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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. The majority of these textures were 4096x4096 when I looked the other day. They need to be kept by Starlord as part of a source package, and the release versions be down-scaled and still converted to DDS. KSP will process them into DDS anyway and likely keep the PNG version in memory. Better to pay the price in hard drive space than in RAM space.
  2. Nope. DynamicBatteryStorage is required by gameplay mods that involve critical EC usage in background vessels and in high timewarp, namely NF Electric, NF Propulsion, Fat Future Tech and TAC life Support. While it may be a recommendation for use alongside Kopernicus, it's not required at all.
  3. OPT Reconfig 1.5.0 Added 1 deg of gimbal to Dark Drive. Found/added B9 mesh switch in OPT 'Stail' Class to 2.5m Adapter. Big Balance Pass Raised heat resistance in J "heat resistant" nose and Mk2 nose. Buffed most tank volumes (as measured with stock fuel tanks and WBI Mule MLM. They now largely hold 2x the usual amounts and have comparable dry/wet ratios to stock tanks. This will upset, though not break, many craft). OPT is also now much more usable with Nertea's CryoTanks and CryoEngines. Cockpits now hold much less fuel. They were excessive. All RCS performance balanced and now use Plume Party "Soyuz" RCS FX. K Tricoupler no longer holds fuel. Nerfed tankage in all inline RCS and aeroydynamic RCS clusters. They were quite excessive. WBI integration Update the template decal links following WBI decal revamp for KSP 1.7. Added decal for SAS/Gyro template. OPT Reconfig will appear in play mode switcher UI. Fusion Power Spheres can switch input resources via WBI. Added cryo fuel options. Added Casa/Ponderosa templates to the following parts: J Cabin, Humpback Cabin. Added OmniShop and OmniWorks to the following parts. The use of tanks for this are a take on the "wet workshop" concept: Avater cockpit adapter and Avatar tank K 6m tank J cabin and J 4m tank Stail 4m tank H inline tanks Humpback cabin OPT Legacy 1.3.1 Prune the lurking Firespitter modules from part configs. Reduce cooling requirements in Power Spheres and replace degeneration mechanism's converter module with RTG module. The always-on converter, though it should not use core heat, was somehow a magnet for the timewarp heat bug. Nerfed tankage in all inline RCS and aerodynamic RCS clusters. They were quite excessive. All RCS performance balanced and now use Plume Party "Soyuz" RCS FX. DOWNLOAD - OPT Reconfig DOWNLOAD - OPT Legacy
  4. Big update is nearly here. This highlight is balanced RCS and new RCS plumes for everything. This turned out to be the easiest or quickest part though it's nearly the last thing I started.
  5. Angel-125 really does not like CKAN so his mods are likely not on it.
  6. @Missingno200 I think this kind of release belongs over here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/98-making-history-missions/ This board is for mods and content packs (excluding craft files) for mods.
  7. OPT Main is here on forum and on SpaceDock. It's still compatible in that it still simply works as it's just a parts pack. There's no plugin and no advanced part feature that requires a plugin in order to still work.
  8. There's no reference to stock materials that I can think of, and I'm very familiar with MOLE so a Restock whitelist should not be necessary.
  9. In addition to the Pathfinder changelog, the WildBlueTools changelog which mostly affects Pathfinder contains the following: Nearly all decal files contained in WBT and no longer hosted in the other WBI mods. All 80+ total decals have been redrawn from scratch. Many have new filenames and many are all-new. Support for TAC LS provided in the decals. Templates not included. Resource templates (mainly the Classic Stock ones) updated descriptions to give them personality and make their roles clear. Omniconverters: added MonoPropellant power (MPU) option. Omniconverters: added Nitronite options. Omniconverters: re-balanced to appear in appropriate tech nodes (basic science, science tech row, fusion power...) Omniconverters: re-balanced for better power production rates and more opportunities to acquire Slag for base-building, and for power producers to not require kerbal skill. Make OmniStorage available in Lite Blue play mode. It should be available now. Recently some players (including @NHunter @123nick) have been trying to get OmniStorage available without Classic Stock around it.
