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Everything posted by Marvin2k

  1. Hey guys, I just started playing KSP last week and I am just now doing my first mun flyby and I seem to be having the same problem. I took along a scientist to reset experiments, but when he returns to the command module I can still see him floating around outside, don't see a proper UI and can't send him out again, since the hatch is obstructed (even after shaking the ghost Kerbal loose). I have never installed any mod so far and use the steam x64 version of KSP. Is there any fix for this problem so far? Regards, Marvin --edit-- I found a bugfix. If I save the game and quickload again, I can do this until the bug stops appearing. Also transferring crew to another part of the ship and back seems to increase the chances of the bug not occuring. Just need to remember to quicksave before every spacewalk...
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