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Everything posted by beomagi

  1. My latest try at a high dv shuttle: over 4800 dv in LKO https://imgur.com/gallery/4LwaAdO Slow but steady. Takeoff is best described as "gentle". 4924kv in LKO For all I ask is a tall ship, and a star to sail her by. Ship holds position quite well for bleeding off speed. Landing is similarly as gentle as takeoff. And we're back - with more than half our fuel.
  2. Is there a way to reduce the opacity of the cloud layer? It's hard to see land, to know where say, the KSC is. Also, map view seems to ignore increased ambient brightness, leaving the dark side of a planet completely dark. Any way to increase that? Ambient increase works in standard view. Edit: I was able to reduce the cloud layer and see land by opening kerbin1.dds in paint.net and making the layer more transparent. Now to raise ambient light in map view...
  3. You are gods among men! Thanks! Now I feel derpy...
  4. Is there a way to get stuff straight/orthogonal relative to the VAB instead of the part it's connecting to?
  5. Don't mean to spam, but here's a second take on it. https://imgur.com/a/gfZqA Now this is pod racing... Made the altitude. This is pretty much a flying carpet. Under 3 tons with the module used to get Jeb to board. Without the module and docking port, the craft is under 2 tons.
  6. Here's my attempt. Take off at under 40m/s, so i probably don't need the air brakes. Only mods in use are KER, Precise Node and Ambient Lighting. https://imgur.com/a/COxoo Edit: gave up trying to post an album... High enough Jeb.
  7. Thanks guys still working on my tech tree - I've yet to unlock rcs, docking clamps, medium landing gear and greater and whatever it is that makes kerbal's jetpacks fly...
  8. Hi. I'm relatively new. I started a few weeks ago, and have been playing the career mode. I just got a working space plane after quite a few... unreliable attempts. Here's a successful orbit and reentry http://imgur.com/a/sp9fA I've a lot more parts to unlock so, eventually I'll get to the other planets. The mods look interesting but I can't seem to figure out some of them. Kerbal Engineer works for me, just dropping it in the .\Kerbal Space Program\GameData folder, but some of the other mods like Ambient light or toolbar don't seem to work. I'm running the GoG.com version of KSP, not the Steam version - so I'm not sure if that changes anything. Loving the game so far. Sailing through space with every movement based on gravity is just, amazing.
  9. So here's a screenshot showing where I put the files, and what my in flight screen looks like. http://imgur.com/a/a9xy4 I put the ambient and toolbar plugins in my gamedata folder like kerbal engineer, but while kerbal engineer is showing up, and I DO get the "would you like to check for updates" dialog for ambient/toolbar - I don't see the option. I'm assuming that's really all there is to the install. I'm wondering if the GOG version of the game may have some differences. Thanks for the assistance!
  10. Thanks - I found the toolbar mod - though it's only updated to 1.12. You say it's optional? Without the toolbar mod, how can I adjust the ambient? Default doesn't look any different.
  11. Hi all. I'm pretty new to KSP. This is one of the first mods I looked for - though I did install Kerbal Engineer. Sorry for the newb question, but I don't see the toolbar - is this dependent on another mod? I didn't see install info , I just chucked folder in "G:\gog\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\" like I did with KerbalEngineer.
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