I've used KSPRC quite a lot in the past and one of my favorite things about it was that it actually made the Mun look amazing from a distance. Stock KSP shows the entirety of the Mun from Kerbin regardless of its phase and in my opinion it looks awful. KSPRC fixed that in the past by making the the light side of the Mun very bright and the dark side dark, as it should be, just like how you can't see the dark side of the moon from Earth.
I shouldn't be able to see the dark side of the Mun from Kerbin at all and it should appear black or invisible. At some point this great feature was removed from KSPRC before the current update as in this version of KSPRC the Mun is completely visible in its entirety for all phases. It makes the game unplayable for me even though everything else looks absolutely fantastic. I was wondering if someone could tell me what I could tweak in KSPRC to get it back or if maybe it was part of a dependent mod and which one so I could go to that thread and ask there. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I can also try to find screenshots of what I'm talking about if needed, but basically it made the Mun look much whiter and brighter from a distance, and a clear edge to the dark side was visible.