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Broke dead dogg

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Everything posted by Broke dead dogg

  1. Imagine the Euphoria when it finally arrives
  2. Well, I guess you'll never be disappointed lol
  3. Thanks for this ^^^ This is what I (and I assume everyone) wants, I know this has probably been available for a while but it's never been made terribly clear if we were going to get a full 1.2 version. With this in mind I would like to ask, with no dates involved, no guarantees, subject to change etc. Etc. Will we be getting (apart from the modability section) all that is listed in this change log? Or, will some be left out due to hardware restrictions or other problems associated with Microsoft/Sony? The reason I ask is because the debug menu with its "cheat"options would be a welcome tool for testing craft prior to launching a mission and also renaming kerbal would be a small but welcome indulgence I have noticed that there is a lot of anger on this thread and I'd like to say to Squad and the moderator's that before you get too impatient with us, that the anger we manifest comes from a great love of a game that, for quite a long time, we've been unable to play to any extent. If we didn't care, we wouldn't get angry.im sure There have been several broken games in the past, that have barely produced a murmur. I hope you will realise, that when we (eventually) get a decent, working version, that we the console players, are actually an amiable bunch with a great community. ☮️
  4. Please supply links since a search of 1.1 to 1.2.2 change logs or any combination of those words gives no results.
  5. Sorry,. Obviously I wasn't clear. This is on the xbox While I'm in control of the kerbal, I stand next to the used chute, I then try to select the chute using the cursor and B button to open the dialogue box, but the box doesn't appear. I've tried resetting and reloading the game and nothing
  6. I've kinda given up on the career mode whilst I await the blitworks re-release, but I've been playing a bit on sandbox designing and testing craft. I was testing a Duna lander and I can't seem to get the engineer to re-pack the chutes,even when he's standing nearly on top of them, is this another FTE bug or am I doing something wrong?
  7. I'm trying to design a refuel station for minor orbit and I'm trying to decide where to have the refinery, on the station or on the lander? and of course it comes down to mass. So I'm trying to figure out which is more efficient to get from the munar surface, into orbit. Ore or liquid fuel I haven't been able to find any details about the weight of a unit of ore/fuel so any help would be appreciated
  8. Can I just ask, with complete sincerity, does this ^ post make sense to anyone else? Or am I having some kind of aneurysm?! It reads to me, like #winkallkerb is using some 3rd rate translation program and it hasn't quite hit the mark. Or am I just getting old?
  9. I'm not entirely sure how to take this post. Are you a console player who's finally had enough? Or are you a pc player who's sick if our "whining"? Besides, erasing something like the console version of Ksp from history would have..... consequences! For instance, wiping it from our hard drives would not be sufficient. You would also have to erase all the transactions for said game, refunding all the console players could have a detrimental effect upon squad as a whole. Why not just settle for the erasure of FTE? I don't think you'll have many objections
  10. Oh... I hadn't realised that. I expect there will be some conspiracy theorists with something to say about that! At least squad and (wince)fte are not taking good money after bad
  11. I'm also on Xbox one, and recently my saves have been safe, although i do tend to have to reload only from the KSC otherwise it loads the wrong save. No, my problems focus on functionality, such as: patch conics failure, B button functions failure (right mouse for the pc crowd) so I'm unable to highlight modules to transfer fuel around or do science experiments, and complete shut downs of the pause menu functions, so i cant quicksaves, load or return to the KSC not to mention the inability to switch between ships using LS + left/right dpad regardless of how close the ships are together. Now i will admit these aren't as bad as the Ps4 constantly losing saves and therefore never making any progress but it's still caused me to turn off the game in frustration. However, i still hope that squad/blitworks will take there time and make sure the new version is absolutely as good and stable as it could possibly be before releasing it to us because nothing could possibly kill the console version as much as having a highly anticipated patch/expansion crashing within moments of release. I just wish (as many of us do) communication was better.
