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Everything posted by H0FF1

  1. @DairyLee First of all, AWESOME MOD! But as you read a little above, it would be nice to have a female docking port. idk how much works this needs but i would say not so much. But the whole mod is awesome
  2. Hello guys, with the 1.4.0 came the map marker for the KSC. do you guys think there will be several possible launch sites in the future? that would be awesome.
  3. Hello Fellow Pilots, I have a little maybe known problem. I have annoying microlags every 10 seconds. a little freeze frame for maybe quarter a second. the length of the freeze extends with the progress in the game (more spacecrafts, satellites.. etc) I heard this is a RAM issue. But do you guys have other solutions for me? Its really anoying. Thanks alot H0FF1
  4. Hey mate I have an issue with SVE. since your update i have no clouds anymore.
  5. Hey Guys, I just installed a ton of mods today (i will make a list with the mods if anyone want). But im wondering how the tech tree will be filled with the inofficial modded parts. i know mods like Community Tech Tree and others but is it guaranteed that EVERY modded part is Correct implemented in the tech tree? sometimes i think the parts that are not implemented in the tech tree are just not available in the career mode. Can anyone give me an answer about that? And sorry for possible english mistakes. its not my main language
  6. Thanks a lot that solved the problem. but why doesnt this work with the latest Kopernicus version?
  7. Is this terrain normal? its really bright and looks not good in my opinion. https://imgur.com/nCwOXTs
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