  10. @Redacted Yeah I expected drag to be deadly in your setup. I don't think anyone who uses the curved intercooler would have your problem. It's been quite some time since I used any curved ones myself, rightly because that's just not a thing with SSTOs in KSP (and related, I believe the engine itself is or should be angled down IRL, not the intake, or both are angled down). But when I did I had no worries about drag because I don't build my SSTOs to have self-destroying TWR. SABR3 really shines in that kind of ascent profile in opposition to my normal steep climb then level flight at high altitude for other air-breathing engines. 10 or 20 deg are really nice for it.
  11. The cause is in Action Groups (Re)Extended. I've already reported it to LGG. And it looks like he posted a fix. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/167269-17-action-groups-reextended-250-action-groups-in-flight-editing/
  12. As others have said, a nose cone on the boosters would have helped a lot. Whichever SRBs also have a bottom stack node could also help with putting a nose cone up there (the drag reduction trick that's famous with the RAPIER). Also, you could have throttle limited the boosters a bit. The less you fight the lower atmosphere with TWR, the less you suffer drag as you approach Mach 1, and you can squeeze some good dV out of Solids.
  13. Sigma Dimensions never stopped working and has no need of updates. It still works just fine. And Sigma himself is still around, just not on the forum. Grab your choice Rescale! config along with it and get rolling again.
  14. There is an inherent problem with wheel collider physics in Unity, at least, in the software that enables wheel physics in KSP. Making kerbals intangible to them cures a few age-old problems. Wheels being less miserable while ignoring the kerbal body is much more important than more physics at the cost of whatever krakenbait used to be there.
  15. Press T to toggle SAS... If you mean to disable individual reaction wheels, you can already action group their Toggle Torque button.
  16. I'd much rather see "new space center facilities" produced by players willing and able to learn Kerbal Konstructs and to use the awesome new content packs by @Eskandare and @Omega482. New UI and gameplay mechanics? Maybe, just maybe a plugin writer will come along afterward and create the gameplay features. At least it's a possibility: There's a mod for a Wind Tunnel but it's not flashy like you're expecting-- just a UI in the SPH, but it's quite sufficient in terms of giving data. ResearchBodies adds an observatory facility but doesn't add a KSC building. Meanwhile.... Kerbal is made to be modded. That's part of why it's as barren as it is without mods. Praying to Squad to deliver everything is a none-too-bright idea.
  17. Finances are covered by the Administration Building. This becomes even more obvious when you install and use Strategia which changes the way contracts and rewards work, and changes the UI in there too (I think).
  18. @Redacted Oxidizer production rate varies with these things: Mill Power. The intake rate for this (in the intercooler) changes between Mach 2 and Mach 5. Its availability at a given time varies with demand by the intercooler until the supply exceeds demand. IntakeAir availability. By design, the generator hoards IntakeAir and can threaten to starve jet engines. The reason the intercoolers hold so much air is: To buffer the air supply waiting to be cooled/converted. Skylon is supposed to need only carry a small fraction of its total needed Oxidizer. This buffer attempts to simulate that. All intake rates scale with atmosphere pressure so as you approach vacuum, the intakes of Mill Power and IntakeAir will dwindle, causing demand by the engines to eventually exceed the supply. I don't know what to tell you about that. I assumed the same, that is, angular aero force from the shock cones on the curved intercoolers threaten your craft. Concerning orientation, you had them placed wrongly if you're paying any attention to realism and practicality. The idea of the curved nacelle is that the shock cone hangs down so that when the craft is nosed up, the shock cone is directly aligned to the air stream meanwhile the engine fires downward to provide up-force and aid in the ascend. Beyond that, I'll repeat that you possibly had too much TWR and too much blunt surface area due to having a very wide and thick plane.
