offense intended." Well, I hope my answer is sufficient.
  7. Well it's intended to be quite easy to do that now. LqdHe3 is kinda already in there (only its random global placement is allowed, which has very low values) and LqdHydrogen's global placement is spared, and it's present in atmospheres. Exosphere placements are probably all stripped out and antimatter might not be found at the added planets. Looks like you found it.
  8. It simply is set up? The setup is such that certain combinations of resources only happen when X planet or Y moon is a certain class (like rocky, metallic, icy...). You can ignore them and deal with Ore as usual but Ore will be harder to find because Ore, as it is, is the most abstract of resources, and seasoned players, whom JNSQ targets, are more likely (or I expect them) to want to use the more specialized resources instead of it. Such an abstract resource shouldn't be (afaik) as prominent in a realistic space as stock makes it out to be. But it is so abundant as part of what makes KSP easy and playable when you're new to KSP or a basic player (no offense intended). You can simply remove Realistic Resources if you want Ore everywhere and can't stand the surface scanner and atmo variometer being loaded with resource readings. For more information: Tylo has an atmosphere because by @OhioBob's logic (the man knows his Physics), it very likely should have one and should never be as big and massive as it is in stock (see: Jool, Laythe and Tylo all having the same amount of gravity and not being a semi-believable binary/trinary group of dwarf stars). If you're looking for a challenge planet, look to Eve and Nara. Final Frontier ribbons? Hmm...
  9. What's the purpose of RF Stockalike? I know the name but that's it. Anything that's supposed to make RSS playable is not needed in scales lower than 3.2x. If you like RSS, then you'll feel at home with stock engines, largely un-tuned, on 2.5x or 2.7x.
  10. They hold their positions in Minmus' SOI. In KSP, moving a planet does not mean ripping it out from everything orbiting it.
  11. @Puggonaut I know that engine. The cause of that is that Trinity engine once had 3 engine modes (LF nuclear). Angel-125 removed the config for that engine mode but didn't remove the plume config. By nature, plumes play forever if there isn't a module (typically the engine module) to control it. Save this anywhere in GameData to fix it: @PART[wbiTrinity]:NEEDS[WildBlueIndustries/DSEV] { @EFFECTS { !running_liquidFuel {} } } I'll see that it's officially gone or otherwise fixed next time Angel-125 posts a release.
  12. That....Unfortunately, no, you won't. I'm pretty sure most players don't use KSPI (and that includes myself). But I have made a framework (this mod) for conveniently placing resources en masse per celestial class. The void remains for someone who loves KSPI, knows resources well enough and likes to manipulate (not just use) resources to write the placements and populate the templates. Oh, that's cool. I did not know or guess that well. I'll definitely do something about that.
  13. Feel free to ask me if you have more questions re: Classic Stock resources. The storage templates for them should contain very informative descriptions for them but there was a regression between my writings and what Angel got when he accepted my PRs for his first releases for KSP 1.7.0. Konkrete production is aided by my recently re-calibrating several omniconverters to produce Slag resource as an additional (waste) output. I offer you the liberty to treat Slag as a carbon-rich compound (depending on what the Slag comes out of) and useful for supplementing production of other carbon-rich things such as LiquidFuel. HydroKerbon is meant to be exact to raw/ambient Methane, CH4 (as in CRP) and will be prominent in methane worlds, namely Eve and Tekto. But feel free to make it equivalent to any of the long-chain hydrocarbon materials like Ethane, Propane... up to Dodecane. Raptium is equivalent to LqdMethane and is effortlessly refined from HydroKerbon. It pairs with Oxidizer under the name "Raptalox" to represent Methalox. RHK-1 refines easily from Hydrokerbon also, and is equivalent to RealFuels' actual Kerosone or RP-1 resource and is 19% or 21% lighter than LiquidFuel... It was intended (at the time I proposed it) to pair with Oxium and directly replace LiquidFuel. It has no actual use now due to its conflicting nature but is reserved for use in cases other than combustion in an engine (I leave that to your imagination), and is simply there in case you want an alternate fuel for custom rocketry configs. Maybe it can serve as Propane does in various industrial processes or as a boost to thrust or Isp of some LFO engines. Oxium (as you may already know) is pure LOX that can and should convert effortlessly to Oxidizer for rockets, otherwise it's great for life support as you're planning. All of the Pathfinder Lassos provide IntakeAir processing to make Oxium. Nitronite is N2O, Nitrous Oxide. It can make for cleaner, easily refilled (on breathable worlds) but lower-efficiency MonoProp rocketry (turbo for your rovers, perhaps) but is also great for splitting directly for life support. Minerite is an Ore in itself (as an abstract it is akin to CRP Minerals and a source for salts, crystals and rare non-metals). It has no exact equivalent. Feel free to merely use its mass in your formulas.
  14. @CaptSmollett Text files compress immensely when you zip them up. So zip your log and MM cache. Your snippet may not be helpful at all, sadly.
  15. My preference is towards the MetalOre resource which originally was not part of CRP and is primarily used by EL and WBI Pathfinder. These mods can operate in CRP's absence, and so, Realistic Resources may provide MetalOre for itself (just to fill the void) and those mods in Classic Stock mode.
  16. Daaaaayyum, son! Nice to see you're still zooming around.
  17. @123nick Most likely that support is not there. I have never noticed anything that hints at it, in all my digging and contributing to Pathfinder.
  18. @Miracle Magician At the time, Minmus had a slight inclination of 4 deg. Most of the dV went into the plane change. The plotted orbit (from Kerbin's perspective/within Kerbin SOI) was bordering on polar. I couldn't believe it. But after that I can easily believe what you're showing me.
  19. Eeloo has two moons already. And it's going to be pretty lonely in near-Kerbin space if Minmus goes away like that, so it's quite unlikely that this will happen. That config existed for a brief time. I didn't test with TWP but KAC would say "infinity" for the transfer window alarm (for obvious reasons... sharing Kerbin's orbital period), and somehow I couldn't get past needing 4km/s for the bulk of the major transfer burn...that's more than the dV map's projected 2900m/s average to get at Duna.
  20. @Electrocutor I don't plan to go any further than resource placement and giving Hydrolox and Methalox rocketry mods more reason to exist. I have no desire to learn to write plugins.
  21. Ore will be harder to find but it will still be around. I only intend to add and remove fuel modules at the Convert-O-Trons so I won't touch the mini's Fertilizer module. Thanks for bringing this up. I might have otherwise written my configs to blindly delete all modules.
  22. @Nicky21 The conflict, if any, is between Wild Blue Industries' tank modules and Tweakscale. Once a WBI user scales a tank and then changes the tank contents, the amounts revert to what they would be when the part is not scaled. And I don't want to deal with the tech support flood that might happen when WBI users get tweakscale... Neither the tech support problem where the Tweakscale configs enable and disable when you add or remove WBI mods and forget that scaling needs them to be absent.
  23. Hahahaha! I know, right? If it means anything, Everything is 2.7x bigger so the jump is bigger so you have a little more reason to stay in stock scale for a while. And what Galileo said: "Separate install."
  24. Galileo works very closely with the Kopernicus dev so he knows. Why are you using Windows Defender? Lol. It's only supposed to be enough while you're getting a better antivirus and there are plenty of those for $0.
  25. @Zorg Much respect to you, my dude. Your screenshots are prime stuff. The dV map is finished and included, and will help you to get around that much easier.
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