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    Warrior of Oberth
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    in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies

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  1. From what i know battlefield does some kind of bullet simulation rather than hitscan type stuff. Bullets have velocity, and do indeed drop. The game has funtions to even adjust scopes and iron sights for different distances to account for this drop. no idea how its calculated in the game though.
  2. I wonder what the flat Earthers must think watching this....I presume they choose to just not watch.
  3. damn, that would've been dope to just check back in 6 months and see how far its gone
  4. Are they planning on keeping the starman stream live for as long as possible? as in potentially until it passes mars and beyond?
  5. How long does it take a sparrow to move an entire beach across an ocean one grain of sand at a time?
  6. You are absolutely right, but when i'm playing KSP it feels sometimes like I'm watching through a camera especially looking at screenshots like above. To me even though the naked eye can see stars in space, more realistic not to see them.
  7. The rocket equation is going to be your friend here. In stock, a perfect and i mean perfect launch trajectory with perfect thrust to weight ratios to avoid drag loss while minimizing gravity losses simultaneously, orbit can be achieved with 3300 m/s to 3400 m/s of delta v (change in velocity) 3600 m/s is a good number to shoot for with excess just in case. The rocket equation is what you use to determine how much your ship has. Change in Veloctiy= ln(massstart/massend)*Velocityexhaust Where massstart is equal to the mass of your fully fueled rocket and massend is equal to your rocket completely dry or having used all fuel. Velocityexhaust is equal to Isp*9.81 m/s ISP can be found under the info tab on all rocket engines. For example, my ship weighs 20 tonnes, and dry my ship weighs 6 tonnes and I'm using the LV-T30 "Reliant" engine which has an isp of 310 in vacuum. Since this will be a single stage to orbit we will assume average isp of 300( (265 isp @ 1atm and 310 @ vacuum most of the flight will occur at near vacuum pressures) ln(20/6)*300*9.81=3543.29 m/s. This rocket will make it to space (read orbit) assuming good piloting. This is an example of how you can use the rocket equation to get to space. just remember to keep your TWR @ 1.2 minimum on the launch pad and remember TWR= thrust/mass, this number will be in m/s so around 11.772 m/s is the number you want to see. 11.772/9.81=1.2 GEEEEEEEEEES baby! Hope this helps, sorry its so mathy....
  8. what mod makes the stars realistically dim like that? is that part of your visual enhancement mods?
  9. my eyes are burning its so loveing beautiful.
  10. Just checked out this website you mentioned. This is a very dangerous time hole, I just spent almost an hour brushing up on antimatter only with the intention of taking a quick little peak. I could see losing hours on that site with great ease.
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