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Everything posted by CairoJack

  1. Challenge accepted. This was only a test(I forgot the parachute and i didn't put the Kerbal in the External seat) Anyway I made Basic and Advanced Mode with only 4 SRB. The same rocket can also do Expert mode
  2. I have a problem with the download of the rover @MiffedStarfish Can you provide a KerbalX link? Also, can I use KSP 1.3 ?
  3. Jeb Bomber High speed bomber. With afterburners and low fuel can reach mach 2
  4. Have you upgraded the Tracking Station and the Mission Control? I think your orbit look like this:
  5. Also founds doesn't count The challenge is building the heavier cargo Minmus SSTO
  6. If my teacher saw this she would kill me !!!!
  7. @Crispynaut https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsiolkovsky_rocket_equation You can calculate the ∆v of your rocket with this formula, or you can use a readout mod (easier) Then you can subtract the ∆v requirement (5140 m/s2), take your final stage, and find with amount of fuel do you need to get the amount of ∆v you have calculate. Subtract the fuel from the total and here you go I hope you can understand, my english is not the best
  8. I didn't miss the rule The page was edited at 11:48 pm, while I replied at 4:41 pm
  9. @Skylon my craft can be controlled remotely, so my score is 2811
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