  19. CRP support is automatic as far as the USI mods are concerned. The typical crust resources that you get out of your drills for USI are already present, but resources in atmosphere, in oceans, in space are minimal/ nearly nill, and need to be manually setup. Depending on the planet maker, it can range from a very small job (placing a few common resources) to a very big job (placing and controlling several resources, including the USI ones, and on the per-biome level) and that's easily one of the least fun bits of creating a planet pack. Every planet automatically works with SCANsat except for the occasional bug with biomes or something else (actually, GPP suffered something similar once).
  20. Height from center of body is easy. Just add body radius to altitude from sea level. An overhaul of the science progression system would be very nice and should be very welcome. It would need a huge effort on Squad's part...but it won't be invasive and a burden on players' PCs like absorbing someone's giant parts mod... I would like KSP to not absorb any large part mod or mod suite, thanks. This kind of thing happening will lead to chaos. There will be confusion and mass groanings over KSP taking that much longer to load, people who will want to use these parts for stock challenges, and people who don't want their KSP to take that much longer to load, and people who believe that huge part packs should remain as mods-- entirely free for the user to control whether it's in their install or not. Now... I would like 1.8 to have... Fixed SAS (it became magically actually great in 1.2 but it quickly became crap again). More options for modding engine plumes and a fix to plume scaling. An overhaul for the drag cube system and the elimination of the following known traits/effects of it: Stack nodes add to drag. The first or second fuselage part after the airplane/spaceplane cockpit always produces huge drag. Some parts from mods drag even harder, like wide body spaceplane engine mounts or the occasional other part that may have been scaled weird in Unity. Their effect is akin to spamming open airbrakes. The red drag effect line reaches back to the KSC. Hollow parts by nature produce immense drag because of the non-hollow part attached at either end of them. In a sequential array of hollow parts (extra long cargo bay) a random number of the member parts will produce a lot of drag-- or no drag at all, which makes zero sense. If you chain adapters in a stack and observe and understand the aero data, you will often find that drag area is not always totally reduced, like KSP sees a different shape for that part than you see. The drag overhaul would be a huge effort by itself due to its depth as part of KSP's mechanics and is integral to everyone's game, but it would be much more worth it in the end than any part pack project. I'm not a big fan of Squad's part revamp effort (I appreciate it but I'm not hyped for it) and am of the opinion that the revamp itself should have secretly been done all at once (or fewer, larger chunks released at a time), or all that part making effort should be used on an all new part-pack DLC like base and station parts and colonization. We have Restock, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. Just looked at the OP again and was like "I don't remember you. = _=" Yay stealth giant.
  22. Remove (Doesn't have to be "delete") the WildBlueIndustries folder from GameData. If any WBI category buttons remain then you somehow have WBI installed elsewhere, hidden in another mod's folder. I have tried 1.7 and not met your problem. You might want to delete GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache too.
  23. @Redacted Lol. If it means anything, you should be showing KER's VESSEL panel. Your data is missing the acceleration and max gee values. What I can safely assume is that your aerodynamic load was unreal and you hit a critical point between that, engine gimbal, and the shock cones producing angled lift or drag due to being attached on the curved intercooler... But why the engines are the first to break off is beyond my reasoning. Perhaps they needed to autostrut too, if you didn't already, and depending on your craft, they likely need to autostrut.
  24. @linuxgurugamer I discovered a rather obnoxious bug in KSP 1.7. Pressing the crew assignment tab in the SPH or VAB causes this whole portion of the UI to lock up and become unusable. I cannot use the 4 tools (place, offset, rotate, re-root...note that they have vanished). I cannot pick another part from here to add to a build. I can still use any UI object anywhere but here, including load or save a craft, or exit the editor to shoo the bug away, but the problem returns if I re-enter and click crew assignments again. It only happens with AGExt installed, and I made sure I have the latest of Blizzy's Toolbar, Toolbar Controller, and Clickthrough Blocker.
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