  12. I'm sure i read somewhere that this will be the case, though i cant find it now That's assuming its ported to the scorpio
  13. Wow! , you almost quoted verbatim the console content of ksp weekly this week! I suspect the only console players to receive a refund complained within a few days of purchasing the game, and if we had all done that, the game might have been dropped completely But after reading though many of the justifiably salty comments on this thread, I'd say the biggest (initial) mistake squad/FTE made was releasing the game as finished product. Look at elite dangerous (it's the only one i know anything about). That game was initially released on the xbone game preview programme (ggp) at a reduced price of £21.99 with the warning that it was a game in development and may or may not change in the future, and that you purchased at your own risk. Initially the game was buggy as hell, constantly freezing and buzz crashing and features being unavailable, but the majority of player excepted it and waited patiently and they were rewarded for their patients eventually. Squad/blitworks could learn a lot from frontiers example of how to deal with us console players
  14. As a console player Reading your comments i feel your pain as I've spent many an hour in raging frustration at the cancerous tuner that is the flying tiger port, however this thread is referring to a dlc expansion that i assume will (if it comes to console at all) be paid for, not to be confused with the upcoming blitworks update that will hopefully fix the game for us, that has already been stated as free As the comment quoted above clearly shows, yingyang was referring to the console version which wasn't available to us until last year, and insinuates that we possibly deserve some form of compensation. Personally I'd just be happy with a stable game that doesn't crash at random intervals. Once that's achieved I'll be happy to pay for an expansion as long as the content could justify the expense
  15. I've just been reading through a few pages and have now skipped to the end as it seemed to be a lot of people repeating each other along with subtle digs at one another, so i apologize if this has already been asked I am one of the many awaiting the blitworks reworking of the console version, is there plans in place to make this dlc available to us at some point in the future? I understand that it's a bit more complicated having to deal with the respective market places as well as the mission sharing so I'd understand if the answer was no, although it would be disappointing. As to certain comments about how many of the features are available for free with mods, this isn't an issue with us, as is(i suspect) the paid dlc concept as we're all just happy to be here
  16. My suggestions are fairly simple compared to a lot of you guys. Expanding landing platforms for ground bases with fuel transfer options. Wind turbines for atmospheric bases Programerble prob cores for staged parts, this is so you could fit srb's or staged fuel tanks with air brakes and chutes that activate at set intervals for recovery later
  17. Hello fellow kerbalnauts! I'm currently playing on Xbox in career mode and have landed a science lab on minimus, it's been there a while now and I've havested the first batch of science but now the science counter is reading -106.094 (that's negative, as in less than zero) the data counter is healthy sitting at around 625 of 700, I must admit that it's a bit underpowered but it seemed to work just fine to start with. The counter is now counting up to zero but in the 2 years it's been up there I've only managed the one batch of science. Have I missed something or is this a bug?
  18. So fiscal year it is then
  19. Strangely, at the moment, (touch wood, rub the rabbit's foot, kiss the blarney stone) it running alright for me, aside from having to reload saves only from the space center (otherwise it loads an old save) it's behaving itself. I've managed to reach Duna with a probe (a rare achievement on Xbox I'm told), So I'm waiting for a catastrophic failure soon You would think they would put that snippet of information on the thread labeled "development update for consoles!"......... Wouldn't you?
  20. I agree with this statement to a point but I do believe that developers as a whole need to learn how to communicate with Thier players. All many of us ask is regular updates, maybe some info on whats holding them up or something they've got working and also some info on whether they're on schedule or behind, even if they don't tell what that schedule is
  21. It strikes me that all your problems are small fry! I've got: patch conics that don't work, quicksaves that only seem to work at the space center, part context menus that work sporadic at best and just recently it's began to freeze out certain options in the pause menu such as space center, recover vehicle save and load. The space center and recover at the drop down window also stops working and usually just after you've made an inch of progress such as tonight where I managed my 1st flyby in career fluffing the return so I had to spend 30+mins performing an aerobrakeing manoeuvre over 20 or more orbits, finally I get down in 1 piece only to be froze out and having to restart GAAAARRRRR!!!! I neeeeeeddddd this patch to work!
  22. C'mon guys get a move on, I'm almost literally banging my head against a wall with all the ft glitches...... Gargh!
  23. I've been thinking for a bit and I've started wondering, will this be a new port (from scratch) by blitworks or will it be Thier attempt to patch flying Tigers abomination?
  24. Having read through the entire thread, it seems to me the greatest avertion to ksp2 is the notion of having to pay for it. Unfortunately, in real life, game devs need income to continue to work and they cannot rely on new players indefinitely. Imho I believe an approach similar to frontiers Elite Dangerous would be better, so that every so often new content would be released as a new paid season, these could include new systems to explore, new mission types perhaps even a new race to be in competition with. There is also much more scope for surface based activities This approach would also give sqaud opportunities to upgrade/overhaul the existing engine and provide much needed revenue. I know there are mods out there that can provide similar features, however I believe that a purpose built expansion by the devs would ultimately be better, more in depth, and more stable than any free mod.
  25. I am looking forward to the commnet feature, as I've been watching some Scott Manley vids, which look fun plus the wheels will be welcome as I've had tyres blow just from placing them on the runway!
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