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Broke dead dogg

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Everything posted by Broke dead dogg

  1. I've just been watching a YouTube video about the next Xbox console and one thing jumped out at me. The official statement from Microsoft is the most Xbox one titles will be backwards compatible at launch. MOST So I guess I'm asking if we can get confirmation that Enhanced edition will be compatible with the new generation of consoles, and if so, what (if any) improvements in game performance are we likely to see?
  2. Anyone know of any good YouTube robotics tutorials? Having trouble getting my head around the control unit. Plus, the new science gear with breaking ground, does each unit need a separate power source? I packed everything I thought I'd need for a mun visit, and half says it's unpowered. Oh and while I'm hear, what can we use the control action groups for? Thanks in advance
  3. Has anyone heard if there will be keyboard and mouse support for the console versions? Really hope so
  4. I've managed to land on Eve using Matt lownes recent eve tutorial as a guide. My lander has a 2 stage core along with 6 external tanks designed to drain sequentially, jettisoning in pairs from the central core, each feeding into the next tank and then to the core. However, for some reason once the 1st pair have drained it skips to the core tank whilst all the other tanks remain full. I've reloaded the save several times and the only way I can get it to drain in sequence is by shutting off the core whilst enabling crossfeed on the decouplers. Fuel flow priority has no effect Any ideas?
  5. A bit late in responding, but had this problem also, and I've found its often a problem with part clipping. I always go straight to the flight status panel and where it say "part A collided with part B" then part A needs reattaching in a slightly different way and this usually fixes the problem, although once it was a problem with a fairing and I ended up having to remove it entirely and go a different way
  6. Does anyone know of a bug where contracts don't recognize a new probe because you loaded a previous one from the cab menu and renamed it? Just had a probe to mun mission but I used a probe from my sub assembly's, and now it won't complete even though the planned orbit line vanished
  7. I'm playing career, and have picked up 3 contracts. 1, Jool course. Flyby Eve, Jool, laythe 2, Jool course. Flyby Duna, Jool, Eve. 3, satellite around Jool with a mystery goo. My question is, can I use just one new craft for all of these? Or do they need to be separate craft?
  8. I've discovered, it only seems to happen when you use the warp here function. Normal warp seems to be ok
  9. I landed a base on Duna for a contract, and realised I'd forgotten the mono tanks. So I designed and tested a rover with a detachable mono tank, launched and landed within 3km of the base (so far so good) But then I discover to my growing frustration that because the base is on a slight incline, I can't get the traction I need to manoeuvre onto the docking port, moreover, when I turn the wheels left, the rover slips right! This didn't seem to be a problem with the foldable wheels I used with my original Duna rover which gripped so hard I ended up tipping the thing. Is this a bug, or has Duna turned into a giant strawberry ice lollipop?
  10. Thanks, I'd of never guessed, the sizes look entirely different
  11. I don't know if I'm being thick, but I can't get anything to dock to the inflatable airlock on my Duna base, everything just bounces off. Am I doing something wrong? (Xbox, career mode)
  12. Its just what you're used to, when EE was first released, I had a go at all the presets, and settled on radial. Once you figure out where everything is, it's more intuitive than it first seems, the most commonly needed functions are available without needing to use the cursor which can be awkward.
  13. I checked this out last night, I don't know where you've been looking but there is a radial preset, left on the d-pad to open radial menu then R is RCS D is plant flag U is sas(I think) and L is parachute
  14. Yesterday, I attempted to load from the persistent save only to find flights in progress was 0. I double checked by going to the tracking station which confirmed no vessels. The I. Game date was correct as well as available funds etc, just no kerbals. Ended up loading my last quicksave, and everything was fine, hopefully just an anomaly, but I thought you'd like to know, we don't want a return to the fiasco of the original versions save file losses. Playing xbox, with DLC on career
  15. I've had the exact same issue,but with the mk1-3 in 2 separate places on the control panel
  16. After reading through this thread, I think it's time to lay down a little love. People keep talking about crashes but so far (for me) the game is more stable then it's ever been. I've had no problems with menus not opening, and the kraken seems to be sleeping soundly, graphics seem better also, though that could be my imagination. As for the DLC, I'll admit, for the money paid for it, the content is a little thin on the ground but the quality is first rate! Service modules! (Once I figured how to de-shroud them) Engine plates: no more of the small structural girders (lower part count is always welcome on console) tho some way of restricting cross flow would be handy Structural tubes: where have you been all my life? Great for protecting delicate parts but with greater stability then a fairing. Now there's bound to be a few bugs but I'm sure we can work together on that.(squad don't let me down on this!) If there's one thing I'd critique, it's that some of the historical engines are a bit over powered, not necessarily in thrust, but efficiency, I mean I managed to get a large interplanetary ship into orbit with one stage!
  17. KSP with update and DLC. After playing for a couple of hours, I watched as a discarded M.E.M impacted on mun, I then returned to space center and then immediately entered tracking station at which point the game crashed back to home screen. This has only happened once so far, but I thought I'd mention it here
  18. I have finally had some time with the new update /DLC, and so far it seems fairly stable. The only thing of real note is the loading time, which seems longer than before but appears constant. Obviously this is still early days and we could discover "game breaking" bugs at any time, but I'm quietly pleased thanks squad! There is one thing I have a question about (not the service modules, I figured them out) we now have Engine Mounting plates (fancy decouplers with extra shrouds) but there doesn't seem to be a way to turn off crossfeed, I don't know if that's "as intended" or not
  19. I've just had the briefest of plays with the update/DLC. Can anyone explain to me how you use the service modules? They claim to have explosive doors (not sure if that's a joke) but they don't open, how do you put stuff in them?
  20. Trouble is KSP is a processor heavy game due to the physics model (I assume) so I suspect squad/blitworks have to think long and hard about any feature they want to add to Enhanced edition. The altimeter, though useful, isn't essential imo, as there are ways to judge distance to the ground, like shadows or lights (not perfect, but workable) of course, if they ever introduce weather we will be screwed! Im really looking forward to putting this update/DLC through its paces, I've already bought the DLC and set it to download but unfortunately won't get home to play it till tonight or possibly even tomorrow
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