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Everything posted by pwhk

  1. Landed on Minmus! (Yes the landing legs are too short ) . Not very compelled to continue after this mission though, until Science comes.
  2. Built a plane. Unfortunately when I tried to land, the plane kept bouncing and bouncing and until the plane head into the ground headfirst . The plane broke into a few pieces, but at least Jeb can walk away from it
  3. 1. Sound is crazy good! 2. VAB is much easier to use. 3. Wow, just found that the Mun is adequately darkened when the sun is eclipsed behind Kerbin!
  4. Forgetting parachutes Forgetting ladders Forgetting to put the crew in Forgetting science experiments
  5. Yea Ven's does not introduce different module and parts with those chutes still recover correctly, just the VAB calculation
  6. Sorry if I don't go thru all 53pages of posts. Does this mod work's with Ven's Stock revamp? With Ven's the descend speed is ~12m/s for a typical Mk1 + Mk16 Chute setup (i.e. sole Mk1 pod with Mk16 on top), despite SR saying it will descend at ~5m/s at VAB. Looks like Ven's changed the parachute sizes.
  7. KER (mostly for dV readout), KAC, KCT, KRASH (simulator, because KCT), OPM, Transfer planner, Strategia, an LS Mod (currently on USI, but also tried Kerbalism)
  8. Because I still have lots of things left to do Because there are so many things I can do. (Just days ago I finally built my own SSTO spaceplane, and I am yet to visit Jool!) And because there are too many mods to try out
  9. Forgot to attach reaction wheels to my unmanned mission and hence unable to land on the Mun properly
  10. // Swap Crew report and EVA report biome-dependence in space low @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[crewReport]]:FINAL { @biomeMask = 23 } @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[evaReport]]:FINAL { @biomeMask = 7 } When one finds it is silly to get out to get all the biome science Note that if you apply this patch mid-game the old biome EVA reports won't get deleted.
  11. Trying to write my own contract pack due to how ridiculous stock contracts are, and revealing showstopper bugs on Contract Configurator
  12. Yes I have KCT kspv1.2_3 (which is a dev version) installed.
  13. Trying this mod and have some issues - Purchasing science appear to clash with Kerbal Construction Time. Basically I can buy a science node despite not having enough fund, and KCT is happy to add the node onto its research queue. Disabling KCT research time workarounds this. - Every time I leave the VAB I get the budget
  14. I have submitted several issues on Github when writing my own contract pack, can anyone take a look? @nightingale
  15. I have a contract which defines an orbit to hit, but I didn't define minArgumentOfPeriapsis and maxArgumentOfPeriapsis. However, the generated contract gives a ArgumentOfPeriapsis Parameter of 0 degrees to 0 degrees regardless. http://imgur.com/a/bGspd Contract: http://pastebin.com/P6pt8ggj
  16. Burning through Xenon and head for Duna. It is going to take an hour (It's an early bird mission and launched many days before the window)
  17. Info mods: KAC, KER (TWR and dV readout), Waypoint Manager (Show waypoint in flight) "modding" mods: Module Manager, Kopernicus, Contract Configurator mods that could be added as difficulty options (like commnets of 1.2): KCT, an LS mod (USI one I guess? I didn't actually tried that...)
  18. When I tried disabling any stock contracts before starting a game using Contract Configurator difficulty menu, after starting the game become Sandbox (i.e. all parts unlocked, mission control unavailable) Version 1.20.1-pre
  19. I would like to ask, when exactly contract are (re)generated. In particular, if I put a `Random()` in DATA nodes (or perhaps just anywhere), when those values will refresh?
  20. For some reason, when I load my Kerbalism save the oxygen tanks become NaN%. Poor Jeb (who's on a trip to minmus) can't breathe and is now doomed Offending save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3l4bodk2elkh6e/A2.zip?dl=0 Ship: Minmus 11
  21. Great mod Apparently I killed my Kerbals when hitting the Wrap button (when next KCT completion is 6 days from now...) After some experimentation it seems that Kerbalism may treat my Kerbin Station 1, which is on LKO, to be in shadow when it is not, if I use a wrap of x1000 or over... As the station completely depends on Solar panels you know what happen next Offending save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjgf7u2qeajox74/A2 - copy.zip?dl=0
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